The Rejection and Suspension

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(I edited the entire story and a new character is introduced!! I changed up somethings to make it less confusing, but if it still is, please tell me!)

I had told him I wanted to tell him something, so I told him to meet me in the back of the lunchroom at lunch. When the time came around, we had gone to the back of the lunchroom and said to him, "David, I've known you for a while, and I have grown to like you. Do you like me back?" He had looked at me with disappointment and replied grimly, "I'm sorry Harmony. But I don't like you back. I like Jessica. I'm sorry." He just walked away. My heart was broken. Shattered into a million pieces. 

My sadness had turned to anger quickly. I had walked back to the lunch table and grabbed my lunch box. I walked furiously to Jessica Ryan, who just stared at me. "What do you want Church Girl? Hoping you can get a spot on our table? Think again!" I glare at Jessica with a fire in my eyes. "No...THIS!" I smashed the lunchbox into Jessicas face, injuring her badly, since it was a metal lunch box. Jessica's friends gasped at this action, and one of them went to tell a teacher. A teacher came over and pulled me all the way to the office. 

"This young lady hit another student with her lunch carrier." the teacher said. Lunch carrier? What are you? Stupid? It's obviously called a lunch box. The principal had started talking to me, so I paid attention and snapped out of the zone. He had yelled at me the whole fricken time, not changing his tone, unless it was louder. When I was done, I had gotten a 4-week suspension. I had gone home for the day. I was still mad at Jessica, so I knew someday, I would get my revenge.

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