Surrender The Night

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I sat there for a long time. If he died, I wouldn't ever forgive myself. "Alex!"Brendon yelled. I glanced up with bloodshot eyes. I haven't heard anything since they brought him in and I've done a lot of crying. He pulled me into a tight hug and I started to cry again. "Shh! It's okay,"he said over and over. "What if he dies?"I whisper. "He won't,"he reassured me. I continued crying for a few more minutes before I calmed down.

"Merrick?"a nurse called out. I stood and then we were both at her side. "I'm sure you have many questions so I'll answer what I can. Mr. Merrick went into cardiac arrest after he blacked out. We aren't sure if this was attempted suicide. Psych is going in for an evaluation when he wakes up. He had to have his stomach pumped. There was what could have been several doses of an unknown medication and enough alcohol in his system for alcohol poisoning. We stitched up his hand. He split his knuckles open somehow. He's very lucky to be alive,"she said. I sighed. "When can we see him?"I asked. "Now if you'd like,"she said. I nodded and she led us down the hall. "You gonna be okay?"Brendon asked. I nodded. He squeezed my shoulder and turned away to go a couple of doors down. Sarah was in there. Ryleigh was down a couple more.

I felt so tired. I heard sniffling at my side and knew I should try to wake up. It was now or never. I forced my eyes open and groaned at the brightness of the room. I blinked to clear my eyes. Shit, I'm in the hospital. What the hell happened? Was it all a dream? Alex looked up at me and pulled me into a tight hug.

There was an oxygen tube in my nose. "What the hell were you thinking?"Alex mumbled into my shoulder. I tried to think back. Things were a little blurry. "I don't know. What happened? Why am I in here?"I asked tiredly. "You're such a fucking idiot!"Alex said. "You went into cardiac arrest. You're really damn lucky we found you or you would be dead right now,"he said. I died? "You had to have your stomach pumped. You had several doses of an unknown medication in your system and enough alcohol for alcohol poisoning,"he said.

I looked away. I looked down and saw my hand was wrapped up. "What about my hand?"I asked. "Stitches. How'd you split your knuckles?"he asked. "I lost it after I saw her laying there so helpless. I didn't want to see her waste away. I punched the wall and I took the bottle of pills from someone. I wanted to forget. I didn't try to kill myself,"I said. He sighed. "I actually believe you. It's hard to see her like that. She's doing better. The doctors said she'll be waking up in about a week,"he said. A tear slipped down my cheek.

One week later....

Ryleigh should be waking up today. I was hoping it wouldn't be like before. Nobody is sure because she did hit her head hard. They did some more scans while she was out and it showed three spinal fractures. Zack was released. He hasn't actually left the hospital asides from the hotel across the street where everyone was staying. He doesn't come in here alone. Not anymore. It was one of the only ways we could convince psych that he would be okay.

I was sitting at her side as I have been all day. Sarah was at the hotel to shower then she would be back. She was released two days ago. I often gave Zack and the All Time Low guys their alone time and went to be with my wife. It was the same for everyone else crowded into the waiting room. Sarah was still on crutches. Her surgery on her ACL was only a week ago.

A gasp pulled me out of my thoughts. "Ryleigh, honey, can you hear me?"I asked gently while I squeezed her hand. I leaned up to kiss her forehead. She let out a soft and quiet moan of discomfort. "Take your time, babygirl,"I said and sat back. I saw her eyes open. They were clear, no confusion was in them unlike the last time we faced a similar situation. "Don't talk, yet,"I said. I pressed the nurse call button and waited for Olivia to come in. It was her shift and she's been on Ryleigh's case since day one.

Sure enough Olivia entered followed by Doctor Anderson. I'd only really talked to the guy that one time. He came in to check her chart but that's it. "She's awake?"Olivia asked. "Yeah,"I breathed. She nodded and she went to Ryleigh's other side. "Ryleigh, we're gonna remove the breathing tube now, okay? You might feel a little discomfort,"Olivia said. Doctor Anderson hooked up a different type of breathing tube and strung it into her nose. It wasn't on, yet.

"If you wanna hold her hand, that would be great,"Olivia said as they got to work on pulling the one out of her mouth. He was quick to turn the other one on. He checked out her pupils and scribbled something down before he left. He was a man of little words I'd learned. Olivia grabbed her a cup of water and sat it on the bed table she rolled over. "Here's some water if you want it. Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything else,"she said. I nodded and she left. 

"How're you feeling, Leigh?"I asked softly. She shrugged, obviously a little groggy still. "Do you want me to let you rest or call anyone?"I asked. "Zack,"she croaked out. I nodded and pulled my phone out. "You wanna talk to him or do you want me to?"I asked. "You can,"she said and went to take a sip of water.

I haven't been left alone since the incident. At times I wished I could be, but I still love these idiots. I was sick of Home Alone. We were watching it for the fourth time upon Jack's insistence. My phone started ringing. We all looked at it. It was on the table between the beds. We all booked rooms with double beds so there were four people per room.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Answer it!"Alex said as Rian paused the movie. I glanced at it and it was Brendon. "Hello?"I answered.

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