Just like that, Y/N was herself again. Easily able to switch such a fucked up situation so sweetly and reassuring.

I would've blown out a puff of smoke if I had access to a cigarette. I had misplaced them earlier.
"Shit, I'm sorry," I apologized, guilt piercing through me.

"Why- why are you apologizing..?"

"Because I snapped at you for like, no fucking reason. None of it was your fault."
It wasn't just her. Every time I did that to anyone I would hate myself for it. Sometimes I didn't feel bad enough to apologize for it.

The streetlights along the park began to dim, signalizing the start of the few commercials before the actual movie. Y/N inched herself closer to me.
"I think we both had rights to be a little frustrated," she explained. "I don't blame you that much. I am sorry for assuming it was you though."

The screen turned black right before shifting into the beginning of the movie. My hand rested on hers reassuringly.

"It's okay, Y/N."


Hours passed by while the two of us hung out in my trunk after the movie. I sat criss-crossed across from her while her knees were up to her chest.
The door was closed, and only the car light and moonbeams illuminated the interior.

"Hold on, I got something for you,"
Y/N said with a smirk. She held up one finger as she reached into the paper bag from the concession stand.

A red velvet cookie covered in familiar plastic wrap landed in my fumbling hands.
I glanced back at her, a smile resting on my face. "You didn't."

"Oh, but I did." She chuckled. It was the little things again. That laugh. The way she secured her knees close to her with her hand gripping her wrist. An effortless grin that would light up someone's day if anyone caught a glimpse.

But there were other things that were noticeable. During our conversation about uni, her eyes shifted to the side.
Worry, guilt, something was written on her face. Her fingers itched at the hem of her shirt.


Eyebrows raised, she replied with a simple "Hm?"

"You know you don't have to blame yourself for things you can't control, right?"

Please, please tell me that you know,

Y/N gave me a sad look before letting out a scoff. "You got me." Her hands went up, surrendering, before pinching the bridge of her nose. She shut her eyes before saying softly, "Can I tell you something?"

I scooter closer until I was next to her. "Anything," I replied.

Y/N adjusted her legs until she sat like me. "When I was thirteen or fourteen-ish," she began, "I was at home waiting for my dad to come back from work. When he did, he came home with Pirate. Luckily, I was upstairs in my room so didn't actually see what was going on but I heard."

A hurting pause. My blood started to boil at the mention of that bitch's name.

"And after that front door slammed shut, it was quiet. My dad went upstairs to his own room, probably thinking I was already asleep and he didn't need to check on me.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz