Chapter 11

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Arjun's breathing was heavy as he jogged back into his house.  He'd just finished a 10 km run but hearing the loud voices and laughter coming from inside his house he almost turned back around to go for another run.  The women in his life were driving him crazy!  Starting right from nani who at every turn was asking about great grandchildren!  If he ignored her he was being rude, if he snapped at her, apparently, he was still being rude.  He couldn't win.  And then his mom had taken it upon herself to have Arohi's things moved into HIS room.  Even after he had specifically said HELL NO!  "Oh no it would just be too much for Nani's heart if she was to learn you two were living in separate rooms." his mom had said.  Nani's heart?!  He had a feeling Nani was going to out last everyone...he wasn't worried about Nani's heart... he was worried about his own sanity!  And last but definitely not the least of his problems was his insane wife!  She had done some pretty crazy things since they'd gotten married, but breaking into some anonymous guys hotel suite and stealing some worthless ring... took the cake!  What would have happened to her if he hadn't been there?  He'd lectured her all the way home from their little escapade, but all she had done was stare at him with a dreamy looking smile on her face.  He doubted she'd even heard a word he'd said!   But the person he was the most irritated by, was himself!  He didn't even recognize himself anymore.  His reaction to seeing Arohi with another man earlier today and then his actions there after were not only completely out of character for her but also straight out of his worst nightmare!  What was she doing to him?  What was he allowing her to do to him?!   All those lectures about ground rules, and live your own life, blah, blah, blah.  And he was breaking his own rules left, right and center!  He had at one time wanted her to meet someone else so he could be rid of her, and now just the idea of it made him want to punch something.  He was losing it,  ever since Arohi came into his life, his life had just spun out of control.  Right was wrong and suddenly wrong was right!   He could barely tell any more if he was coming or going and NOW she'd be in his his bloody bed... so he'd no longer be sleeping either.  His future held, even more cold showers, even more laps in the pool, even more 10 km runs and he had a feeling even more insanity.  Maybe he'd take up drinking!

Arohi peaked over at Arjun as he came out of the bathroom.  Freshly showered, a light stubble covered his face.  Wearing a white un tucked Ralph Lauren button up shirt and blue jeans.  He was seriously the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen!  And her heart beat faster as she remembered their intimate kisses in the closet of Bobby's suite.  Quickly looking away from him she went through their closet trying to find her new dress.  Tonight was Jai's surprise b-day party at Lara and Jai's place.  They'd be leaving in an hour and Arohi still wasn't dressed.  Maybe because she'd been day dreaming about Arjun all evening.  "What's wrong with you?" Arjun asked as he watched her staring off into space with a dopey grin on her face.    "Nothing." Arohi mumbled.  Arjun raised a brow but said nothing.  She quickly rushed into the bathroom, she was acting like a 16 year old school girl she thought to herself.  She was a smart, sexy young married woman now.  She needed to act like it.  And tonight she'd be sexy and sultry too.  She had plans to knock Arjun's socks off tonight.  She knew he was attracted to her but tonight she'd put Lara and her plan into action.  "Plan Seduce Arjun take 1,"she whispered, with a smile. 

Arjun stood in his office texting some information to his assistant.  Completely preoccupied he didn't notice Arohi until she stood right infront of him.  And when he did finally see her he was left speechless.  She was so sexy.  Wearing a purple silky sleeveless dress that came to just above her knees, it wrapped around her, hugging her curves like a glove.  On her feet she wore heels that made her legs look like they went on and on.  Her long hair was draped over her one shoulder and her eyes were done up to look smoky and sexy and as usual his gaze lifted to her plump limps which looked too inviting.  Arjun had to literally clench his hand into a fist to stop himself from reaching out to her.  "Ready?' Arohi asked innocently.   Arjun forced himself to speak.  "Yeah, let's go." he replied in a husky voice.  Arohi followed him out smiling.  Lara had told her this dress would do wonders and from the way Arjun's eyes had widened and he'd let his gaze drift over her, she had a feeling Lara was right.   As they settled into Arjun's car, Arohi fiddled with Arjun's radio stations.  Stopping when she heard a particular love song.

Kabhi kabhi aisa hota hai...
jaage jaage koi sota hai...
bin chaahe dil khota hai
kahin aisa na ho jaye...
kab armaan machlenge
kisko hai ye pata
kab mausam badlenge
kisko hai ye pata
pyaar ho jata hai kaise
jaane na jaane na
jaane na jaane na dil tera
aa ha..
nazar se nazar mile aa ha
nazar se nazar mile
to dekhengi aankhein sapna
jo yun koi saath chale...aa ha
jo yun koi saath chale
to lagne lagega apna aa ha
nazar se nazar mile aa ha
nazar se nazar mile
to dekhengi aankhein sapna
jo yun koi saath chale... aa ha
jo yun koi saath chale
to lagne lagega apna aa ha
(Movie: Miley Naa Miley Hum )

Arohi kept stealing glances at Arjun, even humming the song alittle.  But akrro just had his usual bored expression on his face.  "This is such a pretty love song." Arohi said.  And then rolled her eyes when she got no response.  "The lyrics are so romantic." she added.  "The song just makes you want to fall in love." she said with a dreamy expression on her face.  Arjun looked at her, raising a brow and frowning.  "Let's listen to the news!" he said, switching off the song and putting on some report about the Dow Jones average!  Arohi folded her arms across her chest and tried not to pout.  Here she's trying to be romantic and Arjun would rather hear about the latest financial news.  Thankfully they reached Jai and Lara's place fairly quickly, Arohi was starting to nod off as she listened to the boring radio program Arjun had turned on. The two walked in together and saw the party was already in full swing.  Lara hurried over.  "He should be here any minute." she said a little nervously.  Arohi nodded excitedly.  She loved surprises and Lara had put in a lot of time and effort to make sure everything was perfect for Jai.  They were so in love she thought with a happy sigh.  Glancing at Arjun she thought, would they ever have that kind of relationship? Would he ever love her as much as Jai loved Lara?  "What?" Arjun asked as he caught Arohi staring at him with a questioningly look on her face.  "Nothing." she said softly looking away.  Arjun shrugged and asked her if she wanted a drink.  Arohi shook her head no and watched as he left her and made his way over to the bar.   The evening progressed rather quickly with Jai walking in and being completely surprised and happy.  His hand never leaving Lara's as he thanked everyone for coming and then the soft kiss he'd given his wife thanking her for planning such a sweet surprise for him.  Brushing away tears Arohi shook her head at herself, she was such a hopeless romantic!  Arjun watched from a few feet away as tears appeared in Arohi's eyes.  Frowning, he wondered what was wrong.  Why was Arohi crying?  As he made a move towards her he felt a hand grip his arm.  "Hi sexy." he heard against his ear.   Arjun sighed.  Would Tania ever leave him alone?  "Yes Tania," he asked in an irritated tone as he pulled his arm free of her grasp.  Tania pouted.  "I haven't seen you in so long and this is how you say hi?" "You've forgotten your manners." she chided, with a small smile as she reached over and hugged him.  Arjun pulled away, but not before his eyes met Arohi's from across the room.  "Tania, you're already drunk!'  "Control yourself." he snapped.  "Control, that's the problem Arjun I can't control myself, I'm so in love with you that..."  Arjun looked around and noticed people were starting to stare.  God that's all he needed was an audience!  "Let's go!" he said abruptly, grabbing her arm and pulling away from the crowd.  Arohi watched Arjun and Tania go off in the opposite direction towards the back patio.  Willing herself not to cry she told herself there had had to be a perfectly logical reason they were going off on their own.  She just couldn't think of one. 

"Tania, this is the very last time I'm saying this to you...stay away from me!" Arjun bit out.  "We've been over for a long time now and I'm a married man."  he added, staring her down.  "But you don't love her!"  "I know you don't!" Tania cried. "You love me!"  "Only me!" she sobbed.  Arjun shook his head.  "My relationship with my wife is not up for discussion here."  "What we're discussing here is you."  "You need to lay off."  "And don't think I don't know about your taunts towards Arohi."  Tania rolled her eyes, suddenly the crocodile tears gone.  "So wifey has been tattling on me has she, well did she tell you that..."  "Shut up Tania!" Arjun shouted.  He'd had it with her.  "Arohi, didn't tell me anything."  "Lara told Jai and he mentioned to me how psycho you've been."  "Arohi can hold her own with you, she doesn't need to come running to me about you.   "I want you to step right back Tania, orelse I'm going to push you back."  "And if I start pushing it'll destroy you!" Arjun said ruthlessly.  Tania stared at him with a glint of fear in her eyes.  She knew Arjun never made idle threats.  "Arjun, you're getting upset over nothing." she said touching his arm.  But one look from Arjun and she quickly pulled away.  "I think I've been very nice Tania, and I think I've explained my self in a way that even you can understand...again very NICE"  "I'm hoping you understand now, but if you don't and I find out  you said one more word to...or about, my wife, next time I won't be so nice."  Arjun said coldly. "Infact I'll be downright ugly." he threatened viciously.   Tania  swallowed and quickly turned away, practically running back into the house.   Arohi quickly hid from her place by the door.  She couldn't stop smiling.  Hugging herself she knew she looked like a moron but she didn't care.  The way Arjun had come to her defense, ready to hurt anyone that hurt her.  She giggled as she remembered seeing Tania's face as she ran away from Arjun.  Who was the mouse now? Arohi thought to herself.  "I love you Arjun," she whispered as she watched him walk back into the house and over to a group of his friends.  "Arohi, you're over here, I'm been looking for you everywhere!" Lara said.  "So what do you think of the party?" she asked.  "It's wonderful." Arohi said in a dreamy voice.  "It is isn't it."  "I think Jai was really surprised."  "Arohi?"  "Earth to Arohi?" Lara said touching Arohi's arm.  "Huh?"  "Sorry, what were you saying?' Arohi asked with a blush.  Lara looked at her suspiciously.  "Something is different with you?"  "Oh my gosh did you wear the lingerie we bought?!"  "That's a very tell tale blush on your face!"  "You just skipped everything else and went right in for the kill didn't you!" Lara said with a giggle. "I told you..."  "Lara please stop talking for a second and let me speak!" Arohi said, shaking her head.  "No, I did not wear that...that thing." Arohi replied.  "I just, I just have been getting to know Arjun more, and I'm just, well, he makes me happy." Arohi said with a shy smile.  "I misjudged him."  "He's...he's nothing like I had made him out to be." she said softly.  "Oh my gosh someone is totally in love!" Lara said happily.  Arohi shushed her.  Thankfully most people were dancing or by the bar and didn't hear Lara's declaration.  "We'll talk about this later!"  "Now let's go dance!  Arohi said, pulling Lara with her towards the dance floor.

Arohi danced the night away with Lara and her friends, stopping only for dinner.  And every once in awhile she would feel Arjun's eyes on her.  And her whole body would blush.  Feeling thirsty she made her way to the bar and stopped next to where Arjun was standing with Jai.  "Hi." she said with a smile.  She hoped she didn't look too love struck when she looked at him but she just couldn't help herself.  "Are you enjoying your party Jai?" she asked.  Arjun watched Arohi as she made small talk with Jai.  There was something different about her, he couldn't quite pinpoint it, he'd actually been noticing it for he last few weeks.  Something was up with her.  "Jai, it's our song baby let's go dance." Lara said, coming up and grabbing Jai's hand.  "Arohi, Arjun come with us." she said giving Arohi a look.  "No thanks." Arjun replied, taking a drink of his beer.  Arohi gave him puppy dog smile, "Come on Arjun, dance with me."  "I really like this song too." she begged.  Arjun raised a brow.  "Then go dance."  "I'm not in the mood to dance." he said roughly.  What he wasn't  in the mood to do was get too close to Arohi.  Her standing next to him was already giving him enough ideas.  Her in his arms...there was only so much a man could take.  Arohi bit her lip and then heard someone say "Hey I like this song too."  "I'll dance with you."  Both Arjun and Arohi looked at Jai's cousin Abhi.  "Um," Arohi said looking at Arjun.  Arjun forced himself to not react.  What did he care who she danced with.  "Yeah Arohi you should go dance with Abhi." Arjun replied.  Arohi tried not to show her disappointment.  Giving Abhi a smile she said "Let's go."  Arjun watched and drank, and drank and watched as Arohi danced song after song with Abhi.  The two were laughing as Abhi twirled her around.  And to be fair they were dancing with others too.  Lara and Jai were in the group too.  But all Arjun could see was Abhi and Arohi, and to him it seemed that Abhi was getting a little too friendly with his wife. 

Arohi felt a hand settle on her hip and before she even turned to look she knew it was Arjun.  Only his touch sent shivers up her spine.  "Let's dance." he said in a husky voice against her ear.  Arohi nodded and then felt him pull her against him.  Moving her arms so that they entwined behind his neck.  She felt her mouth go dry at the look in his eyes.  His hooded intense gaze on her.  "You look good tonight." he said against her ear.   "Thanks." Arohi replied softly, looking up at him.  "Really good, your look so sexy that it's all I can do not to kiss you right now." he said in a husky voice.  Arohi gulped.  What had gotten into Arjun tonight?  But she had to admit whatever it was, she loved it!  "Let's go home." he replied, pulling away from her and staggering a little.  "Are you okay Arjun?" she asked.  "I will be after tonight!" he promised pulling her off the dance floor.  "Let's say bye to Jai and Lara atleast." she said as he dragged her along.  "No!" he slurred.  "Arjun!" Arohi half yelled as he staggered again.  "You're drunk!" she gasped as they made their way into the empty foyer.  "I'm not drunk!" Arjun slurred back.   "Infact I'm more sober now then I've ever been since I've met you Arohi!"  Pulling her into a room to the left he shut the door and locked it.  "What, what are you doing Arjun?' she stammered.  "What I've been wanting to do almost since I laid eyes on you." he replied in a husky voice as he starting unbuttoning his shirt.  Arohi stared at him with her big brown eyes.  "Arjun, we should go home." she said in high pitched voice.  Arjun slipped off his shirt throwing it to the side.  "Come here Arohi?" he commanded.  Arohi slowly pushed away from the door and started to walk towards him.  "No stop right there and take off your dress." he said hoarsely.  Arohi stared at him and then slowly reached behind her and unzipped her dress.  Holding it against her and then seeing the look in his eyes she let it shimmy down her body until she stood infront of him in just her bra, panties and her high heals.  "Arjun looked his fill.  "Beautiful, you're so damn beautiful." he muttered, not being able to wait another second but instead taking the few steps to her and pulling her into his arms.  He kissed her with such desperation and need.  "All I think about day and night Arohi is you."  "Touching you, tasting you, making love to you."  "It's bloody consumed me!"  "But no more!"  "I'm going to take what's mine!"  "You're mine Arohi!"  "Mine!" he growled picking her up and placing her on the edge of the desk.  His mouth moving along her neck, sucking and biting until she was clutching at him.  His lips moved back up to hers for another intense hot kiss.    His gaze drifting over her gorgeous body as she leaned back letting him touch her and kiss her.  "Arjun, oh..please Arjun." she moaned.  

"Arjun, Arjun."  "Arjun???"  "Please, Arjun...wake up?" "Arjun?"  Arjun opened his eyes slowly and then groaned as he shut them again.  What the? he thought.  Why did his head feel like it was going to explode  Opening his eyes again this time slowly, he looked up at Arohi.  A completely dressed Arohi. When did Arohi put her clothes back on?  More importantly WHY did Arohi put her clothes back on?  They were just getting started!  "Arjun, I know you must feel horrible but Jai called and said Mr. Mehra wants to see you and him in an hour and a half."  "It's regarding some big project." she said, shrugging.  Arjun stared at her.  What had just happened here? How did he go from making love to Arohi to feeling like he had been hit by a freight train.  "Here sit up and take this." Arohi said, holding two advils and a glass of water.  Arjun did as she said still staring at her prim white cotton silk suit.  What happened to the hot Arohi that was moaning and calling out his name.  "Arjun?" "Other then the headache are you okay?" she asked.  "You look...confused." she said hesitantly.  Arjun was more then confused.  He was dumbfounded.  What was happening to him? "What happened last night?" he asked in a gravely voice.  Arohi raised her brows and moved away from him.  "Well a lot of things, some that definitely shouldn't have happened between us." she replied.  Arjun eyes widened.  So it had happened!  "You're saying you didn't enjoy it?" he asked.  "Enjoy, I hated it!" she said frowning at him.  Hated it?!  "It didn't sound like you hated it?" he burst out furiously.  Hated it?!  He'd never had a woman tell him they hated him making love to her.  Infact it was quite the opposite.  Yet Arohi who he had wanted more then anything... hated it!  "Well I wasn't going to tell you during it that I hated it!"  "You were too far gone to be paying any attention to what I wanted!" she said, rolling her eyes.  "What?" Arjun burst out and then immediately regretted it.  His head was banging out a heavy metal song.  "What?" he repeated much more softly.  "Too far gone?"  "I didn't pay attention to what you wanted?"  "I'm sure I would have made sure you were more then satisfied." he grated out.  "Satisfied?" Arohi said wrinkling her nose. "You can ask everyone who saw us, I was not the least bit satisfied!" she snapped.  "Everyone that saw us?" Arjun asked in shock.  "We had an audience?' he asked holding his head in his hands.  "Ofcourse we had an audience!"  "Jai was the one that finally got you into the car after out argument." "You were so drunk you could barely walk yourself!" she replied.  Arjun paused still holding his head in his hands.  Looking up at Arohi he asked gruffly "What the hell are you talking about Arohi?"  "Our argument about not letting you drive when you're so drunk."  "And you not trusting me to drive your precious sports car!' she replied, rolling her eyes.  "Lara, Jai, Abhi and a few other people were there to witness my embarrassment that even drunk, my own husband doesn't trust me!" she snapped.  "In the end we left your car at Jai's and his driver dropped us off!" "This was my chance to drive a sports car so I definitely was not satisfied by the end result!" she pouted.  Arjun stared back at her like she'd grown two heads.  "Did we dance last night?' he asked confused.  "Yes, one dance and then that's when we left and had that silly argument." she replied.  Arjun closed his eyes.  "So nothing happened...other then that?" he asked hoarsely.  "What else would have happened?"  "We came home and you passed out on the bed."  "The end." she replied.  Arjun laid back down.  "I need 10 minutes of quiet!" he said before she could speak.  "Don't come back in 10 minutes I will get up myself!" he snapped.  "Arjun..."  she began worriedly.  "Don't speak, just please Arohi for the love god...give me 10 minutes." he said quietly.  He could hear her muttering something and then finally he heard the door shut.

He stared at the ceiling.  Life was spiraling out of control.  He was having sexy R rated dreams about her, ones from which he never wanted to wake up.  He was literally going crazy.  Completely losing his mind and from what he could see she had no clue.  No clue whatsoever!  She probably thought just the kisses they shared were pretty intense.  She had no idea what he wanted to do to her, with her and all the different places he wanted to do it in!  She would be completely scandalized.   Oh god he was in so much trouble.  Sharing a room, sharing a bed.  Maybe he could move into a hotel for a few days he thought to himself.  Or maybe he needed to go a business trip.  A business trip that lasted the length of nani and his mom's stay.  But he knew all that was wishful thinking on his part.  Because no matter what he would have to return home one day, and there would be Arohi... sitting there wearing a capital T for temptation around her neck.  "Time for a cold shower." he said to himself as he got up gingerly.  He'd never had a hang over in his life.  Never been drunk in his life until Arohi came along.  "Why does everything crazy that happens have a disclaimer at the end of it saying "Until Arohi came along." he thought to himself.   And then he groaned.  Jai, his best friend, his partner, would take so much pleasure out of this.  He would never let him live this down.  "Until Arohi came along!' he muttered walking into the bathroom.

"Mom, I had so much fun shopping today."  "I really wished you lived here, the house feels so much more like a home with you and Nani here." Arohi said with a smile.  "Usually it's too quiet."  she mumbled.  Arjun's mom squeezed Arohi's shoulder.  "That's why you and Arjun need to fill it up with lots of kids!"  "That'll definitely make it a home."  Arohi blushed and smiled.  She did want lots of kids.  4 atleast!  She had been an only child and had hated it.  No lots of kids for sure, a house full with their little friends coming and going.  So much laughter and chatter.  "Children are what makes a home." Arjun's mom said.  "I know you're young right now and probably want to wait until you're ready."  "Which is good because once the kids come it becomes all about them." she said.  "How would you know?" Arjun asked, walking down the stairs, having heard the conversation between Arohi and his mom.  "Yours and dad's life was about how to make each other miserable it sure as hell wasn't about your children." he snapped.  "Arjun, let's not get into this right now."  "I did the best that I could for you two boys."  "My life was about you two." she said quietly.  "Yeah, definitely."  "Like the day I graduated high school and you and dad had a huge argument right after my class valedictorian speech. "That was definitely all about me!" "I should thank you for waiting until atleast after the speech I guess." he said sarcastically.  "I know your dad and I have made mistakes, lots of mistakes."  "But you were always loved, are loved."  "There's never been anyone more important to us then you two boys."  "Why do you think we stayed together, it was for you two boys!" she said with tears in her eyes.  Arjun gave a cold hard laugh.  "Stayed together for us?"  "Are you kidding me?" he said angrily.  "I'd rather have had a normal childhood, less money, a smaller house, a regular school and divroced parents then have had you two staying together for the sake of your children!"  "So that martyr BS don't use it on me because I know better!" he snapped.  "Arjun, I don't care what you think or feel about me, but I am your mother and you will speak to me with respect!" his mom snapped.  Arjun stared at her for a few moments and then walked away without another word.   Arohi had stayed quiet throughout the whole exchange and now hugged Arjun's mom.  "He didn't mean it." Arohi said quietly.  But as she looked at Arjun's retreating back she felt her heart go out to him.  She knew it couldn't have been easy growing up the way he had.  But she prayed that one day he'd be able to move past his anger at his parents and forgive them.  Not only for them but for himself too.

The next few days Arjun was home after Arohi went to bed and awake and out for a run or workout before Arohi was even awake.  Most days he couldn't help staring down at her perfect face, forcing himself to move away instead of do what he really wanted to do, which was wake her up with kisses and caresses.  They did meet at breakfast which was filled with the women's chatter and laughter.  Arohi's being the loudest and happiest as she planned shopping trips, and places to visit and lunches out for the three of them.  His nani suddenly looked ten years younger to him the way she giggled at things Arohi did and said.  It was one of those mornings that he walked down the stairs preparing himself for more high pitched squeeling. But instead he found all three women quieter then usual.  His mom and nani were talking quietly amongst themselves and their ring leader Arohi was staring at her plate, pushing around her food.  Picking up his newspaper he glanced questioningly at her.  But she was still staring down at her plate.  "Arohi, beta should we go to that India Bistro for lunch today." his mom asked.  He paused and waited to to hear her answer.  "Um, mom is it okay if I don't join you for lunch today?"  "I have a headache." she replied.  "Oh ofcourse, you rest."  "We'll leave shopping today too." his mom quickly answered.  "No, no, you and nani go."  "I'll tell Ramu kaka exactly where to take you." Arohi said. trying to smile.  But as Arjun pulled down his newspaper he  noticed the smile didn't reach her eyes.  "Excuse me."Arohi said as she got up and walked towards the stairs.  He hadn't seen her like this since the very early days of their marriage after everything had happened with Vicky.  His brows furrowed he stared at her until she disappeared around the corner into their bedroom.  Shaking his head he told himself to stop over reacting.  She's fine, she's got a headache he thought to himself.  Why was he making a big deal out of nothing.  He was being ridiculous and he really didn't have time to worry about why Arohi wasn't laughing and cheerful.  Infact this was a nice break  from her incessant cheeriness.  "I hope she's okay."  "You should check up on her." his mom said from beside him.  "You heard her, she's got a headache, what's their to check up on?" he snapped, getting up from his chair.  His mom gave a weary sigh as she watched him walk away.  "Maria," Arjun called as he got to the door."  "Arohi isn't feeling well."  "Bring up some advils for her headache and...and keep an eye on her." he said roughly, before opening the door and leaving. 

The day was incredibly busy for Arjun.  Back to back meetings, site visits, going over plans.  He barely had time to take a breath.  But every once in awhile Arohi's face would flash infront of his eyes and he'd think about how incredibly sad she looked this morning to him.  And then he'd tell himself to stop thinking about her.  She'd already invaded every other part of his life now she was invading his thoughts too!  Arohi sat on the window box in Arjun's room watching the drizzle.  She felt a shiver run through her as she pulled her shawl more tightly around her.  A picture frame lay in her lap and as she stared at it, she felt more tears slide down her face.  "Mama, I miss you." she whispered bringing the picture up to her face and kissing it lightly.  It was then she heard the bedroom door open.  Quickly tucking the frame under her shawl she turned away and wiped her tears.  Turning towards Arjun she forced a smile on her face.  "You're home early." she said, starting to stand up.  Arjun stared at her.  "What's wrong?" he asked.  "Wrong... nothing." she replied not meeting his eye as she stood up. "It's suddenly so cold today."  "I think my sweaters are still in my room I'll just go get one." she said, trying to rush past him.  He caught her hand as she passed him.  Pulling her back slowly until she was infront of him.  Lifting her chin up he looked into her red eyes.  "You've been crying." he said.  "No, it's my headache, it's just made my eyes puffy." she replied, as a tear slipped down her face.  "Arohi, what's wrong?" Arjun asked hesitantly.  Arohi shook her head, her tears threatening to choke her.  Arjun's heart clenched at seeing her so upset.  Pulling her into his arms he rubbed her back soothingly.  "Arohi, you can tell me." he said softly.  Not being able to help herself she let out a sob and then another.  Clinging to him as she cried.  Arjun hugged her close to him.  His heart breaking for her.  "I, my mom this is...the anniversary of her death." Arohi said, finally pulling away and looking up at him.  "She's been gone a long time but for some reason without  fail today hits me the same way every year."  "As if it was the day she died."  "I know I'm being silly." she said shaking her head.  Arjun looked at her with furrowed brows.  "You don't have to make excuses for how you feel."  "She was your mom...I would imagine the pain might dull but it's always there when you lose someone so important to you." he said softly.  Arohi stared up into his face and then rested her head against his chest again.  She hadn't wanted to tell him what was wrong because she didn't think he'd understand.  But he did understand, and right now was the first time all day that she could say she felt better.  "I guess a part of it was that my dad is alone in Chandigarh."  "Even though we talk almost every day I sometimes feel like I've abandoned him."  "I mean I've started a life here and I'm happy and well he's there by himself."  she said softly.   "Maybe you could go see him soon." Arjun finally said.  Arohi looked up at Arjun.  "We'll both go okay Arjun?" she asked a little anxiously.  Arjun didn't answer but he did tighten his hold on her, hugging her closer.  When they finally did pull away, Arjun asked a little gruffly "Are you okay now?"   Arohi nodded.  "I'll be fine." she replied.  "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" she suddenly asked.  Arjun looked at her anxious expression and shook his head no.  "It's poker night at Jai's"  "I'm going there, infact I'm late." he replied, turning away from her.  Arohi nodded. "Ofcourse, well have fun." she replied walking to the door and letting herself out.  Arjun watched her go.  He had plans, and it wasn't as if they were a real couple or anything.  If he changed his plans that would only give her the wrong idea and that was the last thing he wanted.  She was upset and he had been here for her to lean on. That was it.  He couldn't have her thinking it was or could be more then that.  But later on that night as he played a few hands of poker and lost every hand, all he could think of was Arohi and how upset she'd been.  How heart broken.  Would it have been so wrong for him to have stayed home and watched a movie with her?  Stuck around just to make sure she was okay.  What if she was still upset, what if she was still crying?  "I'm going to go." Arjun said suddenly, standing up.  Jai, Romit and Ishaan looked up at him.  "You just got here a little while ago and you're already leaving?" Romit asked.  Arjun nodded as he grabbed his jacket.  "Yeah, I've got something to take care of." he replied.  Jai smirked.  "He's a married man now guys, leave him alone"  "Let him get home to his lovely wife." Jai added with a teasing smile.  Arjun frowned and threw him a look.  "Shut up!" he replied.  Jai  laughed and got up to walk Arjun out  "By the way did Lily book our flight  for London?" Arjun asked.  Jai nodded "I wanted to talk to you about that...Lara wants to come too, and she mentioned Arohi coming along too." he said.  "Are you crazy?!"  "This is a business conference not a vacation!"  "No, you want to take Lara go ahead but I'm not bringing Arohi." Arjun replied.  Jai rolled his eyes.  "I think you're being stubborn about this."  "What do you care if Arohi comes."  "Lara and her will have each other to keep them company while we're at the conference during the day, and in the evenings we'll have our wives to keep US company."  "It's a win win situation if you ask me." Jai said innocently.  Arjun gave him a look and walked out of the house shaking his head. 

As Arjun looked around his empty bedroom a short while later he frowned.  She's probably downstairs he thought turning on his heal and stopping.  "You're home early." his mom said from his doorway.  "Yeah, I, I wanted to finish up some work tonight." he replied.  "Hmm, Arohi's not home in case you're wondering." she said.  "She's out with her friend Samir, I think they went to go see a movie." she added, watching as Arjun's eyes narrowed and his lips drew into a thin line.   "Good for her, now I'd like to get some work done!" he snapped, turning away from his mom. 

Arjun stared at the file in his hand, reading it for the 4th time and not registering a word of it.  His anger intensifying with every minute.  He was such an idiot.  Out with his friends and instead of enjoying himself he had been thinking about her!  What was happening to him?  He was never like this before.  And he certainly never let himself get so wrapped up in a female that she consumed his every waking thought.  But Arohi was starting to do that.  It was his own damn fault really.  He was starting to give a damn and that was a big mistake, one he'd seen his friends make many times before.  One he'd sworn he would never make.  Take tonight for example, he came home early for her and she's out with that Samir.  The guy that is so in love with her that you would have to be blind not to see it!  Arjun certainly hadn't missed the longing looks Samir sent Arohi's way.  And now she was out with that loser watching a movie!  And if she hadn't gotten under his skin it would never have mattered what she was doing and with whom... but here he was... sitting by himself waiting for her!  Never again he told himself...never again.  He was Arjun Singhania, he didn't wait for anyone  and he knew what he wanted from was all physical attraction and the sooner he gave into it the sooner he could get her out of his system and move on.  That was all any of this was.  The reason he thought about her so much, the reason she effected him so was all because he wanted her.  Wanted her more then anything he had ever wanted before.  So why deny himself?   It was best just to go ahead and satisfy this need he had for her and be done with it.  The more he thought about it the more he convinced himself that, that's all it was.  A powerful physical need that only Arohi could satisfy.  Only having Arohi could take care of it.  Only Arohi! he thought with a determined glint in his eye.  Only Arohi.

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