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James's Pov

"James, wake up, we're here." My dad said. I woke up and we were in good ol California.

"Are you excited James?" Papa said giving me a hopeful smile.

"To be honest Papa. Not really. I miss my friends down in New York. I felt like I was coming in to myself, and as soon as I felt comfortable I get the news that were moving. I really hate starting over." I said.

"Aww sweetheart, it's gonna be ok. I know this sounds like you hear it in the movies but, you'll make new friends here. Believe me." Dad said.

"I guess. Let's just get settled." I said, getting out the car. I walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk to get some of my things. I walked towards the door and it was locked as expected and I got really frustrated.

"Calm down son, I know you're just so excited I get inside." Papa said sarcastically. He opened the door and we walked in the nicely furnished house. The aesthetic was like a beach house feel, with so much pastel colors.

I liked it.

But it wasn't like our old house. That was the house where Dad and Papa brought me home when I was two years old. We had a height meter to see how tall I got over the years. Right now I'm 5'5 and it sucks.

"Do you like it son?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, it's very pretty Dad." I said in a monotone voice. Dad faced me and had two hands on my shoulder.

"Listen bud, you think I wanted to move out of our house that had so many memories? No. We had to because your papa had a major job opportunity that makes more money. You know I love you right?"


"Ever since I bought you home I always wanted to give you everything you ever wanted and keep you happy, but unfortunately life isn't like that. You'll make some friends that will be with you for a life time. Trust me." Dad said kissing me on my cheek.

"Now go up stairs and get unpacked." Dad said.

"Ok." I walked upstairs with my box, and walked into my room that was on the right. I opened the door and all the remains of my boxes were all there.

I walked to my bed and and just sat there.

"This is my new life..." I said to myself.

My name is James Hastings, but you already knew that. I'm sixteen years old and I really don't want to be here. When my parents told me we had to move to California I was not happy, because that would mean I would be leaving my two best friends Kat and Rico and my boyfriend of two years who's name is Harry, not Harry Styles.

I wish.

But when I told him, he cried, which made me cry, we had a genuine connection, but I had to break it off because I just knew it wasn't gonna work. He's a big muscular guy so you can imagine how my heart was broken when he cried. He begged me to move in with him, but I told him my parents wouldn't allow it. They loved Harry, but they would be worried 24/7 if they left their baby boy.

The people in California are so full of themselves. They always think they're better then everybody else, and it really pisses me of at times. I just know people are gonna piss me off here. I feel it.

I'm just not that type of person to go off, I'm honestly quiet and stay to myself, but if it have to put someone in their rightful place then I will.

I got up and dug through my box and pulled out my speaker. I turned it on and put on some Lana Del Rey, because she's honestly my everyday mood.

When the music started playing I started to unpack and put things where I want them.


By the time I was done I automatically feel to my bed. My legal get like they were gonna fall off. My phone dinged. I looked at it and it was my ex boyfriend Harry.

Harry: I miss you!! 🥺

Me: I miss you too!

Harry: Why can't we do long distance? I honestly want to be with you, there's no other person I'd rather be with than you, my loyalty is always with you! ♥️

Me: I know, but we can be friends like how we were in the beginning.

Harry: I can do that, promise me that in the future we'll be back together.

Me: I promise.

Harry: I love you.

Me: Love you too.

I put my phone by my nightstand.

I miss him so fucking much!!

I walked to my bookshelf and grabbed my favorite book called The Fifth Wave. I haven't got done with it yet because we've been moving. I only got like five chapters left. I grabbed it, adjusted my glasses and began reading. As I read the first sentence Papa called me.

"James, I ordered takeout, your food is here." He yelled from downstairs. I sighed. I looked at my closet and decided that I was just gonna go for a night jog.

I changed into some shorts and a wife beater. I put on some comfortable tennis shoes and I walked downstairs and grabbed my water bottle, filled it up with water, and was about to walk out the door.

"James where do you think you're going?" Dad asked.

"I'm going out for a run. I'll be back." I said.

"What about your food?" Papa asked.

"Just put it in the microwave." I said.

"You ok babe?" Papa asked.

"Yeah, I just need some fresh air, and I just want to get to know the ways of the neighborhood when I run." I said.

"Ok be safe. Don't be out too long. You have school tomorrow." Dad said. I nodded and I walked out. The neighborhood looks clean and very suburban. I put on my earphones and did my nightly run.

The upside about Cali is that whenever I run I can be in just a T-shirt and shorts. In New York it was coats. So I'm happy that I don't have to have all that heavy weight when I run.

As I was running I set little checkpoints to remember where I came from. I was lost in the run and my music, that I ended up in the woods. It had a trail and light posts at every corner so I felt a little safe.

I started to get a little out of breath so I took my water bottle out and began to drink it. I took my earphones out as I was drinking. Few seconds past and I hear ruffles through the trees and bushes.

I quickly snapped my head back.

"Hello?" I said, looking out, but no one or nothing was there. I turned back and seen two brown wolves, just starring at me with glowing red eyes in the distance.

I wasn't scared nor freaked out. I was surprisingly calm. I slowly backed away as I heard the word..


I turned around and jogged out of the woods and back to my new neighborhood where I remembered the checkpoints to go home.

What was this thing about....a mate?

R.L 💋

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