Cinderblock Garden

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I quietly closed the door to the music area and made my way to the front of the bus. They were having a heated discussion but I couldn't quite make out what was being said. "Hey, Dad?"I asked softly. "Yeah, what's up?"He asked and turned to look at me. He could see the anxiety flooding my features.

His face instantly turned to worry. "Can I, uh, talk to you for a second?"I asked. "What's wrong? You can tell me anything,"he said. I walked on shaky legs to sit on the couch across from him. Even with the braces, walking was a struggle. "I just...please don't hate me,"I begged with tears welling in my eyes. I had to do this. "I won't, baby, I could never hate you,"he assured me. "I was raped,"I whispered. "Oh, honey,"he said and pulled me into a hug. I started crying into his chest. Every single time stuck out in my memory. It was hell reliving it all over again.

"I want to give you these,"I said as I pulled away and wiped a few more tears off my cheeks. I placed all but one razor in his hands. "While you were in the hospital, I relapsed. After she took me, the memories of it kept coming at me. It was like reliving it all over again, every single time,"I said. He just looked at me. Tears began falling down my face again. "I'm so sorry, if you want to send me back or away I understand. No one needs this in their life. I just needed to let you know,"I said and started to cry into my hands. I was pulled into another soft hug from Dad. "It's okay, you're okay. We'll get through this. I understand. You aren't going anywhere,"Dad said which only made me cry harder.

When I was calm, Josh instantly pulled me into a tight hug. "Thanks, Jishwa,"I said. "You're welcome. We don't think of you any different. You're the same badass, tough Ryleigh we've always known,"he said which caused me to laugh. "Food anyone?"I asked. This caused them to laugh. Josh went out to the stove. "Frozen pizza rolls?"he yelled. "Sure,"I yelled. "Why are you yelling? Quiet down,"Dallon yelled from the bunk area. While Josh fixed the food, I pulled my phone out.

Ryleigh Urie: You were right.

Alex Gaskarth: always am ;)

Ryleigh Urie: thanks, Lex xoxo

Alex Gaskarth: It was nothing, smol bean xo


We arrived at the venue about an hour later than planned. Everyone immediately rushed off the buses to a shortened sound check. I assured Dad I would be fine. After all, I wanted to change clothes. I dug around in my bag and found my black performance dress and combat boots. I would love to perform tonight, but I needed to get rid of these braces first.

Suddenly, I got the idea that I should try to walk on my own. It's been months and my legs are definitely stronger. I sat down on the lounge couch, made sure my phone was in my pocket, and slowly unvelcroed the braces. I pushed myself off the couch and made sure I could stand. I didn't fall over so I carefully took a wobbly step forward. Then another and another until I was walking almost normal.

I left the braces on the lounge couch and quickly slid on my black boots. I slung my bass around my shoulders. I tried to maintain my calmness and walk into the arena but I ended up running anyways. "Woah! Ryles, slow down!"Justin called after me. Dad was on stage for sound check right now. "Dad!"I yelled. They all turned to look at me. Dad had tears in his eyes. I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. "I can walk!"I shouted. He nodded his head and hugged me tightly to him.

I hugged Dallon and then Mike and Dan before I brought my bass out. They kept going while a crew member helped me get set up to run the soundcheck with them. It's been awhile since I played but it had never felt so good. After we finished, I made another quick trip out to the bus to touch up my makeup and grab my backpack with extra care to grab my phone charger.

I heard hurried and somewhat angry whispering coming from our dressing room. "You need to tell her,"Dad angrily whispered. "What if I'm not ready to tell her? She'll hate me for keeping something this big a secret,"Josh whisper heatedly in reply. "She deserves to know,"Dad insisted furious. I decided I had enough eavesdropping and entered the room. "I deserve to know what?"I questioned and raised an eyebrow at the two. Josh glared angrily at Dad.

"How much of that did you hear?"Dad asked. "That doesn't matter. What are you keeping a secret from me?"I asked impatiently. "Uh,"Josh said nervously. "You better tell her,"Dad said. "Ryleigh, you're gonna want to sit down for this,"Josh said. "Oookaaay,"I said, drawing the word out.

"Look, I need you to promise you won't be mad. I haven't known that long and I've struggled with how to mention this,"Josh said. "Just tell me,"I said exasperatedly. "Ryleigh, do you remember how you never met your half brother?"Dad asked me. Josh sent him a grateful glance. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?"I asked. "Ryleigh, I went home for awhile. I was always very curious about the sister I never met,"Josh said. "Yeah?"I asked, confused to where this was going.

"My dad was on the outs with my mom for awhile and he had a one night stand with your mom in that time frame,"Josh said and paused. "What are you trying to say?"I asked. "Ryleigh, we've been trying to find you for years. My dad only saw you once before your mother ran and changed your last name,"Josh rambled on. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm your half brother. The one you've never met,"Josh said.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя