Car Radio

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"What the hell happened?"Gerard asked as we sped after the ambulance. "She tried to OD,"I whispered. He stared straight ahead with his fingers tightly clenching the steering wheel. His knuckles and finger tips were turning white. I saw the tears falling down his face. "Why?"he barely whispered the word. "I dunno. Her mom showed up outside of our house and she's taking us back to court,"I whispered back.

He clenched his jaw tightly. We were all silent then. I knew I had calls to make but I couldn't bare it at the moment. Not until I knew she was gonna be okay. He pulled into a parking space as the ambulance slammed to a stop and they began running her in. We hurried after them. I got close to following her when a nurse pushed my shoulders back. "Sir, you can't go back there. I promise you we'll take good care of her,"she insisted. I turned and hugged Pete as my knees gave out and I cried. He held me up, supporting my weight because I couldn't anymore.

"Shh!"he whispered in my ear over and over. We all shuffled over to the waiting room to sit down while we waited. "God, I shouldn't have left her alone. I didn't know those pills were still in her bathroom. This is all my fault,"I rambled and put my face in my hands. "No, it's not! You couldn't have known,"Pete said. "I could've stopped it. Who even knows what's going to happen now? I'm such a bad father,"I said. "No, you aren't. She's probably having her stomach pumped. She'll be okay,"Pete said.

A doctor came out of the emergency room area. "Urie?"he called out as he looked around. We stood and shuffled over to her. "We managed to pump her stomach clean of the drugs. We are admitting her overnight for observation and we have to do a complete psych workup. This isn't the first time she's attempted to end her life, right?"the doctor asked. "No," I said. "Well, you're welcome to see her now. She should be awake but she'll be a little groggy,"he said awkwardly and pointed down a hallway.

I walked slowly in with the others trailing behind me. "Hey, baby girl, how're you feeling?"I asked. She shrugged. "I'm so sorry,"she whispered as I took a seat next to her. "It's okay. Let's not dwell on that right now. You're okay,"I said and kissed her forehead as she dozed off again. I noticed Pete's discomfort around the needles in her arms. It wasn't any easier after 2005. I decided I may as well tweet out.

@brendonurie: I'm not able to give out much information at this time but the rest of the tour is going to be postponed. Ryleigh has had a rough go of it and her mother is trying to take custody again. Until the trial is over, I won't know more. Sorry, guys!


I fell asleep in the chair next to her bed. I woke up to a cell phone ringing. Someone must've stopped by to grab Ryleigh's. "It's Zack Merrick. Do you wanna take it?"Gerard asked. I shrugged, grabbed the phone and stepped out in the hall. "Hello?"I answered. My voice sounded low with sleep. "Brendon? Oh my god. What happened? Is she okay?"Zack asked, frantic. "She's fine. She attempted an overdose yesterday. She hasn't been released from the hospital yet. They pumped her stomach,"I informed him as I leaned against the wall.

He let out a breath. "I was so afraid. We went out last night. I forgot my phone and when I got home..."He trailed off. "I had this voicemail from her,"he said. I stayed silent. "Her mom is taking you to court?"He asked quietly. "Yeah. I have a feeling if she wins that we won't ever get her back. Not after last time. What did the voicemail say?"I said. "She was just saying goodbye. That it wasn't my fault. It was terrifying. I've never heard her that broken,"he said. I ran a hand over my face.

"Should I fly out there?"he asked. "I'm not sure. You should talk to her first,"I said. "Oh okay,"he said and hung up. I sighed and entered her room. Psych came in and we weren't allowed to be in there. We waited in the hall. The doctor came out. "We're going to release her to your care. Monitor her closely, don't let her alone for more than fifteen minutes the first couple of days. No strenuous activity,"the doctor said. I nodded and signed the forms he handed over as Sarah went in to help her change.

A tired Ryleigh came out, clinging to Sarah's arm. "Let's get out of here,"Pete said and we slowly made our way to the car. She sat in the middle between Pete and Gerard. Sarah drove and I sat next to her. I kept glancing in the mirror at her. She looked exhausted. "What else could go wrong?" She whispered to no one in particular. She was still pretty tired and weak, the last attempt took a lot out of her.

I called our lawyer last night. She was coming over in the morning to get our case together. It was our last hope of a fighting chance. We got to the house and Ryleigh laid down on the couch. She fell asleep almost instantly. Gerard, Pete, and Sarah followed me through to the kitchen.

"We need some kind of a plan here,"Pete said as I sat on a kitchen barstool with my head in my hands. "Yeah, her mother can't just waltz back in here and take her back,"Gerard agreed. "I don't know what to do until I talk to the lawyer,"I said. "Uh-oh, Bren, we have bigger problems,"Sarah said from the window. "What?"I asked and stood. As soon as I turned around, I knew we were in deep shit. "Ah, shit. Who the hell called them?"I asked as I helped draw the curtains closed and we spread out to cover every last one.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now