The Edge Of Tonight

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Our front yard was covered by every news channel from TMZ to AltPress. "Fuck, now what do we do? We're basically stuck here,"I said, panicked. What if Ryleigh needed a doctor again? "You need to call Zack, now,"he said. I nodded and pulled my phone out. "Hey, Zack, we have a major problem,"I said. I listened to him speak. "You already know?"I asked after his reply and promise he was on the way I turned to the others. "He's coming,"I said.

All we could do was wait. We were sitting ducks. I bet her mother even sent them. Ryleigh was still asleep. Zack finally managed to get around after he jumped the fence and came in the back door.

"Brendon, I hate to break it to you but you have bigger fish to fry than just the news,"he said. "What could possibly be bigger than my front lawn being overcrowded with press?"I asked. "Her mother is outside,"Zack said then grabbed his phone and showed me a live stream outside of our house.

"Is there anything you want to say to Ryleigh?"a newscaster asked. "I just want her to know I love her and missed her so much. I'll get her out of the situation she's in just like she always wanted. Who knows what they're doing to her in there?"her mother said with a gesture towards our house. Oh hell no! I whirled around and went to the door. "Brendon, no! Please think this through,"Sarah said as they all followed me. She pulled on my arm to pull me to a stop. "I have and I'm not going to let her keep bashing us and Ryleigh. This has gone on long enough. It's the whole reason that happened,"I said and raised my arm in the direction of Ryleigh. "She's just trying to get something on you so she can win the case,"Pete said. I turned around and wrenched the door open, letting in bright sunlight.

I squinted against the brightness as my eyes adjusted. The front lawn was oddly silent now. Dozens of pairs of eyes were watching me. "Uh,"I said. All words that were in my mind left when the anxiety flooded me. "You need to get the hell away until the trial!"Pete finally said with a finger pointing at her mother. Her mother smirked, getting what she wanted after all.

"But I just want to see my daughter. She even said it herself, she's been waiting for me to rescue her for years,"she said innocently and calmly. Her face displayed nothing. This was being televised everywhere without a doubt. "Bullshit! You don't even know how much damage you caused on that poor girl! How many nightmares she had!"Pete yelled, suddenly furious.

They continued arguing back and forth. "STOP!"Another voice shouted and suddenly I was being shoved aside. "Stop arguing!"she said firmly and all eyes were suddenly on Ryleigh. You could see the tears in hers. Pete came back and stood behind us. "You aren't my mother! You lost that right a hell of a long time ago!"Ryleigh said furiously with an accusatory stare and finger pointing at her mother. Her mother had paled. This wasn't in her plan.

"Oh, Ryleigh, baby! We'll be going home soon. As soon as the trial is over, you'll love your room. We left everything where you wanted it,"her mother said, trying to turn this around. "NO!"Ryleigh screamed. "I'm not going anywhere with you! My family and life is here. You let him rape me!"she yelled. The newscasters gasped but continued filming. This was golden for them after all. Her mother came closer.

"You think I don't know what's going on?"her mother whispered in her ear. "I know who's sending the notes. You're in danger and, if you don't come with me, I think you know what's going to happen,"her mother spat without knowing I heard. This was directed at Ryleigh and I instantly wondered what in the hell they were talking about. "You need to leave!"I said. "I'll be back. Trial's in a few days,"she said and stalked across the street to her car. She pulled away and then the news crew started in on us. We quickly hurried back inside.

Sarah sat with Ryleigh while I started dinner. She braided her hair while Pete and Gerard turned the TV on. I have a feeling a lot of damage was done today and I wasn't sure we could fix it. Pete was really quiet now and that also worried me. The news came on. I was just sliding the pizza into the oven when the news came on. I slammed the door closed and hurried through to the living room.

Sure enough, the clip from earlier was being replayed. "It's hard to tell what course this is going to take but it's obviously a clear disaster. Pete Wentz was completely out of line!"the news woman said to the man beside her. "They'd be better off letting neither win. I mean, with all of this today, there's obviously a question in the girls upbringing,"he said and a photo of Ryleigh was brought up. Ryleigh's phone dinged and she instantly pulled it out. Pete was looking at his also as he tried to get control of the dire situation we were in right now.

Things we out of control. I knew she was low but I never thought she would stoop this low. I couldn't handle hearing the horrible things they were saying. Suddenly, my phone dinged.

Zachary Merrick: Hey...are you Okay?

"Zack?"I thought in my head. Pete was on his phone. I took this as a chance to head upstairs.

Ryleigh Urie: Hey. Yeah, I'm doing okay.

Suddenly, I remembered the voicemail I left on his phone and realized it was no wonder he was worried.

Ryleigh Urie: I'm so sorry about the other day. Things were hard and it was just a shitty situation. I'm going to be okay, though. I'll get through it.

Zachary Merrick: It's cool. Ryleigh, anytime you need me call me. I'm sorry I was too much of a dick to be there when you needed me. I regret that. When I got that voicemail....god I didn't even want to face that possibility.

Ryleigh Urie: okay but it's all good.

Zachary Merrick: Listen to this later okay. I wrote it for you and we all agreed to record a demo and send it.

Ryleigh Urie read at 5:06 PM

I was curious about what he sent so I listened to it. When I heard the music, tears welled in my eyes. I knew then I had to try to move on, no matter how much I still loved Zack. We were both better off that way. I was so toxic to him.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora