Chapter 18

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"I want those three security guards, and I use that reference loosely, I want them fired today!"  "As in right now!" Arjun snapped into the phone.  "No, no you're not understanding me Mr. Sharma...I don't want them reprimanded I want them gone immediately!" Arjun said tersely.  "If they aren't gone today then my lawyer will be contacting your board and we'll be suing you for the assault my wife suffered on your property." Arjun said coldly.  Hearing a gasp, Arjun turned around to see Arohi standing infront of him.  A look of shock on her face.  His eyes drifted over her and then came back to settle on the huge bruise on one of side of her face.  His lips tightened and his eyes flashed with anger.  "Do you understand me Mr. Sharma?!" he barked into the phone.  "Good!" Arjun snapped, hearing Mr. Sharma's assurance that the matter would be taken care of to Arjun's satisfaction.  "We're very sorry for what happened to Arohi..." Mr. Sharma the school prinicpal began.  "Yeah, I'm sure you are!" Arjun snapped viciously before he hung up, turning back around to look at Arohi.  "Who..who was that?" she asked hesitantly.  Arjun walked to her and inspected her face.  Closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to calm the rage that threatened to consume him.  The bruise was ugly and he knew the blow that caused it had to have been ugly too.  "How are you feeling?" he asked gruffly.  "I'm fine." she answered staring at him intently.  "Does...does this hurt." he asked softly, referring to her bruise.  "A little bit." she replied, and then frowning as she saw that flash of anger again.  Turning away from her abruptly Arjun grabbed his phone again.  "I want to speak to the officer in charge." he snapped into the phone a few seconds later  "Tell him it's Arjun Singhania" he added, clenching and unclenching his fist.  He had thought maybe some of this anger would dull over night but seeing Arohi's bruised face only made him angrier.  He wanted that Rajan punished!  He wanted him to pay for what he'd done to Arohi. 

Arohi listened as Arjun spoke to an officer at the police station.  Asking about Rajan.  Arohi listened in shock as Arjun ordered and almost seemed to threaten the police officer.  "I want that man to spend many many years to come in a 6x8 prison cell."  "I just want to know what you're doing to make that happen?"  Arjun snapped.  Hearing an answer that he was happy with, Arjun nodded.  "Good, that's what I wanted to hear." Arjun added briskly.  "I don't care which jail cell you throw him in just as long as he's made to suffer for what he did to my wife." Arjun said viciously.  Arohi shook her head and walking over to Arjun she put a hesitant hand on his shoulder.  Arjun turned around, surprised to still see her there.  Hanging up he said "You should be resting Arohi."  "Come let me take you back up to our room." he added.  "I'm fine, I don't need rest Arjun and please stop threatening and ordering people around." she added.  "I'm going to be fine."  "Rajan will be taken care of by the police and those security guards you're having fired...they have families too." Arohi said, but was quickly cut off by Arjun's loud "Hell no!"  Arohi bit her lip and stared at him.  "You are not going to get me to change my mind about those idiots that were sleeping on the job!"  "Look at what you went through because those as*es weren't doing their job."  "That's incompetence and I won't stand for it!" he snapped.  "I'm not changing my mind about it, so don't even try!" he snapped.  His eyes cold.  Arohi shook her head.  "Fine, do what you want."  "I'm going to get ready for school." she said, turning around.  Arjun grabbed her arm before she'd taken another step.  "School?"  "You're not going back to that place!" he ordered.  Arohi turned around to look at him in surprise.  "What are you talking about?"  "I work in that place." she replied.  "Not anymore!" Arjun snapped.  His face tense.  "Not anymore, Arjun I realize you're angry at me, I don't know why exactly, but forcing me to quit my job, I won't do that." Arohi said quickly.  Arjun's eyes widened.  "Why the hell would I be mad at you Arohi?"  Arohi felt her eyes fill with tears as she looked anywhere but at him.  Arjun was instantly remorseful.  Softening his voice he took her hand and led her to the sofa.   "I'm not mad at you Arohi, please believe that." he said softly.  "Then why do you keep getting more and more angry every time you look at me?" she asked tearfully.  "Because every time I look at you, I see what that maniac did to you, and it makes me want to kill him with my bare hands!" Arjun replied bitterly.  Arohi bit her lip and stared at him.  "Thanks for rescuing me last night." she said softly.  Arjun closed his eyes and looked away.  "I should have been there sooner." he said quietly.  "No, how would you have even known..." she began.  "Forget it," Arjun said suddenly.  His face becoming rigid once again.  Arohi saw the exact moment he withdrew from her emotionally.  "I don't want you going back to a place where you're not safe."  "You were doing those people a favor by putting together the Christmas concert and they couldn't even make sure you were safe while doing it!" Arjun snapped.  Arohi sighed.  "Arjun, I am safe."  "No one, including me, ever imagined that Rajan would do something like this."  "If the school knew they would have taken proper precautions." Arohi said soothingly.  Arjun stared at her stubbornly.  "You're not going back and that's final."  he said.  Arohi frowned.  "I'm not a child, and this isn't a passing fancy..this is my job and I have people relying on me, especially now that the Christmas concert is fast approaching." she said, standing up.  It was Arjun's turn to frown.  "So you're not going to listen to me!" he asked angrily.  "Not on this." she replied, turning and heading towards the door leaving a frustrated Arjun behind. 

Arohi tried to ignore the two large men that stood 5 feet away from her.  This was ridiculous, Arjun was being ridiculous.  Rajan was in jail.  She didn't have anything to worry about.  Then why have you been looking behind you every few minutes, said a small voice in her head.  Arohi winced.  She'd become so paranoid since the incident almost a week ago.  Looking around constantly, being extra cautious.  She knew that Rajan couldn't get to her, but a part of her was still frightened.  That's why she allowed Arjun's security to follow her everywhere she went.  Not that Arjun cared what she thought.  He'd forced the security on her and pretty much told her he didn't give a damn what she thought of it.  "I think we're done here." she said to the other teachers, as she watched Arjun walk into the gymnasium.  That was something else he insisted on doing since the incident with Rajan.  He personally picked her up from the school every night.  "Ready?' he asked as he first spoke to his security and then moved over to her.  Arohi nodded.  "What do you think of our completed set?" she asked.  Arjun glanced at it and nodded.  "It's good, you've put in a lot of work." he replied. "How's your arm now?' he asked.  Her bruise was almost fully gone, but the gash on her arm was taking a little longer to heal.  "It's better." "I'm much better so maybe now is the time to get rid of this security you've forced on me." she replied.  Arjun glanced at the two stone faced men and then back at Arohi.  "Why? They're not bothering anyone." he replied.  "Bothering?!" "Yes they're bothering me, and I hate having them around all the time."  "I'm not a celebrity or a politician that needs security."  "I'm just a simple teacher and Rajan was a one off." she said, wrinkling her forehead.  Raising a brow, Arjun replied "You're Arjun Singhania's wife, so if I think you need security then you need security!' he said simply.  Arohi glared at him, as she walked past him.  Why was he doing this?  He didn't love her, but he was doing everything that a man in love with his wife would do!  You're just his responsibility she reminded herself. "He feels responsible for you, thats why he's being extra cautious." said the voice at the back of her head.  Arjun watched as she climbed into the car not saying anything.  As he pulled out of the parking space he asked "Are you okay?" "Fine." she replied softly, staring out the window.  Arjun frowned but didn't push her any further.  As they pulled into their driveway, Arjun remarked "You should get some rest, maybe take a nap or something."  Arohi's head snapped in his direction and she gave him a look dripping with contempt.  Turning back around she quickly opened the door and stalked out.  "What the hell?!" Arjun said out loud as he stared at Arohi's retreating back.  Getting out he walked in after her.  "What's your problem?" he asked as he caught up with her at the foot of the stairs.  "I'm looking at him!" she snapped, tugging her arm free, and marching up the stairs.  Arjun stared up at her and then swearing under his breath he followed her up, taking her arm in a none too gentle hold and pulled her into his bedroom.  "What are you doing?" she snapped, wrenching her arm out of his grasp.  "What the hell are you doing?" he asked in return.  "I'm trying to put some distance between us, is what I'm doing." she replied, walking back to the door he'd just shut.  Opening the door, she gasped as Arjun reached around her and pushed the door back shut with a bang.  "I want to know why you're behaving this way?" Arjun asked furiously.  Arohi turned to face him, giving him a cold stare, before she finally said.  "And I want to know why you're behaving like this?"   Brows furrowed, Arjun glared at her.  "Like what?"  "What the hell am I behaving like?" he asked.  "Like you care!"  "Why are you behaving like what happens to me actually matters to you?" she yelled, and then wincing she added more softly  "Why are you making me believe in something that isn't real and won't happen."  "You consider me a responsibility, I know that, but this picking me up and checking up on me constantly, this excessive care you're showering on me."  "That's something a real husband would feel for his wife, not a man who was forced to marry his brother's fiance."  "Not a man who's told me that he has no intentions ever, of falling in love with me, or returning my feelings!" Arohi snapped, her voice thick with emotion.  Arjun scowled.  "So we're back to that!" "You have it all figured out...either I love you or I don't!"  "There can't be any middle ground?"  "Why would I be worried, let me tell you why I would be worried?" "I'm worried because you could have died or at the very least been terribly hurt!"  "That's why I was worried." he bit out.  "But why?!"  Arohi grated out in anger!  "Why?!!!! she repeated.  Arjun stared at her like he was trying to decide something and then gently he asked.  "Arohi, are you feeling okay?"  Arohi clenched her fist and gritted her teeth.  He was so damn obtuse!   "I'm fine!"  "There is nothing physically wrong with me, neither am I in any danger from anyone other then you!" she yelled, moving away from him and missing the look of shock on Arjun's face.  "Danger?!"  "You think I would hurt you?" he roared.  Arohi swung around, her eyes glistening with tears.  "You hurt me every day Arjun!"  "Every day you hurt me in a way that actually hurt more then Rajan's slap." Arohi replied, choking with emotion.  Arjun's eyes widened in shock.  "What the hell are you talking about?!" he barked.   "I'm talking about this, this undue care and attention!"  "Why are you so worried about me when you don't really care about me."  "Why can't you just behave in one way, why do you have to keep making me fall deeper and deeper in love with you?  "Why do you do things, that make me wish for forever...when I know there's barely a tomorrow for us, forget about a forever!"  "It hurts Arjun, it hurts so much." Arohi whispered, her voice cracking.   She was falling apart in front of him and all he could do was stand back and watch.   "I don't know what to do to make this better?" he finally said.  "I want to make this better, I don't want to hurt you Arohi.  "I'm not good for you, you deserve better." he added.  Hot tears fell down her face.  "You're right I do deserve better." she said, after a while.  Arjun closed his eyes against that truth.  She deserved better with another man.  The thought alone threatened to bring him to his knees.  "Tomorrow night is the Christmas concert, I'm leaving the following morning for Chandigarh...for good." Arohi said quietly.   Arjun stared at her in surprise, which was quickly replaced by anger.  "What ever you think is best." he replied, stony faced.  Arohi bit back a sob, giving a curt nod, not being able to speak past the lump in her throat.  "I'll have your seat booked if you haven't already done so." he added tersely, as he turned on his heal.  "Ever so efficient Arjun."  "I guess like every responsibility you take on, you like to see it through to it's end."  she whispered.  "You know me so well." he replied coldly, his back rigid.   "No Arjun, I don't think I know you at all." she replied, watching as he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Arohi, you can't leave tomorrow morning!" Lara exclaimed!  "Yes, I can and I will." Arohi replied as she packed up her things.  They hadn't told Arjun's family that she was planning on leaving for good.  She didn't have it in her right now.  She'd leave that to Arjun.  As it was, she was barely holding it together now, seeing her families...Arjun's family, she needed to get used to saying that again.  Seeing Arjun's families sadness and despair would only hurt more.  No she'd leave them happily even if it killed her.  "You have to stay Arohi, you have to fight for him!" Lara said forcefully!  "Fight for what?!" Arohi snapped miserably.  "Fight for a one sided love?"  "Fight for a man who's told me he will never have feelings for me." she cried, as she threw more of her belongings into a suitcase.  "Arohi, he loves you!"  "He's just doesn't know how to deal with it." Lara replied.  "Are you kidding me?"  "I've left myself open to him so many times and each time he turns away from me."  "He breaks my heart over and over again and you think he loves me?!"  "That's not how love works."  "When you love someone you move heaven and earth to try to protect them, you don't keep hurting them!" Arohi replied, quickly wiping away her tears.  "I'm not sticking around for anymore of this."  "I can't, honestly Lara, I can' hurts too much, way too much." Arohi said, biting her lip to hold back her sobs.  Lara pulled her to her, and hugged her tight.  Hearing a knock and seeing Shefali poke her head in, had Lara and Arohi pulling apart.  "You're not leaving." was the first words out of Shefali's mouth as she hugged Arohi.   Arohi couldn't stop the tears now, needing comfort from her two closest friends.

A while later a worried Shefali and Lara watched a broken Arohi pull more items out of her closet.  "We have to do something and we have to do it fast." Lara whispered.  "I know, we can't let her leave."  "I've never seen her so devastated...we have to help her."  "We have to do something to get that idiot Arjun to finally admit that he's just as in love with her as she is with him!" Shefali whispered back.  Lara stared straight ahead, her brain working over time as she concocted a plan.  "I have a plan, it's going to be a little outrageous but I think this is a pretty outrageous situation!" Lara said.  Shefali nodded.  Lara's last roses plan had seemed to be working perfectly at driving Arjun crazy.  Hopefully her new plan would just take him over the edge and make him finally admit how much he needed Arohi in his life.  "Fine Arohi,  I understand you have to go, but we're not going to let you leave without one last girl's weekend away." Lara suddenly said.  Arohi looked at her and shook her head no.  "I'm sorry Lara, but I'm not in any mood for any trips."  "I just want to be alone right now, away from everyone." Arohi said softly.  "No you just want to be away from that stubborn as a mule, Arjun."  "We won't let you be alone right now when you need your friends the most."  "I know you're going to go back to Chandigarh, but not without one last get away with us."  "Don't worry it'll be very relaxed, just an opportunity for us to spend some time with you to make sure you really are going to be okay." Shefali quickly added.  "Yes, very low key, we won't go far, just up to our cottage on the outskirts of Mumbai."  "It's only an hour and half away, and when you get there, there's nothing but quiet and serenity around for miles and miles.  "Arjun and Jai had bought this place a few years back and have done nothing with it, so we all use it once in a while to get away and desensitize ourselves from the city's hustle and bustle."  "It's beautiful there, and I know you'll love it." Lara added with a smile.  "I don't know." Arohi replied.  "I'm just not in the mood right now." she added.  Lara bit her lip and then sniffled.  "Okay, I understand." she said softly with another sniffle.  Arohi gave her a worried look.  "Lara.." she began, but Lara's sobbing had already started.  "It's just that in the last few months we've become so close."  "I consider you a sister and let's face it once you're back in Chandigarh, how much are we really going to see each other."  "I'm really going to miss you." Lara said softly.   Arohi felt tears well up in her own eyes as she hugged Lara tight.  "I'm really going to miss you too."  "I never thought I would  gain such a wonderful friend and just because I'm leaving doesn't mean we're not going to keep in touch, because we are." Arohi said, trying to smile.  Lara shook her head, wiping at her tears.  "Arohi, look at how upset she is, I think the cottage would be nice for everyone and I'm going back home to Chandigarh too for the holidays so we can go back together." Shefali said.  Arohi bit her lip, trying to decide, but seeing the sad look on Lara's face she sighed and then giving a small smile she nodded.  "Fine, we can do this girls get away and then Shefali and I can leave for Chandigarh." she agreed.  Lara and Shefali both screamed as they hugged Arohi.  "I promise Arohi, you won't regret this." Lara said, giving a secretive smile as she winked at Shefali.

That night of the Christmas Concert went off without a hitch.  The hard work of the teachers and students had paid off and the gymnasium was full to capacity with happy friends and family.  Songs were sung, a skit about the birth of baby Jesus was performed by the grade 7 classes.  The kindergarteners sang Christmas carols.  Their cute antics bringing smiles to everyone's faces.  The sets were beautifully made and the School board was very impressed.  "You've done a wonderful job Arohi." "Just wonderful."  "This was beyond our expectations." the principal said with a smile as he handed her a bouquet of flowers, thanking her for organizing the event.  Arohi held back tears.  She'd loved being part of this school and event.  She loved her students and would miss them dearly.  "We wish you could stay on." the principal continued.  "I know the whole mess with that Rajan was a terrifying experience, but I assure you those security guards are gone and we've replaced them with much more reliable staff."  Arohi nodded.  "Sir, I have no worries about that."  "This is a wonderful school and people like Rajan are not someone the school has to worry about."  "I wish I could stay, but as I mentioned there are some pressing personal matters I need to deal with in Chandigarh, so it's imperative I go back." she replied.  "I understand and I want you to know, should you return, there will always be a place for you here." he said smiling.  Arohi thanked him and turning around was suddenly surrounded by her students.  "Arohi maam we're going to miss you." a student called.  Arohi tried to hold back her tears as she received little gifts from each of the students.  "I'm going to miss you all very much." she said emotionally.  It was going to be hard, but she needed to do this.  She couldn't grow weak now...she needed to get through this.  Looking out into the gymnasium full of people she made eye contact with Arjun's parents.  Surprisingly they were there together to cheer her on.  Even though she already knew Arjun wouldn't have come, her eyes still searched through the crowd for him.  And of course he was no where.  Why did she even let herself wish when it came to him.  She was always let down.  "Arohi?'" had her swinging around and then trying to hide her disappointment, she gave Samir a half smile.  "I can't believe you're leaving." he said sadly.  "I just don't understand what's happened that you would make this decision." he began.  "Samir, I don't want to get into this right now with all these people here."  "I'm going to miss you, but me moving doesn't mean we're not going to stay friends." Arohi said.  "When are you leaving?" Samir asked miserably.  "I'm going away for two days with Shefali and Lara."  "we're leaving tonight, and will be back Christmas eve."  Shefali and I and Sweetoo will fly out to Chandigarh on the 27th." Arohi replied.  "Have dinner with me on the 26th" he suddenly said.  "Samir, I'm going to be so busy...' she began.  "Please Arohi, it's important"  "I need to see you before you leave." he pleaded.  Arohi paused and stared at him.  He was very upset.  "Okay, fine we can have dinner." she replied, reaching out and squeezing his hand.  He'd been such a good friend.  "I'll call you when I get back." she promised, as she saw her in laws headed her way.  

"It was wonderful, you've done an amazing job." Arjun's dad said with a smile, as he patted her on the back.  Arjun's mom hugged her.  "All your hard work paid off." she said lovingly.  "I'm so glad you two could come." Arohi replied.  "It means a lot that you came together."  "Well, we would have been here sooner, but your mother took an hour in the bathroom." her father in law began.  Arohi bit her lip nervously, as she looked at her mother in laws angry face.  "Are you starting again?"  "This is exactly why I didn't want to come with you!" she bit out.  Arohi sighed and glancing around she noticed a few people giving them looks.  This is what Arjun had experienced most of his childhood, was the sudden thought that entered Arohi's mind.  And she felt an anger so sudden and intense.  A little boy Arjun, standing between his two bickering parents as people gave him pitying looks.  Her heart went out to that little Arjun.  She might be angry at the grown up Arjun, but the little helpless boy, who had been caught in between his parents..all she felt for him, was sympathy and sadness.  "Please stop it!' she said softly, but they didn't pay any attention to her as they kept making rude remarks to each other.  And suddenly Arohi had had enough.  "I want to speak to you in my class room now!" she snapped angrily, as she turned on her heal, leaving Arjun's astonished parents to stare after her. 

Arohi watched as they walked into her classroom.  Walking behind them, she shut the door with a loud bang.  "Have a seat." she ordered.  The two looked at each other nervously, but sat down.  "I think it's safe to say that everyone has had enough of your behavior!" she began.  Seeing Arjun's dad open his mouth to say soemthing, Arohi held out her hand.  "No dad, I'm not finished."  "The way you treat each other is tragic."  "You've made the whole institution of marriage look like a joke." "I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but enough is enough!" Arohi said.  "If you aren't happy together then get a divorce, or separate."  "Because this constant bickering and anger has gone on far too long."  "You've scarred Arjun for life."  "He's never going to fall in love with any one because he truly believes that people in love turn out like you two."  Arohi remarked, shaking her head.  "You two don't even realize what you're doing or what you've done, because all your energy goes into berating and hurting each other."  "Let is stop now, let this end..and if you can't let it end then get help."  "Speak to someone because your hatred for each other has effected both your son's relationships, and will keep effecting them, if you don't make a change."  "I understand people fall out of love, and that maybe is what has happened with you...but recognize that and move on..let go."  "And if it's not that, then work at it."  "Make it better, it's still not too late..but what ever it is, it's time to make a decision, because life is too short to wasting it away like this."   Arohi took a deep breath as she finished her rant.  Two absolutely stunned faces stared back at her.  "I'm sorry if I'm out of line and I don't mean any disrespect"  "I just couldn't take it anymore."  "Two people I love very much, ripping each other apart constantly."  "It's not fair too any of us to see that...and it's not fair to your son to have to play referee for you either."  she added.  'Arohi, you don't know what you're talking about." Arjun's dad said softly, but his mom held out a hand to stop him.  "Yes, she does..." she said softly.  "And she's right...and we're wrong, we've always been wrong." she added.  Arjun's dad stared at her with surprise, and slowly Arohi got up and left her classroom.  She didn't know why she'd done it, maybe it was because she was leaving, or maybe it was just time that someone told them how it was.  They might not like her for it, but she had to do it for the little boy Arjun who couldn't defend himself years ago.  Glancing at her watch, she sighed.  Looking around one last time she felt a lump form in her throat.  Shefali and Lara were waiting, she needed to go.  She needed to go.

Arjun had been an absolute a*s to be around the last few days.  He barked orders in the office, ripping into employees that dared to make a mistake or ask for clarification on something.  "I think you need a vacation." Jai commented, as Arjun had just finished ripping apart a set of plans a project manager had given him.  "And you need to mind your own business!" Arjun snapped back.  "Is it the usual?" Jai asked, ignoring Arjun's earlier statement.  "Usual what?!" Arjun snapped angrily.  "Relationship problems." Jai supplied, taking a sip of his coffee and then quickly moving back as Arjun took a menacingly step towards him.  "I'm wearing a new Armani suit Arjun, if even a drop of coffee lands on this suit, Lara will have a fit!' Jai warned.  "And then I'm going to tell her to speak to you." he added with a smirk.  Arjun glared back at him.  "Shouldn't you be going home to your wife?" he taunted as he turned back to his plans.  "I can't, my wife, along with your wife and Shefali are gone away." Jai replied.  Arjun's eyes widened as he stared at him.  "Gone away where?!" he barked.  "Arohi's not leaving for Chandigarh for a few days." he replied.  "I know, in the mean time they decided to take a little impromptu girls trip."  "They'll be back Christmas Eve." Jai supplied.  "I'm surprised you didn't know." he said with a smug smile.  "I thought Arjun Singhania knew everything." he added, for good measure which earned him a glare from Arjun.  "Arohi has her own life and doesn't need to report to me." Arjun snapped, as he picked up his cup of coffee.  Jai gave him another knowing smirk.  "I wouldn't clench that cup so tighlty, I don't want to have to rush you to the hospital for stitches." Jai said with a mischievous smile.  "If you keep bating me the way you are, I can guarantee you that it won't be me getting the stitches!" Arjun warned.  To his irritation, Jai laughed.

Arohi smiled as she stood on the small patio adjourning her bedroom.  It was absolutely beautiful here."  So serene and majestic.  All around the cottage there was forest and trails, she could hear creaks and possibly a lake close by too.  None of the City's usual sounds, just peaceful nature all around.  "It's beautiful isn't it?' Lara asked, coming up behind her.  "I can't believe I didn't know about this place, it's so serene." Arohi replied.  "You don't know about it because Arjun never comes up here."  "Jai and I try to come once a month to just reconnect."  "The cottage has all the modern amenities like running water, proper plumbing and fixtures, it's got all the amenities you need to be comfortable and you're also forced to just relax.  There's no TV, or computers, or video games, barely any  phone reception."  "It's just a wonderful place to come and relax." Lara said with a smile.  "There's no one around for miles and miles and whenever Jai and I come we go for long walks in the trails, sometimes take picnics."  "It's just really a calm and soothing place." Lara said with a soft smile.  Arohi nodded as she looked around once again.  "I love it, I really do and it's exactly what I needed it."  "Thank you for arranging all this." Arohi said hugging Lara.  "Don't thank me, just relax and here have some wine." Lara said, handing her a glass that Arohi easily took out of her hands.  Just relax..she liked the sound of that.

"Don't panic." was the first words Arjun heard as he groggily picked up his phone and said hello.  But those words had him instantly awake.  "What?" he asked.  "I said don't panic, everything is going to be okay."  "She's not badly hurt." Jai blabbered.  Arjun was on alert as he quickly jumped out of the bed.  "Who, who are you talking about?" he barked, even though he already knew the answer!  "Arohi, they were gone for a hike and she fell and they think she broke her arm." Jai supplied.  Arjun's eyes widened.  "What the hell!"  "Why was she hiking?"  "Why wasn't Lara taking care of her?!" Arjun barked, as he threw on a sweatshirt.  "Arjun, calm down."  "She's not badly hurt."  "If you're so worried, we can go down there and see her." Jai said calmly.  "You better bloody believe we're going down there!" Arjun snapped, as he pulled on his sweats.  "I'll come and get you in 20 minutes." Jai said.  "Take a shower, have a cup of coffee, and relax." Jai added.  Arjun's irritated grumble was the only reply Jai received. 

"I just don't understand when the hell Arohi became some big hiker!" Arjun grumbled as they approached the cottage almost 2 hours later.  "I mean, I've seen her fall as she  a perfectly straight and narrow path, so this hiking...I just don't understand what the hell brought this on?!" he added.  Jai's answer was to nod sympathetically.  "So Lara said she was okay?" Arjun asked for the 5th time.  He'd tried calling but was oddly getting an out of service message.  "You were able to talk to Lara just fine?" Arjun asked.  "Yup, oh yeah...just fine." Jai stammered.  Arjun gave him a look and then snapped.  "I blame you for this."  "If you had any control, what so ever, over your wife they might not have wandered off on this trip in the dead of winter!" Arjun snapped, glaring at Jai.  Jai raised a brow and said "That's reaching even for you Arjun."  "And I think you know our wives have minds of their own, and when they put those sometimes, devious minds to something, there is no stopping them...not even such  a thing as a lowly husband." Jai said sarcastically.  Arjun didn't reply because he knew all too well that Jai was right.  The rest of the trip was spent in silence with Arjun trying unsuccessfully not to worry about Arohi.

They had barely pulled into the driveway when Arjun jumped out of the car and headed for the door.  Glancing back once, he did notice that Jai was still in the running vehicle.  Stalking in, he looked around, but found no one about.  Maybe everyone is still sleeping, which was odd since Jai spoke to Lara before they left and she said they were awake.  Climbing the steps he walked to the first room and found it empty, and then the next room...also empty.  "Arohi," he called.  No answer.  "Lara." No answer.  Suspiciously he looked around and then walking to the third and final bedroom he stopped.  Taped to the door was a note.  'What the hell is this?" he muttered, as he ripped it off the door and began to read it. 

Hi Arjun and Arohi,

I know you're probably going to be a little upset after you read this note, but trust me when I say, what we're doing is for your own good.  This was the only way we could think of, to make you give your relationship one last chance.  Arjun, if Arohi leaves she's not coming back, and you're too stubborn to stop her, so we had to stop her for you.  Just take the next 4 days and give this marriage a real chance with no outside pressures like work, school, family etc.  Just spend this time together and you'll see what everyone else already sees...just how perfect you two are together and how happy you two can make each other.  Arjun, Arohi is as good as it gets.  She's perfect, so my only advice to you is don't blow this, and don't hurt my friend." We've stocked the kitchen for you.  There's lots of firewood and as for entertainment...we'll leave that up to you guys.  Have fun and we'll see you in 4 days.  Lots of Love, Lara, Shefali and Jai.

"JAI!" Arjun bit out as he took the stairs back downstairs two at a time.  He was going to murder Jai and his meddling wife!  Throwing open the door he found the driveway empty, except for a duffel bag.  His bloody duffel bag.  Stalking to it, he grabbed it with one hand.  Swearing loudly the whole time.  Of all the stupid, insane things to do!  Opening the door he threw the bag on the ground, then picked up the note, rereading it. Crumpling it up he threw it across the room in anger.  What the hell was he supposed to do now?  He had no doubt that Arohi was probably still sound asleep in the room he found the note attached to.  She was sure to have a fit when she found him here.  4 days of no work, no phone because in his hurry to get to Arohi he'd left it in Jai's car!  No outside contact for miles and miles.  Only Arohi and him.  Just F%*#& great!" he snapped, as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator.  He didn't care that it was barely 10:00 am, he needed alcohol to help get his head around what was going to happen once Arohi found him here.  He knew he wasn't her favorite person right now so there were sure to be fireworks, he thought as he lowered himself into a chair staring out at the magnificent view infront of him.  He never spent time here, he hadn't realized how beautiful and serene it was.  Putting his feet up on an ottoman he leaned back and relaxed a little, preparing himself to wait for his wife.  His wife... who was in for one hell of a surprise.   And speak of the devil, but who should wander out of the bedroom yawning and stretching.  Her hair in a disarray.  Her tank top riding up as she stretched and then rubbed sleep out of her eyes.   Taking a swig of his beer, a soft smile settled on his lips.  Arohi yawned and looked downstairs and then looked away, a moment later her head whipped back around to stare at Arjun in shock.  Raising his beer to her in salute, he said in a husky voice.   "Honey, I'm home."

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