chapter thirty-three: LAST CHAPTER

Start from the beginning

"so.. Do you want me to come..?"he asked me, to which i just rose my eyebrows.
"i mean.. would you be comfortable.. S-staying alone with m-me?"he said and that made my stomach churn. He was thinking about me. still.. Whether i would be comfortable or not.

I nodded and he hopped out of his bike and we both were walking towards the main door. I opened the door and entered inside i heard Jackson behind me come in and lock the door which gave me goosbums. I threw my bag on the couch and entered the kitchen to see if there's something to eat. I found uncle mac's note on the kitchen table.

Me and Emily are catching up so we'd be late. Food is in the refrigerator, heat it up and eat.

And let me clear one thing i am a freak when it comes to kitchen. And heating really isn't my thing. Jackson came and read the note.

"hungry?" he asked i nodded. He smirked. And boy this is the first time i saw his smirk since the time i told him to back off when he hugged me. I didn't knew i missed his smirk so much..

He started taking out the food and heating it. When he was done he picked up two plates and poured the contents on the plates. He passed me the plate and i accepted it gladly.

He started eating the food, but i don't know why i just couldn't bring myself up to eat.

"what happen. Why aren't you eating?" he asked me looking confused.

"am sorry" i said to him. And i don't know why but i had tears streaming down my face.
He came around me and sat beside me.

"Emma are you ok?"he asked me. Concern lacing his voice. I cried harder. He is calling me by my name now. Is this supposed to mean that i shouldn't keep any feeling for him?
I shook my head. I just hugged him tightly. He was taken aback by my sudden gesture but eventually hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while and when we pulled apart his eyes were glistening with worry, Happiness, Concern.

"am sorry emma. All this happened to you is because of me" he said suddenly. I looked at him confused. I shook my head.

"you had nothing to do with this Jackson. I knew all this had to come" i said. He gave a confused look, but gave me a side hug. And we stayed like that. He didn't pushed me into telling everything. But i had to tell him the truth. Its like i owed it to him
So i started.

"My mom and my STEP FATHER WARREN MENDO were in love with each other since they were kids. When they grew up they decided to get married. But my mom wanted to become a fashion designer and my STEP dad had business to look after. After few years when both were successful with their aim's they got married. But my STEP father had enemies. and one day a guy in particular kidnapped my mom and physically abused her and left her lying there for God knows how many days.
And then when my STEP FATHER found her he took good care of her. And everything went well. But my mother started having morning sickness. When she talked to doctor about it. It turned out that my mother was pregnant. When my STEP FATHER got to know about it he left her. Without any shelter, food, money. He left her right there in the hospital. Alone. My mom didn't knew what to do so she called up uncle mac and he took her to his place. I was there till i was four or five i guess. But eventually my mom and i left the place. We were living a happy but one day HE came to our doorstep and asked for forgiveness from my mom amd then eventually she accepted him. He told me that he accepted me as his daughter, and we were one small happy family.
One day when i was done with my homework. I went out for a walk. My age was probably 12 at that time. While i was walking i could feel something or more like someone following me and then suddenly someone put a black cloth around my head and i couldn't see who it is. And i woke up with a hard slap on my face. When i opened my eyes to see who it is.... " i sighed.. I will not be able to finish this without having a mental breakdown. But i have to tell him this. He deserves it.
He showed no emotions. His face was blank and that made me more nervous and anxiety was filling inside me like the water in a tank.

"i saw the last thing on my mind to see. I saw my Step father standing before me, with that evil smirk. And as of me. I was sitting on a chair loosely tied to a rope I asked him why did he do this he just replied telling that he couldn't get my mom. So he's come back to get me. Take what he couldn't take from my mom. I screamed for help. But all i could here was his evil laugh. I don't really remember much but i just heard someone talking and that made me scream for help not long before he pointed his gun towards me telling me to shut my mouth. Soon he went out and i was left alone. I quickly tried removing the ropes that were loosely tied and suddenly i heard him scream a name .........." after a long pause i said "JUSTIN and tell him something " and he looked at me with an angry look that soon changed into the look of guilt and many more emotions.
"i just ran from there. Ran as fast as my legs took me. I went to ian's house and called my mom from there and then told her everything and from then on we are running city to city, town to town. Since last two years i didn't receive any text. And my mom wanted sometime to herself so she went for some business trip she had and i came here. But Here again i received texts but i didn't tell it to anyone accept mas."

"But why" this is the first time he opened his mouth.

"because... I don't know.. I just had enough of running away. I liked it here..and if i had told it to my mom then we'd just had to continue running" i said and looke into his eyes. He gave away no emotion.
Silence fell around us. And this silence was do deafening and it made me so uncomfortable.
He isn't talking nor he is looking my way.

Is this all? Is he going to go away from me? Will i be able to live without him?

I never in my wildest dreams did think that I'd get so attached to him. Will i be able to move on and find someone else?
That thought made me tear up. I started crying hysterically.

"Emma...? Why are you crying?" i shook my head. I couldn't reply coz my sobs didn't let me they were continues. I was on the edge. Suddenly he hugged me tight and i did not waste a second to hug him back.

"am sorry. This is a-all m-my fau-fault. But i-i
lo-love you"i said in between my sobs.
He chuckled. I was on the edge of breaking down for a hundredth time. And this mister right beside me is chuckling like i just cracked a joke.
I untangled myself from him and glared at him.

"whaat?" he said smirking.
"i hate you" i said him.

"oh i love you too Emma" he said. That made my stomach flutter with happiness.
"stop calling me by my name"i said him irritated.
"so what do you prefer me calling you" he asked me. He clearly knows what i want him to call me.

I just turned my head opposite to his in an angry guesture.

"ok. Am sorry angelface"he said when i turned my head to see him instead i felt his lips on mine. My eyes widened in surprise. But i kissed him back. His kiss was soft, he kissed me passionately and i returned it with the same passion.

"i love you angelface" he said
"i love you too jerkface" i said

"are you angry on me?" i asked him after a while.
"no. It's just too much to take in. But that's fine. I got you back. And that's all i want" he said and kissed my cheek.

My life has been a roller coaster and now I am a woman in love with a handsome jerk right by my side holding my hand and I cannot think of my life any better.


Hey peeps!... So this was the last chapter. I hope it was satisfying.
Am gonna miss jackson and emma a hell lot.

If there is any confusion. Or Any part which you didn't understand just inbox me.

I hope the story didn't bore you and hope it was interesting.
I want a comment on what you think about this novel.
And what do you want to read in epilogue.
I'd appreciate if you guys share this story to your friends and loved ones. Coz it really means a lot.
It motivates me.

And this was my first book. And i really hope and pray that there will be many more.

And lastly. Sorry if it wasn't that cliché.

Comments are mandatory!

Bye! 👋


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