Time Bomb

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My assigned doctor returned much sooner than Olivia. I was hoping no news was good news but Ryleigh was in a terrible shape by the time that emergency services reached us. "So, Mr. Urie, after studying your X-Rays, we've discovered that your wrist is indeed broken,"he said, sitting down on the stool beside my bed.

A couple of other hospital staff entered pushing a cart full of supplies into the already small space. "We're going to put a plaster cast on it and it should heal in a few months time,"he said. "Is it okay to follow up with my doctor at home? I'm not from around here,"I asked. "That'd be fine. After this, you're free to leave,"he said and left as quickly as he came. The newcomers were silent. I just wanted something to fill the noise. They wrapped my arm up and put the hardened plaster around it. A form was passed to me to sign to say that I released myself then I walked out.

I wandered around the halls before realizing I needed to call Pete and Gerard and the others. No one else knew what had happened to us today. I sighed as I patted my pockets with my good hand then remembered I didn't have my phone. I returned to the waiting room which was filling with people. "Damn, you look like shit!"Zack said. I shrugged. I haven't showered yet and I knew I was covered in mud and who knows what else.

I ran my good hand through my hair. Mike was behind him. "Can I borrow your phone?"I asked. Mike nodded and handed it over. "We haven't heard anything about the others but I'll let you know. You do what you have to,"Zack said and squeezed my shoulder. Mike and Dan squeezed my shoulder as they walked by and they took two vacant seats in the waiting area. I hoped it wasn't like before. I can't lose her like that again. I walked down several corridors before ending up in a stairwell. I sighed as I sat down and leaned against the railing. I started calling Pete first.

"Mike?"he asked. He sounded tired. "Hey, I know it's early but we're at the hospital,"I spoke. "What? Brendon? Why? Is everything okay?"he asked. I involuntarily sobbed as the tears began to fall. Pete waited patiently on the other end. I took a deep breath to calm down. "The bus. There was an accident. I don't know what happened. Ryleigh was thrown and it wasn't looking good. Dallon and Sarah couldn't walk. Mike and Zack are waiting in the waiting room,"I said quickly. He let out a deep breath. "Where are you?"he asked. I gave him directions and he hung up. I called Gerard next to let him know.

Gerard promised to fill the others in and then I sat alone in the stairwell. I put my head to my knees and let the tears flow. I made myself get up and entered the building again. I ran smack into Olivia. "Mr. Urie, just the person I was looking for,"she spoke. "Call me, Brendon, please,"I urged.
"Brendon, I've gotten updates from everyone's doctors. Dallon is getting ready to be released. He broke his ankle. Sarah, has a torn ACL that we'll need to do surgery on to repair it and hopefully figure out if there was nerve damage or any spinal damage as to why it gave out,"Olivia informed me.

"What about Ryleigh?"I choked out, voice strained. "Ryleigh's injuries were a bit more extensive. She's in surgery at the moment. There was a lot of pressure on her brain that they're trying to relieve. She broke her arm and collarbone when she was thrown. There were a few broken ribs. That's all I know right now,"she said and squeezed my shoulder. "If you need anything, just ask,"she said and continued on her way to her next patient.

I kept my eyes trained on the floor as I walked outside. It was still freezing and snow was blowing around. It was not nearly as heavy as it was. I started to cry then. I wondered why this happened to us. "Brendon?"someone called. I glanced up and suddenly Pete was before me. I stood up. He wrapped me into a tight hug. "I came as soon as I could,"he said then I started crying again as I clung to the man who has always been there over the years.

He pulled back once I had settled down. "Man, you look like crap,"he said. "Thanks, Pete,"I chuckled. "Let's head inside, yeah? It's cold out here,"he said. I nodded and followed him in. Mike, Dan, and Zack stood up. "Dude, you okay? You just disappeared,"Dan said. I nodded and pulled Mike's phone out of my pocket to return it. They greeted Pete who was standing behind me. Dallon came crutching up to us a few moments later.

We embraced briefly. "How's the ankle?"I asked. "Broken,"Dallon shrugged without much indifference. "The wrist?"he asked as he gestured to my casted hand. "Broken,"I said with a smile but it felt strange on my face. This was not a time for smiling. I dropped it. I sat down in a chair and zoned out as the others talked around me. Tyler, Josh, and Sleeping With Sirens came running in. I snapped out of it and stood up. Josh hugged me and then Tyler was pulling me into a tight embrace. I started to cry into his shoulder. He just patted my back. That was when I realized he was crying, too.

"How is she?"he sniffled. "I haven't heard much other than she's in surgery,"I answered. My voice was raspy from disuse. I don't remember the last time I spoke. It was definitely hours ago. "Has anyone called Zack or All Time Low?"Josh asked. I never even thought about it. Zack would definitely want to be here. They took my answer as a no and Josh walked down the corridor to make the call. I sat back down as I pondered what the hell I should do next.

Life With The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now