Chapter 8

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Arohi thought she was dieing, there could be no other explanation for how awful she was feeling.  Her head was pounding and even though it was relatively dark in her room the little bit of sunlight that was pouring through was making things only worse.  As she continued to lay in bed thinking of her miserable state, events from the previous night slowly started to come back to her.  Too much alcohol was the common denominator in almost every thing she had done last night.  Oh god she knew she couldn't handle her liquor so why the hell had she drank so much?   Slowly opening her eyes she winced and closed them again.  Arjun had brought her home last night, oh god she prayed she hadn't said anything stupid to him.  Saying and doing stupid things had apparently become second nature to her lately!  Forcing her eyes open she slowly raised herself out of bed.  If she some how survived to see another day she promised herself she would never drink again!  Heading for the shower she prayed that Arjun had already left for work.

But it seemed her prayers were not going to be answered today.  As she slowly made her way down the stairs she saw that Arjun was not only up, but already at work.  Slowing her steps she noticed that he hadn't seen her yet, so engrossed he seemed to be in his files.  Turning around quietly she started to tip toe back up the stairs when she heard the words  "Going somewhere?"  come from his direction.   Arohi sighed and then slowly turned back around to look at him.  He was drinking his coffee and still looking through his damn file.  Arohi squared her shoulders and walked down the stairs slowly, seating herself in her usual chair.  "Just coffee." she said when Maria put a plate of eggs and toast in front of her.  Just the sight of them were making her ill.  Glancing up  from his file he looked at Arohi.  Her face looked a bit pale but still beautiful.  She wore a fitted deep purple silk kameez with short cap sleeves and a sweetheart neck.  Kundan embroidery around the neck and the sleeves. Her  heavy salwar was in contrast a navy blue with kundan work along the ankles.  Her hair pinned back from her face.  A little bit of kajal accenting her beautiful exotic eyes and a touch of lip gloss on her plump lips.  As Arohi made eye contact with Arjun, Arjun abruptly looked back at his file.  What the hell was he doing? he thought to himself angrily.  He was staring at her like some 16 year old love sick puppy.  Silence ensued for the next few moments as Arohi sipped her coffee and winced at the banging in her head.  "You should eat something."  "Starving yourself will only make your headache worse." Arjun said gruffly making Arohi's head snap quickly in his direction.  "OW" she groaned at the pain the quick motion brought her.  Arjun watched her for a moment and then called for Maria.  "Maria please grab 2 Advils for Arohi." he said, turning his attention back to his file.  Arohi watched him cautiously.  That's it? She thought to herself.  He wasn't going to say anything about last night?  This was a surprise, she thought to herself, starting to relax a little.  Taking the pills from Maria she popped them in her mouth.  Picking up a piece of toast she took a nibble and then as she lifted her coffee cup to her mouth she heard Arjun say.  "My shirt is probably still in your bed, can you please make sure it finds it's way back into my room."  Coffee sprayed out of Arohi's mouth as she stared at Arjun.  "How, how...why..." she stuttered.  "Why would your shirt be in my bed?" she squeaked.   Arjun took his sweet time answering her.  Slowly closing his file, picking up his coffee cup and then finally making eye contact with her as he took a sip.  A smirk evident on his face.  "Because you ripped it off me and threw it there." he said matter of factly.  Arohi's face caught fire.  Without even thinking she whispered in shock.  "No I did not!"  Arjun's smile became even more smug.  "Alright if that's what you want to believe." he said, standing up.  Arohi stood up so fast her chair fell back.  "Where, where are you going?" she asked wincing at the pain from her sudden movement.  "Office." he answered.  "No, no you can't just leave like that."  "I need to know what happened last night." she stammered.  "According to you, nothing happened last night." Arjun replied, turning and starting to walk away from the table.  Arohi wanted to scream and probably would have if the effort alone to speak wasn't killing her, forget about screaming.  "Arjun!" she said running to keep up with his long strides.  "Please, just tell me what happened?"  "Did you, did we um..." she started not knowing how to progress.  And the Karoos wasn't making it easy for her either.  Following him into his bedroom  she asked as calmly as she could  "Did you take advantage of my drunken state last night?"   Arjun's eyes widened and brows raised.  "I wasn't the one taking advantage of anyone." he said in a knowing tone.  Arohi gulped.  "Are you actually saying that I initiated something?" she asked in disbelief.  Arjun eyes darkened as he said "If by initiated  you mean ripping off my shirt as I tried to get you to settle into your bed,  then yes that is exactly what I'm implying."  Arohi gasped and felt her face turning red.  If the ground was going to be opening up and swallowing her whole, now would be a good time for it!  "I wasn't that drunk that I wouldn't have remembered something like that." she said hesitatingly.  Arjun shrugged.  "I'm just stating facts for you Arohi, the rest is up to you."   Arohi bit her lip nervously and glanced at him as he grabbed his coat and some more papers.  "Tell me what happened."  "Did we...?"  she finally asked in a barely audible voice not being able to finish the humiliating sentence.  Arjun stared at her and then walking closer he tilted her chin up so that she was forced to look at him.  "If we did, there is no amount of alcohol in the world that would have kept you from remembering that I made love to you."  Arohi's mouth fell open in shock at his ego.  "So no Arohi we didn't." he said with a small smile.  Seeing him turn away from her she gave a frustrated sigh.  "Then what happened?"  "How did your, your shirt get into my bed?" she asked.  Another smirk from him!  "I'm sure you'll remember soon enough Arohi." he said as he walked out of his room leaving a stunned Arohi behind. 

Racing back to her room she mumbled to herself about how ridiculous akroo was being!  And then she suddenly remembered Sweetoo.  In a panic she ran back out of her room calling for Maria.  Looking around to make sure Arjun had left, she grabbed Maria's hand and asked "Where's Sweetoo?"  "Don't worry Arohi, he's fine."  "You were out and he was getting a little anxious so he slept in my room last night." Maria answered with a smile.  "Oh thank god!" Arohi said with a sigh.  Her advil had finally kicked in and she was starting to feel a little more human.  "Um, Maria I was wondering...did you hear or see anything when Arjun and I got home last night?" Arohi asked trying to be nonchalant.  "No, I was already asleep." Maria answered and then rushed away to answer the phone.  Arohi shook her head.  "He's lieing she thought to herself...except Arjun wasn't the lieing type.  Infact he was the "I don't give a damn type!"  Throwing her hands up in the air in resignation, she made her way back to her room.  Just put it from your mind she said to herself as she grabbed her stuff for school.  Her eyes landing on her un made bed.  Slowly she walked over and pulled the comforter back and her eyes widened and then closed in embarrassment.  There in her bed lay Arjun's shirt.  What the hell had happened here last night she thought miserably to herself as she left the room.

"Good game, but not good enough my friend." Arjun said standing next to his pool table later on that night.  Him and Jai were having a few drinks and just finishing a game of pool.  It felt like ages since he'd just spent a relaxing evening at home.  No drama, no dogs, no community centers catching fire, no Arohi driving him crazy.  Just a cold beer and maybe a football match after the game of pool.  "Arohi not home yet?" Jai asked.  "What you think?"  "If she was home the house wouldn't be this peacefully silent." Arjun said, taking a swig of beer.  "You can break this time if you want." Arjun said to Jai.  Jai shook his head.  "I should get going."  "Lara still hasn't recovered from last nights outing." Jai said with a laugh.  "How's Arohi feeling now?" he asked.  "She wasn't that great this morning when I left."   "Which is no surprise since they were passed out drunk!" Arjun said shaking his head.  "Like you've never been passed out drunk!" Jai said and then frowning he asked "Have you been passed out drunk?"  "Hell you've never been drunk before!" he snapped answering his own question.  "How is that possible, you drank just as much as me in college yet you never once made a fool out of yourself like me and the rest of our friends did!" Jai said, glaring at Arjun.  "Because I'm not an idiot like you guys and I know how to hold my liquor!" Arjun answered.  Jai laughed.  "No it's because you don't like anything or anyone having control over your body, or mind.  "Not people, not emotions, not even alcohol."  "Well now that Arohi's in your life we'll see how long it takes for all that too change."  "If not the alcohol part, the emotions part for sure." Jai said in a mocking voice.  A big smile on his face.  Arjun glowered at him.  "Not everyone is as weak as you!" he said shaking his head at Jai.  "As Jai walked past Arjun he taunted "If being weak means I love my wife and I get to enjoy ALL the benefits of being married then by all means I'm weak."   Arjun opened his mouth to say something when he heard a knock against the open den door.  "Um, sorry I hope I'm not interrupting." Arohi began.  "Not at all I was just leaving." Jai said with a smile.  "Lara's waiting for me." he added, giving Arjun a knowing look.  Arjun just glared at him taking another swig of his beer.  Arohi watched Jai leave and then turned towards Arjun.  "Um, I needed to talk to you about something." she said.  "Go ahead." Arjun replied, setting up the balls again for another game.  Arohi watched as Arjun leaned over the table.  His arms so powerful and tight as they strained in his t-shirt as he positioned his pool stick.  Swallowing she told herself to stop staring at him, but then her eyes wandered on their own accord to his jeans, which were fitted so nicely over his butt.  "OH MY GOD!" she whispered as she quickly looked away, her face turning red.  What the hell was she doing?!  She was ogling her husband was what she was doing!  Arjun looked up to find Arohi mumbling to herself.  A blush covering her face.  "What's wrong with you?" he asked abruptly.  "Didn't you want to ask me something?" he asked.  "Yes, yes!" she said in a hurry.  "I was wondering if you could maybe use another janitor in your office building."  "Mr. Jacobs is a wonderful man who has two daughters that he's putting through college."  "He worked at the Community Centre, and now that it's gone, he really needs a job and at his age that's going to be hard." "So I was wondering if you'd hire him." she asked, finally taking a breath.  Arjun stared at her hard.  Her big brown eyes staring back at him.  "Send him by by my office the day after tomorrow and tell him to  talk to Rajiv."  "He's in charge of maintenance, I'll let him know your Mr. Jacob's will be coming by." Arjun heard himself say.   Arohi's face lit up.  "Thank you so much Arjun!" she said, practically jumping.  Arjun couldn't help but stare at her beautiful angelic face.  "Angelic face?" he thought to himself, wincing.  He was losing it.  "Is there anything  else you needed?" he snapped all of a sudden.  "Well now that you asked?" she began.  "There's also the receptionist from the center, she's super nice and today she came by the school..."  "And you think I'm running an employment centre and can hire every single person that worked at that community centre?" Arjun asked as he folded his arms across his chest and stared at her.  Arohi pursued her lips.  "Well since you'll be saving so much money  in demolition costs, since the building ended up burning down anyways and you'll probably get insurance money from it as well I just thought you would be able to afford to have a few more staff join your business."  Arjun stared at her with an expression of disbelief.  "Saved money with the fire???" "Insurance money?"  Have you lost your ever loving mind Arohi?!" he asked angrily.  "First of all I'm not running a charity here!"  "My tag line isn't "If you can't find a bloody job come work for me!"  "Secondly do you know how much money is being spent to deal with the corrupt insurance brokers, corrupt city officials, etc etc?!"  "All this extra money that you have your eye on is already spoken for!" he snapped.  "Oh come on Arjun, it's just a few jobs, I'm sure you can find a place for them in your office."  "Please."  "Pretty please." she begged.  Arjun wanted to wring her neck!  "How many are a few?" he asked.  "UM...a few as in...7." she mumbled.  "7!"  "I was right you have lost your mind Arohi!"  "I have no need for 7 new employees!"  "How about 4 then?" she asked.  Arjun's brows furrowed as he stared at her in shock.  "Are you negotiating with me?" he asked.  "Yes," she replied.  Arjun could not believe this.  "The problem Arohi is that you don't have anything to negotiate with!"  he snapped.  Arohi stared at him.  "But I do."   Arjun raised a brow waiting for her to continue.  "I will start off paying part of their wages for the next two months." "And if you like their work, you can keep them on and then pay their full wage."  she said.  Arjun's mouth fell open.  He stared at her in shock and then found his shock turning into a grudging sense of admiration.  She was tenacious alright. 

"I don't need your money Arohi!" he snapped.  "Well I don't have anything else to negotiate with." she said.  Arjun intense eyes bore into her.  Don't say it, he told himself. But as he watched her bite her lip nervously, his gaze became fixed on her plump pink lips.  And then he remembered how they felt against his.  "You can give me a kiss." he said suddenly.  Arohi stared at him.  "Whaaat?" she stammered.  "You heard me."  "I'll find a place for those people if not with me, then with someone else."  And all you need to do is give me a kiss...on the lips."  Arohi stared at him with her mouth open.  "I, I would rather give you the money instead." she began.  Arjun's eyes narrowed.  Turning back to his pool table he said  "Great, and I would rather not be running a job placement agency."  "Good night Arohi." he added as he pocketed two balls.  Arohi watched him move to the other side of the table.  His face fierce with concentration and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.  "I, fine one kiss!" she whispered.  "I can't hear you." he said, pocketing two more balls and stalking around the table.  "I said FINE, one kiss!" she repeated louder.  Arjun smiled triumphantly.  "Come here." he said in a soft husky voice.  Arohi moved slowly to him.  Just one quick peck she told herself.  She stopped a foot away from him.  "Are you planning on kissing me from there?" he asked.  Arohi glared at him.  They'd kissed before, but he was the one that initiated those kisses.  He was the one that knew what he was doing!  He was the one that lead and made their kisses so stomach fluttering good.  And now he wanted her to do the kissing?  Oh god.  Moving a little closer she looked up into his face. Placing one hand on his chest she stood on her toes and moved her lips up to his.  A breath away they stared at each other.  The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.  Closing her eyes, she touched her lips against his tentatively and then quickly pulled away.   Arjun stared at her.  "What the hell was that?" he asked.  "A kiss." she replied, quickly backing away.  Arjun grabbed her arm before she could get much further.  He knew he'd lost his mind the second he had asked Arohi to bargain with her kisses.  But now that the bargain was made and the thrill of anticipation was there he couldn't let her, or himself back off.  "That wasn't a kiss!" he snapped.  "Yes it was, our lips touched." she said, breathlessly as he pulled her even closer.  "If you think that was a kiss Arohi then I've taught you nothing." he muttered, before bringing his lips against hers.  His lips took possession of hers, deepening, taking, consuming, staking claim and all Arohi could do was cling to Arjun for dear life and let the onslaught of feeling carry them away.  She never wanted him to stop kissing her was her only thought as she snaked her arms around his neck.  Arjun didn't need much more motivation then that as he continued to kiss her until she was moaning against him. His mouth moving to her neck, softly biting and nipping.  She tasted so good.  Every time he touched her he had a harder and harder time backing away.   Finally pulling away he stared down at her flushed face.  His breathing labored as he took in her eyes still dark with desire.  "That's a kiss!" he finally said gruffly backing away from her and putting some distant between them.  Jai's words from just a half an hour back coming back to haunt him.    He... who was always in control, could not seem to control himself around his wife.  This would just bloody well not do! He thought to himself as he stared at Arohi.  Arohi watched the determination and anger set in Arjun's eyes as he stared at her.  Was he not just kissing her like he was never going to stop and now not moments later he was looking at her like she had just committed murder!  Would she ever understand him?

"I'm going to bed." he said finally, turning away.  "But what about those jobs, you're going to find positions for them right Arjun?" she asked hesitantly.  Arjun closed his eyes for a moment cursing himself for his stupidity. "I, I kissed you." she said, quietly.  Arjun give a cold laugh.  "Yeah you kissed me alright!" he said mockingly, his back still to her.  "Email me their resumes  and I'll see what I can do!" he said roughly.  "BUT I'm not making any promises!" he warned as he stalked off.    Leaving Arohi to wonder what just occurred here.

"I think I must just be getting sick.' Arjun said to himself as he drove back from a business dinner two nights later.  There was no other explanation for why he'd let Arohi talk him into giving jobs to people he didn't even need!"  "I'm tired and obviously not feeling well that's why when Arohi approached me I said yes to helping out 7 people that have nothing the hell to do with me!" he said bitterly shaking his head at himself.  What was this girl doing to him?  He'd started thinking like a 16 year old teenage boy, instead of a 29 year old man!   Coughing he told himself that he just needed to go straight to bed to recover from this.  Orelse god knows what else she'd convince him to do.  Tomorrow he'd set her straight and tell her that this soft hearted fruity BS wasn't going to work with him and he wasn't going to be helping any more people out just because SHE felt guilty!  He'd wanted to go over the "rules" they'd established early on in their marriage, rules she'd clearly forgot.  That's okay, he told himself.  This would be a good time to go over what would and wouldn't work in this house.  Smiling to himself he knew everything would be just fine.  He even whistled in between bouts of coughing as he walked up the stairs to his room.  Loosening his tie as he walked because he felt so bloody hot. He could hear Arohi was in her bedroom by the sound of her payal.  Great she's home!   He'd get comfortable then come and talk to her right now, why prolong until the morning.  And then he'd go to bed and this tiredness and achy feeling that had suddenly taken over his body would be gone.   Walking into his room he threw his tie on his bed and proceeded to unbutton his shirt, his eyes moving around his room and then suddenly falling on a pair of shoes laying outside of his closet.  That was odd, he thought as he walked over to the shoes.  Frowning he picked them up and his eyes  widened.  His leather shoes had teeth marks in  them!  Quickly throwing open his partly closed closet door he stared in horror at the pile of shoes, all destroyed, laying on the ground with teeth marks in them.  Picking up his favorite pair of loafers, he winced.  The shoe was now in 2 pieces.  Closing his eyes he tried counting to 5...but two numbers in he threw the destroyed shoes across the room.  He was going to kill that dog he thought to himself.  Turning on his heal he stalked out. But first he was going to kill Arohi!  "Arohi!" he roared.

Arohi jumped at her name being yelled so loudly.  Why was he yelling so much?! She thought to herself as she wandered out of her walk in closet.  Her eyes landing to a livid Arjun who stood in her doorway.  "Why are you yelling?" she snapped before she could stop herself.  His eyes widened a touch at her tone and grew even more stormy.   "Why would I need to keep yelling like some lunatic Arohi?"  "Why the hell would I come home from a long day at work and need to yell?"  Arohi gulped but straightening her back she replied "Cause you like to yell and show everyone who is boss."   The words had tumbled out before she could stop herself and now the look of cold fury she saw flash across Arjun's face told her today was not the day to speak, today was the day to keep quiet.  Walking into her room he slammed the door behind him.  "What did you say?" he asked in a deceptively calm voice.  Arohi gave an innocent "I said nothing" look.  Arjun coughed and then stalked closer to her.  "I like to yell and show everyone who is boss?"  "I don't need to show any one who is boss in my own damn home!"  "Everyone should know I'm boss!" he said coughing again.  Arohi stared at him.  "Are you okay?" she asked, noticing how flushed his face looked.  "WHERE IS THE DAMN DOG?!" he growled.  Arohi's mouth fell open.  How could he possibly know that Sweetoo was still here?  "Um, Arjun have you forgotten, you forced us to send him to the animal shelter." she said quickly.  "Forgotten???!"  "No I didn't forget, but you sure did!"  "Don't lie to me Arohi!" he yelled.  "That dog is still in this house!" he said, pausing to cough a little more.  "You don't sound well Arjun..." Arohi began.  "Get the damn dog Arohi!"  "I'm taking it to the shelter right now!" he snapped.   Arohi shook her head.  "Arjun you should rest, i think you're starting to hallucinate."  "There is no dog here." she tried to reason in a calm rational voice.  Taking a few steps he reached her and grabbed her arm pulling her towards the door.  "Arjun what are you doing?" she squeaked as she tried to struggle out of his grasp.  He pulled her along out of her room, all the way to his, finally letting go of her inside his own room.  Walking to the closet he threw open the door.  "So you're telling me there is no dog in this house?" he asked.  "I'm giving you one last chance to tell me the truth Arohi?" he warned, looking even more flushed.  Arohi gulped.  "Arjun, you're not well, here let me help you get into bed." she said soothingly.  Arjun's lips tightened into a thin line.  Grabbing a pile of destroyed shoes he came and stood infront of Arohi.  "If there is no dog in this house then can you please telll me who the hell chewed all my shoes?!"  Arohi's panic filled eyes flew to his shoes.  Inwardly groaning, she gulped as she looked at Arjun.  "I'm sure you have an explanation for the condition of these shoes!"  'Maybe you're going to tell me you chewed them yourself!" he snapped viciously.  Arohi quickly started backing towards the door.  She needed to make sure Sweetoo was hidden she couldn't let Arjun take him.  "Not so damn fast!" he snapped, grabbed her arm and wrenching her towards him.  "I asked you to do one thing...get rid of that bloody dog and since you've taken an oath to do the absolute opposite of what I ask, I'm goign to have to do it myself!"  "Where is he?" Arjun snapped glaring at her.  "I am sorry that Sweetoo did that too your shoes, I will talk to him and address this serious issue with him."  "You just need to remember he's a baby..." she began.  Arjun closed his eyes and let her go.  If he continued to touch her he was liable to reach for her neck.  "Where the hell is that damn mutt?" he yelled and then leaned against his bed post because he suddenly couldn't seem to stand.  What the hell was happening to him he thought to himself?  Arohi was too worried about Sweetoo to notice Arjun..  "I'm not giving him back Arjun, I'm sorry and if you like I can pay for the shoes..." she said suddenly noticing him sitting on his bed now his head in his hands.  "Arjun???" she said walking closer to him.  "I don't want your bloody money Arohi!" he said hoarsely.  "Get that damn dog out!" he managed as he stood up again.  Arohi looked at him suspiciously and then pressed a hand against his forehead, that he tried to swat away. " Oh my gosh Arjun you're burning up." she said worriedly.  "I'm fine." he said stubbornly, walking towards his door.  Arohi grabbed his hand.  "You're not fine!" she snapped.  "I'm fine!' he replied not feeling fine at all, as he leaned his head against the closed door.  "I just need a minute and then I'm going to go find that dog..." he said quietly as he closed his eyes.  

Feeling Arohi's hand against his shoulder forced him to lift his head.  "Arjun, please come lie down." she said quietly.  Arjun didn't move.  He could do this he told himself stubbornly.  Pulling at his arm Arohi forced him to turn around.  His eyes even looked feverish now.  Putting her arm around his waist she tried to get him to move but ofcourse he had to be as stubborn as ever.  "I'm fine." he said roughly.  Closing his eyes against the headache that he'd had all day but now seemed to have just become a full blown throbbing against his temples.  "You're not fine!" she snapped.  "Now stop trying to be bossy about this too!" "You're not well and I'm going to help you lie down!"  "You can find Sweetoo tomorrow, I promise you, he'll still be here for you to find!" she added sarcastically.  Arjun looked like he wanted to argue but thankfully didn't.  "I can walk to my bed myself" he said quietly but Arohi didn't move her arm.  Once at the bed she quickly lifted the bed covers.  "It's so bloody hot in here." Arjun rasped as he struggled out of his shirt and fumbled with his belt.  Arohi pushed his hands away and gently undid his belt but stopped when it came to unzipping his trousers.  "I'll get your pajamas." she said, turning away and moving to his closet.  Moments later she found Arjun already on the bed his trousers still on.  "Adjust the heat in here."  "I seriously feel like I'm on fire." he whispered.  Arohi moved to him, worry evident on her face.  "I'm going to grab a few things Arjun, just please don't try to get out of bed." she said, as she turned to hurry out of his room.  10 minutes later Arohi rushed back into Arjun's room only to find him tossing and turning in his bed.  He looked delirious from the fever now.  "Arjun, please lie still for a moment." she said, trying to sooth him by pressing a cold cloth against his skin.  "I just need to check your temperature."   But even in delirium Arjun wasn't about to make anything easy for her.  Still tossing and turning until Arohi finally manged to get the thermometer into his mouth.  "Oh my gosh, way too high!" she whispered as she stared at the thermometer.  Arjun's response was to push at his trousers.  "Get these off!" he demanded hoarsely.  Arohi paused for a moment and then moving his hands aside she struggled but finally managed to get his pants off after several tries.  He lay infront of her burning up in fever, down to just his boxers.  "Arjun, you need to take this." she said, forcing him to swallow some medication.   "Arohi, just go.' he mumbled even in this state not wanting to depend on anyone.  Arohi stared at the stubborn man in front of her.  "You go to sleep and I'll go." she said softly, pressing another cold cloth against his hot skin.  And so it went for the next few hours.  Arjun fitful and delirious from his fever and Arohi trying whatever she could to make him comfortable until his fever broke.  Sometimes just holding his hand or placing a soothing touch on his forehead.  At the height of his fever the chills set in and no matter how much Arohi tried she couldn't get him warm enough.  "So cold." she could hear him mumbling as he pulled at her to come closer to him.  Finally knowing she had no other option left, she climbed into bed with him.  Pressing herself against his feverish skin.   He burrowed into her, wrapping his arms around her, pressing his face into her neck.  Oh god Arjun she thought to herself.  Tomorrow morning he was not going to be happy with this turn of events. 

Arjun woke up the next morning feeling completely disoriented.  His eyes still closed he burrowed into the warmth next to him.  Thankfully the throbbing in his head was gone.  And then he felt the "warmth" burrow further into him.  His eyes snapped open and it took him a moment to focus in on the beauty that lay asleep in his arms.  Her face against his shoulder.  Her hand settled on his chest.  Arohi??? He thought to himself.  What was Arohi doing in his bed?  As snippets from last night started to come back to him he felt Arohi stir.  Her hair falling into her face.  His hand itched to move the strands away.  Now that the fever was gone and he was coherent again he couldn't help but fully appreciate the feeling of his lovely wife pressed against him asleep.  She'd stayed up all night and had taken care of him.  He couldn't help the tenderness that settled over him at that knowledge.  Just like he couldn't help his hand skimming over her hip.  Her kameez had ridden up to show a small amount of her stomach.  Again his hand itched to touch the soft bare skin there.  Her hand against his chest had now spread open and settled over his drumming heart beat.  And inevitably Arjun's eyes settled on those beautiful lips he couldn't get enough of.  Arohi stirred again, smiling softly and stretching as she slowly opened her eyes and came face to face with Arjun.  Her eyes came into focus and widened as she stared up at him.  "Good morning." she heard herself whisper.  Arjun frowned as he cleared his wayward thoughts.  "Morning" he said quietly.  Moving her soft hand to his forehead she asked "Are you feeling better now?"  Arjun stared at her for a moment and then as she removed her hand from his skin he replied "Yes, and thanks, thanks for last night." "For taking care of me." he said a little gruffly.  Arohi frowned.  Akroo didn't sound thankful.  Infact he sounded downright surly!  "You're welcome!" she snapped trying to get up.  But Arjun's arm around her waist wouldn't let her budge.  Flicking a gaze to his arm she turned and gave him a look.  "May I get up please?" she asked.  Arjun's first response was to say "NO!"  He didn't want her to leave just yet.  But ofcourse he wasn't going to tell her that.  Instead he said "Did you get any sleep last night?"  Arohi gave him a look.  "I slept enough, you though didn't, and I hope you're going to rest all day today too."  Arjun opened his mouth to argue but Arohi quickly pressed her hand against it.  "No, you need to rest today Arjun." she said seriously.  Arjun couldn't help but look into her big beautiful eyes.  The eyes that some how, always convinced him of what ever she wanted.  Slowly he nodded in agreement.  Arohi gave him a big smile as she lifted her hand from his lips.  "Good, I'll have Maria make you some tea and something light for breakfast."  "She'll bring it up for you." Arohi added making a move to get up again.  This time Arjun let her up.  As he watched her walk away he felt a small smile lift to his lips.  She said he was bossy?  He didn't think he'd met a person more bossy then her!  Basically everything she wanted she got him to do some how.  She put some of his best manager's to shame when it came to her negotiating and arguing a point skills.  Finding himself smiling like an idiot he frowned.  He had been made a fool of for the last week thinking the dog was gone.  She'd recruited his staff once again to fool him, and here he was smiling at her antics.  He was turning soft.  And there was no way that was going to work in his world.  Forcing himself to get out of bed to take a shower he resolved to speak to Arohi about exactly what had been occurring lately.  And most importantly  that dog had to go!

Arjun was not one to lazy away a day no matter how he was feeling, so once showered and having had some breakfast he pulled out his laptop and went to work.  But by lunch time he was exhausted.  Declining the soup Maria brought up for him he found himself drifting off too sleep again.  That was how Arohi found him that afternoon when she returned from school.  Peaking in on him she couldn't help but smile.  He lay on his stomach, his duvet only covering the bottom half of his body.  His hair looking mussed and sexy.  His expression vulnerable in his sleep.  She wanted so badly to reach out and tousle that hair.  Stroke his cheek which was covered with stubble.  She'd never realized how much she liked a 5 o'clock shadow on a guy.  Or rather on Arjun.  Picking up the duvet she pulled it up so that it covered more of him.  He didn't even stir.  She didn't want to admit it but waking up cuddled next to him this morning had been a...nice feeling.  More then had been lovely.  With a shake of her head at her silliness she turned around and left the room.  Arjun and her together,...highly unlikely.  Sure they'd shared a few kisses but that didn't constitute a marriage...a relationship.  So what if the fluttering in her stomach seemed to be happening a little too often when he was around.  Or that when she'd hurt him the other day by making the community centre comments the look on his face, the flash of pain which he hid quickly, at her accusations had felt like a knife in her stomach.  She didn't want to ever be the cause of his pain.  With a sign she walked into her room feeling a sense of melancholy settle over her.

Arjun woke with a start.  What time is it, he wondered stretching and then turning to look at his clock.  "6:00!!!" he burst out, sitting straight up.  How the hell had he slept for 5 hours!?!" And that too, such a deep dreamless sleep.   Arohi must be home by now he thought to himself.  Yawning he got out of bed and went to freshen himself up in the bathroom.  10 minutes later as he headed downstairs his stomach grumbled.  He hadn't eaten since breakfast and was now starting to feel the effects.  At the foot of the stairs as he turned towards the dining room he heard a peal of musical laughter followed by a male chuckle.  Forgetting about his hunger he headed towards the sounds. 

Arohi looked up still laughing at Samir's joke when her gaze met Arjun's, who stood at the entrance of the family room.  Seeing him, as if on cue, the fluttering in the pit of her stomach promptly began.   Arjun walked further into the room and watched Arohi stand up from her seat next to Samir.  Samir who was sitting a little too close to Arjun's wife!  Arjun's eyes narrowed as he directed a glance at Samir.  Turning away from Samir he smiled and said hi to Shefali and Tia.  "How are you feeling now?" Arohi asked, walking towards Arjun.  "Better." Arjun answered quietly.  "Okay good, you need to take your medication and Maria said you haven't eaten since breakfast so dinner is ready for you too." Arohi said.  Arjun nodded.   "Have you all eaten?" he asked.  Everyone shook their head no.  "Well why don't you join me then." Arjun said, not missing how Samir was looking at Arohi like a love sick puppy.  For god's sake her husband was standing right next to her and it still didn't make a difference to the idiot!  Arjun thought in disgust.  Arohi's eyes suddenly widened as she felt Arjun's arm snake around her hips, pulling her against him... almost possessively.  But that didn't make sense because why would Arjun be possessive towards her?  They were married in name only...weren't they?  No, she must be imagining things, she thought to herself as she looked up at Arjun's face.  "Shall we?" he said, looking at Arohi.  All Arohi could manage to do was nod.   As the five of them sat down to dinner Arohi couldn't help but notice the narrow eyed looks Arjun was giving Samir.  What was wrong with him?? Arohi thought to herself as she made sure everyone was served.  "Arjun, Arohi was telling us that you're thinking of a way to help the community that used the centre on a regular basis."  "Maybe by adding some sort of amenity space they might be able to use." Tia suddenly said.  Arohi blanched.  Oh no!!!!  She thought to herself as she stole a guilty glance towards Arjun.  "Was she now?" Arjun said  as he turned to look at Arohi.  His eyes flashing.  "Arohi's just giving away all my secrets!?" he added, his lips tightening into a thin line.  Arohi gulped as she looked down at her food.  Why had she opened her mouth to Tia and Samir.  It was just that they were making some unnecessary accusations against Arjun and it had really bothered her.  So in defense she had burst out with that silly statement.  She didn't think it would come out to bite her in the butt so quickly.   The rest of the dinner was a blur to Arohi.  Thankfully the subject had switched from the Centre to other topics.  As she pushed around her food and stole glances at Arjun every now and then, she started to relax.  He was talking to her friends, asking questions, giving his input.  He didn't seem to be angry or agitated.  Maybe he wasn't mad after all, she told herself.  As dinner finished, Arjun excused himself and left Arohi to entertain her friends.  Tia and Samir left soon after Arjun went up, leaving Shefali and Arohi to catch up on their own.   "It seems like things have come a long way between you and Arjun." Shefali whispered.  A big smile spreading across her face.  Arohi frowned.  "I don't know what your talking about Shefali." she replied, trying to play dumb.  "Oh you know exactly what I'm talking are you two still in separate bedrooms?" she asked.  Arohi's eyes widened.  "Ofcourse we are!"  "Nothing had changed between us," she said adamantly.  "We're just house mates."  Shefali raised her brows and gave her a "get real look."   "The possessive arm he put around you didn't look like you two are just house mates!" she said.  "And the way you raced over to him to see how he was feeling, fussing over him."  "I think you're into him." Shefali said with a slight smirk.  Arohi gawked at her.  "Into him?"  "Are you crazy."  "We just tolerate each other, and barely at that." she said.  Shefali sighed.  "I wish I had someone so good looking to just tolerate." she said, making Arohi roll her eyes.  "You're never going to change are you?" Arohi said with a shake of her head.  "Anyways how's University going...?" Arohi asked changing the subject...

Arohi walked up the stairs later that night.  Yawning as she made it to the top.  She hadn't slept very well last night and was hoping to sleep in tomorrow since it was her day off.  Now that Arjun was feeling better she wouldn't have to worry about him.   But she'd just have a quick look in on him to make sure he was okay.  Opening his slightly closed door she stepped into his room and  had just taken a step in, when she felt an arm snake around her middle, roughly pulling her against a hard chest.  She didn't need to guess who's hard chest it was.  "What are you doing Arjun?" she snapped struggling against him.  Turning her around swiftly he pulled her against himself.  His breathing ragged as his eyes bore into hers.  "You're just excelling in the lieing department Arohi?" he said mockingly.  "I shouldn't be surprised since this isn't the first time you lied, but now lieing to your friends about me?!" he said shaking his head in disgust. "Arjun let go of me, so that we can talk about this properly." she said, pushing against his chest.  "Properly?"  "What is a proper way to tell a lie?" he asked, holding her even tighter against him.  "Your friends think somethings going to happen, that my client is going to do something that is in no way going to occur!"  "And we've seen them at work in their stupid protests, this will just add fuel to the fire."  "How am I supposed to even begin explaining this to my client?" he asked furiously.  Arohi hadn't thought any of what she had said could do any real damage..until now.  "I didn't think about that." she said quietly.  "I'm sorry," she whispered trying not to cry.  "It's just that they thought badly of you even after I tried to explain that the fire was not your fault."  "And I just didn't think."  "I just told them something that I thought would make them see you in a better light." she said with a sob.  Arjun stared at her.  " Arohi don't cry." he said feeling guilt settle over him.  "I shouldn't have said anything." she said with another sob as tears started to fall from her eyes.  "I didn't mean for anything bad to happen." she added tearfully.  And suddenly Arjun was overwhelmed with guilt.  It weighed heavily on his shoulders as he tried to calm a weeping Arohi.  "Shhh," he finally said, pressing her head against his chest and trying to calm her down.  "It' okay."  "I'll handle it." he said quietly.  Arohi sniffled into his shirt as he spoke softly reassuring her that it wasn't a big deal.  When she finally pulled away and looked up at him with her big eyes still wet from her tears, he felt his heart clench.   "You okay?" he asked.  Arorhi nodded slowly and then pulled away from him mumbling good night she walked out of his room.  Arjun stared at the empty door way she had just passed through, and slowly replayed what just happened.  He'd been livid, had for the last two hours sat quietly in his room planning out his revenge and within 2 damn minutes she'd turned the tables on him and had him reassuring and comforting her!  Had him feeling guilty for something she did!   What the hell is happening to me? he muttered as he sat down heavily on his bed.  Whatever it was he didn't like it one damn bit but the problem was that no matter how much he seemed to plan to be immune to Arohi he still found himself drawn to her.  He still found his resolve melting at the sight of her big brown eyes staring up at him..   Jai would be on the floor laughing if he was to see Arjun right now...Mr. Ajrun Singhania master of his own destiny, ruthless business man, always in control of any situation...scared of his wife's tears!  She'd some how managed to get under his skin and that was the last thing he wanted or could tolerate.  Things were starting to change between them and he didn't like it nor want it.   At the beginning he'd figured she'd leave by now but he had obviously misjudged her and so now it was time for him to step in and make her leave.  There was no other option she had to leave this house, she had to leave him.  He didn't have room in his life for complications like the ones Arohi had brought and was sure to bring into his life.  Yes it was definitely time for her leave, he thought to himself, ignoring the way his heart clenched at the thought of her gone from his life, from his home, from him.  But he pushed all that aside and concentrated on the former.  She needed to leave and he'd have to make it happen.

Arohi walked into bedroom with a smile on her face.  A few months ago when she had come into this house she had thought Arjun was a cold, heartless egotistical man.  But slowly she'd learned that that wasn't all true.  Yes he was a hard man, he was rough and ruthless but he could also be kind, and gentle...oh god if he'd heard her refer to him as gentle he'd probably have a fit, she thought with another smile.  Behind that rough exterior was a good heart.  She was slowly starting to see that now.  It would take some time but maybe just maybe they could turn this into a real marriage.  She didn't know, but the thought of it did make her kind of giddy.  Arjun and her a real couple. Who would have thought it! 

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