Strike 24: The Warden's Present

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Strike 24: The Warden's Present

(Text Key)
(Action in action)
*Action Noise*
Name: Speech
Name: "Thinking" / "Quotes"
/ Narration /
- Country: State -
- Location -
—— = Scene Change
(A/N: Art Not Mine as with pictures. )


- Forever Fall Forest -
- Knight Faction Base Camp

/ A week passed by when the attack of Beacon happened.
We see the Warden at his desk, still in his armor writing down paperwork to get the Blackstone's back home and be...punished, for their crimes against the Faction Leaders and their allies.
As he looks on the piles of paper he realizes.
He hates paperwork.
Taking a quick break he thinks of his position and how he got to his current standpoint.
Beacon, RWBY, JNPR, Cardin, The news, his leaving, Harmony, Apollyon, becoming Faction Leader before the final battle, and now the present.
With him being in a large tent to house him and his foldable desk, all while sitting in a foldable chair.
(Thank Oum for being back in society) and all the protects is a makeshift wall. Harmonian guards at the ready.
And being close to Vale, truly that makes life easier.
Realizing that paperwork doesn't get done by itself, the Warden then gets back to work. /


- Beacon Academy  -
- Beacon Cafeteria  -

Yang: So Ren, how does it feel being a Faction leader?
/ Yang says catching a grape in her mouth flinched by Nora while giving a thumbs up. /

Ren: If I'm being honest...not that exciting.

Yang: Lame!
/ Yang says catching another grape giving a thumbs up.
Ruby then drops a huge binder with the words "Best day ever activities!" Crossed out in red with the words "Operation: Save and bring back Jaune! /

Ruby: Sisters! Friends! Weiss...

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang: This oughta be good.

Ruby: A dream that one day Jaune would come back and the eight of us would come together and become a team again!
So we would have the most fun anyone has ever had.

Weiss: Is that my binder?

Ruby: I am not a crook.
/ Ruby says giving double peace signs. /

Pyrrha: What are you talking about?

Ruby: I'm talking about saving Jaune with a bang!

Yang: How about saving Jaune with a Yang!
Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?

/ Yang was then hit with an apple. /
Nora: Booooooo!

Ruby: Look guys it's been a good long week and between battling Grimm and Harmonians, we need to take this chance of finding Jaune while we still can.
Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of events, that could get us to the Warden and have him find Jaune!

Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud...or scared for what you have in store.

Pyrrha: guys know where Jaune is?

Ruby: Well...we have an idea.

Ren: Where would he be?

Ruby: Ok, you see, we have reason to believe that a Harmonian!

Nora: A Harmonian?! Like an actually Knight!

Ruby: I think that's the case.

Pyrrha: Wait...If Jaune is a Harmonian then...shouldn't Ren be able to
look into this?
/ Everyone then slowly looks at Ren. /

 (RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) The Warden's Dark Past, Comes To Light.  (Edit) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu