One Accident After Another

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Harmony's POV

I had woken up and gone to the kitchen to eat and make Amy breakfast. I had made some toast for us, and in the process of eating, Freddy crept up behind me and scared the crap out of me. I had swallowed my food wrong and started choking. I grabbed Freddy by his bow and pulled him down to my level, and pointed to my throat. His eyes got as small as beads. He picked me up and punched my stomach. I nearly threw up my whole stomach and coughed up blood on Freddy. I opened my eyes and it looked like Freddy killed someone. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He looked at me again, and he smiled. "It's alright" He put me down and I walked to the laundry room and grabbed some towels. I went back to Freddy, who was just standing there, patiently. "Here, I have the towels! Let me clean you up!" I started cleaning the blood off, then I hear a scream come from the other room. It sounded like Amy. I finish cleaning Freddy, and I run into the other room. I see Amy crying, so I walk up to her. "Hey, are you okay?" Shelooks up at me, tears in her eyes. She sees me as a hero. She gets up and hugs me tight. "I'm scared, Harmony. Help me!" I give her a questioning look and say, "What are you afraid of Amy?" She points to the other end of the room, and I see a dark room on the other side. 

I start walking towards the room, her holding on to my arm as we walk into the room. It was a small room, with four doorways, and a chair with a small animatronic. "Hey, I don't think I've met you before!" I walked up to the small robot, and it got up from on the chair. He stood on the chair, staring at me cluelessly. I say, "Hi! I'm Harmony, a friend of Freddys!" I put my hand out, and the robot just stared. It eventually moved, but when it did, it bit me in the hand. I scream in pain. 

I hear huge robotic thumps from the hallway. I knew it was Freddy. He rushed in to see my hand bleeding from the bite. "Plushtrap! Why would you bite this poor girl?" The small bunny replied, "Oops, I thought she was going to hurt me!" I looked at him like he just farted. "I introduced myself to you and put out my hand. I was not trying to hurt you." Freddy crossed his arms and said, "Plushtrap, you apologize to Harmony!" The small bunny got off of the chair, onto the floor, where I was sitting. He gave me a hug and apologized. 

I forgave him, and walked out of the room, to the laundry room, and opened a cabinet. There were bandages, medicine, and needles. I didn't notice that Freddy, Plushtrap and Amy were watching me. I took the needles and Freddy took a few steps towards me and said, "Be careful with that! You might get hur--" I stabbed the needle into my injured hand and Freddy ran up to me and said, "What are you doing, Harmony?" He held my hands and said, "Please don't kill yourself!" in a sorry tone. I told him, "It's ok! I'm not going to kill myself. I'm trying to numb my hand so I don't feel the pain when I wrap it!"

He nods and steps backward and watches me wrap my hand. I give him a huge smile and a thumbs up with my good hand. He smiles back and gives a thumbs up back. I walk into my room and close the doors. I hear Amy close her door, indicating shes either drawing, or going to bed. I start playing soft music. I fall asleep and Freddy walks in. I hear his metallic circuits running as he gets closer. He lays against the bed from the floor. "Goodnight, Harmony." I hear him say. I turn over and my hand lands on his shoulder. He grabs it and falls asleep.

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