Strike Two: What do you know?

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Name: Speech
/ Narration /
—— = Scene Change

Strike Two

A Grimm Experience

/ Raider: The Moon...I would never believe it would become like this. From the days of when I was a boy I looked up at night and saw a moon. A peaceful moon, a peaceful moon to shine during our war torn war. But the dream to free the lands of war so that the moon can finally shine upon our lands, as peaceful as it. Was not meant to be. /

Raider: You say this is your moon, then how? How is it your moon?! Considering your story your moon should've been the moon we have seen for our entire lives. How is that?!

Warden: This Moon, look Let's just say I am not from around here...never was.

Kensei: What do you mean?

Warden: Remember when I said that I left my home for a new one? Well let me tell you this, I Am a Warden.
A Warden whose home is beyond the Never Ending Fog.

Raider: The Never Ending Fog?! But anyone who tried to pass the Fog always failed!
Your telling me you come from there?

Warden: Then explain how I was able to come here.

Raider: *growl* I-I can't...

Warden: Exactly, In any other case my original home is not my home. Harmony is, but even then, my home probably was destroyed a long time ago.

Kensei: Why?

Warden: When I left my home, they were at war, it was said that that *Points to moon* Moon is the cause of that war.

Raider: ...What do you know of this moon?
Warden: *sigh* Ok.

Warden: You see, The shattered Moon was said to be as old as our planet, which in extension Remnant. This Moon, has been shattered, throughout all of history, remnant history.
It was said that the Two Gods Broke The Moon in their last battle.

Raider: ...What are you even saying?

Kensei: I have to agree with the Viking, in all of my years of living I have never heard of such words.

Warden: Well, it's common knowledge from where I'm from. But that's to be expected honestly. You see in Remnant the people are more advance then us.

Kensei: Advance?

Warden: Yes, you see the people of Atlas were the most advance in terms of Military force, Technology, and as well as the place that is home to a large...resource maker, famous for its dust.
In Remnant, dust is a livelihood over there basically.

Raider: Atlas? Wait, Dust? Why would...Ground specks have to do with being a livelihood?

Kensei: I have to agree as well. That sounds...ridiculous.

Warden: Well dust to Remnant is both ground specks, and as well as ground weapons. Dust is do you say, energy maker that can be activated with Aura. But it is much more than that.
Dust is mainly found in four forms. Each of the four can be artificially, or can be naturally mix to make other stronger forms of dust.
Each with their very own..."Properties".

Raider: What do you mean?

Warden: Dust has practically made its way into Remnants technology.
The reason is that it has the power of the elements.

Raider: The Elements? You mean Remnant's Ground specs are nothing but fuel and summoners of Fire?

Warden: Not just Fire, Raider, It could Also summon Spikes from the ground, it could make an explosion of Ice that covers all and any caught in the blast...are frozen immediately. It can cast mighty lightning strikes upon a person, and as well as summon a small tornado that is just as strong as a regular one.

 (RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) The Warden's Dark Past, Comes To Light.  (Edit) Where stories live. Discover now