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I couldn't stay there. I couldn't sit there and do nothing while she wastes away. I ran past the waiting room and outside. I stopped for a brief second, wondering if I was going to actually go through with this. I turned around and punched the wall hard before starting to run down the sidewalk. I didn't notice the pain or the blood from splitting my knuckles open.

I came up to a small bar. It was perfect. I entered slowly and glanced around. The place was practically empty. I pulled my hood up and took a seat at the bar. The bartender approached. "What can I do for you?"he asked. "I'll have a beer and two shots of Jack Daniels,"I said. He nodded and got to work. I took the shots then started nursing the beer. I had a feeling I would be here for awhile. "Hey there, Handsome,"a woman's voice said beside me. She ordered her drink.

I looked over at her. She was blonde, large lips coated in red lipstick, and a shirt that left her breasts mostly exposed. I stared at them for a moment. They weren't badly sized. "I'm up here,"she said and I glanced up.

I would be in so much trouble. Right now, I needed something more. A distraction. But definitely more to drink first. I downed the rest of my beer and ordered another. She slid closer so her breasts were almost touching my shoulder and her arm was against mine.

I stayed with Ryleigh for a long time. Occasionally, I would talk to her and tell her all the things we would do when she woke up. Zack ran out. I figured he just needed a minute but it's been close to an hour and he hasn't come back. In that time, I tweeted out to the fans to let them know what was going on. I planned to return to tour once we were all healed, Ryleigh included. I would refund others if needed. I decided to try to find Zack. I kissed her forehead and promised to be back.

I entered the waiting room. Zack wasn't there either. "Hey, have you seen Zack?"I asked Alex. "No. I thought he was with you and Ryleigh,"he said with wide eyes. "He was and he literally sat for a minute and bolted like he was a rocket someone lit on fire,"I said. "Shit,"he said, glancing down at his phone. "I gotta go. I'll be right back. I'm sorry,"Alex said and then he and Rian were running down the hospital corridor.

When Brendon came out and asked me where Zack was, I was instantly worried. I didn't see him leave and I had no clue where he was in this foreign city. I pulled out my phone and tracked him. He was at a bar a few blocks away. I glanced over at Rian and we both quickly took off.

Rian drove. "Where is he?"he asked. I plugged directions into my phone and we went speeding before Zack could get himself in anymore trouble.

I downed fourteen bottles of beer and eleven Jack Daniels shots. I was most definitely intoxicated. I could feel the buzz. I couldn't even think straight. Someone had offered me a bottle of pills. I don't know what they were but i remember paying for them and taking half of the bottle. The blonde, Rachel, was still next to me. She knew she was gonna get what she wanted. It wasn't for her reasoning, though. It was mine. I drank to forget and I definitely wouldn't remember what I was about to do. I had to get Ryleigh out of my head. My only release to do that would be sex. I felt awful for doing this but what other choice did I have.

I glanced over and slammed my lips onto hers. She gave into it and matched my intensity. Things were starting to heat up. Suddenly, we were stumbling back towards the bathroom with our lips on each others. I massaged her breasts which made her groan and moan. My hips were slamming into hers as she followed the movement and made me groan.

Just as sudden, I was being pulled away from her. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU ASSWIPE?"the person yelled. I faced them slowly but angrily. My cheek stung. Did they just slap me? Things were blurry. I was seeing double of everything. I couldn't focus. Things were starting to spin. I closed my eyes and opened them to face Alex.

"Alex, when did you get here?"I slurred, putting an arm around his shoulder. He shoved it off. "YOU'RE GIRLFRIEND IS IN A FUCKING COMA AND YOU'RE HERE DOING WHOEVER YOU CAN! THAT'S SO FUCKING WRONG. YOU SHOULD BE THERE WITH RYLEIGH!"he shouted. "I---"I said and then I started to fall. Everything was black.

I found Zack pressing a blonde up against a wall in the bar. I instantly pulled him off. I didn't care who saw at this point. I went off on him. I don't know what he was going to say. He passed out. Rian knelt down at his side and felt for his pulse. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!"he yelled. I'd never felt so afraid in all my life. This was my fault. I pulled my phone out and quickly relayed the info over. I already heard sirens. "Zack! Zack! Hang in there, buddy!"Rian yelled.

I froze. I didn't know what to do. Was he even alive? I should have kept a better eye on him. I'm to blame. If only I had watched. Medics were pushing their way past me. They shoved an oxygen mask onto Zack's face. They started doing chest compressions. Rian was at my side and pulling me away as they loaded him onto the stretcher and ran outside. "Let's go, Alex!"he yelled at me. I didn't respond. I barely got in the car.

Rian started the car and began to speed after the ambulance as we made our way back to the hospital. How did everything turn to shit so quickly? Zack was taken back immediately as I fell down into a waiting room chair. I pulled my knees up and buried my face in them, wishing this nightmare would be over.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now