Strike One: An Introduction

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The Warden's, Past, Present, and Future.

(Text Key)
(Action in action)
*Action Noise*
Name: Speech
Name: "Thinking" / "Quotes"
/ Narration /
- Country: State -
- Location -
—— = Scene Change
(A/N: Art Not Mine )


/ It all started on an afternoon-night, atop a high balcony in the grand place of Beacon Academy, there was a boy named Jaune who told his secret to his partner, Pyrrha Nikos.
At first he thought he could trust her, and in the end he never knew how wrong he was until she looked at Jaune. Like really looked at the boy with disgust and disbelief, as if it wasn't bad enough at that moment when Pyrrha left in a rush, one person overheard the conversation the two had, and this boy was named Cardin Winchester.

Cardin Winchester is the Team Leader of the Team CRDL (Cardinal), he was an obvious racist and all around school bully

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Cardin Winchester is the Team Leader of the Team CRDL (Cardinal), he was an obvious racist and all around school bully.
From there on he caught the memo that Jaune basically cheated his way into the great and prestigious School known as Beacon Academy.
Cardin thought he could blackmail Jaune, he thought he could control him, he really thought that Jaune would do his bidding.
In all honesty, he was right. He made Jaune do what he wanted, if it was his homework it would be done, if it was supplies, they would be grabbed. Jaune was blackmailed, there was really nothing to it. /

/ Later on, after Jaune was able to get out of the blackmail by standing up to Cardin, and as well as almost getting killed by an Ursa with a gravely dangerous wound, Jaune basically saved Cardin from a bear Grimm that could've killed both of them at the Forever Falls forest during his class Field Trip.
After this Jaune thought that he would've been able to prove himself, he thought that killing an Ursa was a good enough feat that was worthy enough to be at Beacon, he thought that he was worthy to be one of them.
But it was already too late.
Cardin decided he wanted Jaune to suffer even more, he exposed Jaune's lies...and the full truth came out, with some hint of a lie here and there.
As soon as Jaune recovered he was soon despised by his team, reason being, that Cardin was the one who said the Jaune was the one that needed to be protected by him, that he was the one to kill the Ursa, as Jaune could only hurt himself and get in the way, in the end they all believed him, the team that Jaune thought he could trust, Team JNPR, Team RWBY, he thought they would believe his side of the story...and before a word could be said, his friends would only look away. When that single moment where everything that he had would start to crumble, he trusted his friends to be there, that bond they formed before Jaune's secret was revealed, he thought it was special.
"I guess I was wrong", Jaune would think, "When the school went against me, when the teachers didn't trust me, when my family came and took my name and sword..." Jaune, with unseen tears would liked to believe there was someone...and there was, yet there was no one else except for his friend, Ruby Rose.
Without her, there was no Pyrrha, there was no Nora, there was no Ren, no Weiss, no Blake, and you guessed it. No Yang.
His friends that Jaune loved and cherished, were gone. /

 (RWBYxFor Honor Crossover) The Warden's Dark Past, Comes To Light.  (Edit) Where stories live. Discover now