Strike 26: Round One

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Strike 26: Round One

(Text Key)
(Action in action)
*Action Noise*
Name: Speech
Name: "Thinking" / "Quotes"
/ Narration /
- Country: State  -
- Location -
—— = Scene Change
(A/N: Art Not Mine as with pictures. )


- Amity Colosseum -
- Tournament Battlegrounds -

/ Within the battlegrounds itself, we see Team Perinto including Spera the Warden,
Facing off against Team BRNZ (Bronze).

(A/N: From Left to Right

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(A/N: From Left to Right. )
Whose members were Nolan Porfirio, Roy Stallion, May Zedong, and Brawnz Ni.
With Nolan's weapon being an Electrified Baton.
Roy's being a pair of circular saws he wears on his wrists that can be fired as projectiles for ranged attacks and used as melee weapons.
May's weapon is a Semi-automatic Sniper Rifle Axe hybrid, and Brawnz himself holds a pair of claw-like metal weapons. It consists of three blades affixed to the crossbar with a larger blade in the middle extending along his arm. /

Port: *Speakers* Three!

Pyrrha: Let's move!

Port: *Speakers* Begin!

/ As Port finally said the words to start, both teams soon started to run at each other, except Team BRNZ's very own member, May Zedong was suddenly running away from the conflict towards the trees.

While in the middle of the field itself Brawnz Ni and Pyrrha Nikos were having a quick bout of weapons clashing.
Unknown to Perinto was May quickly getting to the trees, finding a place to use her weapon effectively.

All the while Nolan was soon battling against Nora Valkyrie, barely missing a hammer swing from the girl, who in turn couldn't be hit by Nolan himself.

At a distance May was looking through her scope and begins to shoot towards Ren which misses, destroying a large piece of rock into rubble in the process.

Not far off from Ren is Spera facing off against Roy, as Roy was using his Saw blades on his wrist to actually hit the young Warden, yet Spera gave him to chance and quickly used his Sword to block the attacks, finally Shield bashing against Roy, stunning him and eventually knocking him away with a Heavy side attack.
When looking at Ren and hearing gunshots he looks at the trees and sees a small flash of light, looking closely he sees May, wondering what the one-eyed girl was doing finally gets his answer in the form of a bullet to his chest, knocking him back a few feet on the ground.
"Thank the Gods for Aura", says the Warden in his mind. /

Port: Oh! That was a perfect shot from May Zedong, dropping a Warden of Harmony, and bringing his Aura to the Yellow just like that!

Dr. Oobleck: The Warden best be careful about things like these.

/ Being quick Ren runs towards his downed teammate, dodging a bullet in the process.
When he finally reaches the Warden he quickly yet efficiently pick the Warden up and brought him to his feet. /

 (RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) The Warden's Dark Past, Comes To Light.  (Edit) Where stories live. Discover now