The Possession And The New Robot

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I had gotten up to use the bathroom, and Freddy wasn't sleeping next to me anymore. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush. I was peacefully brushing my teeth when all of a sudden, huge, fabric had grabbed me by my neck. I looked at whoever choked me, and it was Freddy. "Freddy! Let me go! What has gotten into you?" He looked at me and I noticed something in his eyes. His eyes were totally black. I smacked Freddy, and he dropped me. He made a weird robotic sound and woke up from his possession. He saw me on the floor, and said, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I hurt you!" I looked up at him with anger. "What was that for?!" He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "I was possessed" 

My anger turned to sadness.  I gasped and almost cried. I hugged him and said, "How do you get possessed?" Freddy didn't say anything. I ask him again, and he still doesn't answer. I look up at him, and his eyes are black again. I try to run away, but his arms strongly held on to me from the hug. "There's no escape" He had said in a weird voice that wasn't his. He teleported to a weird building. In front of him was an adult version of Plushtrap. "Who in the world are you?" I ask in confusion, not fear. "I am Springtrap. You will be here for a long time." I look at him with disgust and disappointment. Freddy throws me across the room. I land on my back and Springtrap picks me up and says, "What a cute child you are!" I slap him and he gets mad. "Cute, but ignorant" He puts me in the office and puts me in a chair and leaves. "I have to find a way out"

I realized I had headphones, so I listened to music. I listened to the song 'A Child Like You'. I walked around the place and saw Springtrap talking to someone. I had listened to the conversation. "So, what are planning to do with the child, Springtrap?" A weird puppet said to Springtrap. "I just wanted a human friend. I want to play games and hang out with her. I never actually had a real friend. No offense." The Puppet hugged Springtrap and consoled him.

I went back to the office and sat in a chair. I grabbed a tablet and it had cameras showing the place. I saw Springtrap just sitting on the floor crying. I ran out of the office and walked up to him. "Hey, are you okay?" Springtrap looked at me shocked. "U-uh y-yes" I looked at him with the best smile. "Hey, do you want to play a game?" He perked up. "Sure. What game?" I said, "Cops & Robbers. Or in this case Robots & Guards" He smiled and stood up. "I'll be the cop."

I nodded and said, "Come and get me!" I ran as fast as I could away from Springtrap. I ran to the office and hid under the desk. He walked past me, and I managed to sneak behind him. Or so I thought. As soon as I flew past him, he turned around and grabbed me by my waist. "Gotcha!" We both laughed and he set me down. I had realized that it was already 5 in the morning. "Hey, do you mind if you can take me back to my house?" His smile faded. "No not at all! But will you visit me?" I look at him in the face and say, "Of course I will"

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