Chapter 2

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Arohi opened her eyes to see the worried faces of her dad, and Vicky's parents peering down at her.  "Are you okay beta?" Vick's mom asked worriedly.  Arohi slowly started to get up.  "What happened?" she asked shaking her head as if to clear it.  "You fainted!" HE snapped from across the room.  Arohi's eyes met HIS cold ones and the words "Vicky has run away from home" came back to slap her in the face.  She let out a little gasp and quickly got up from the sofa.  Her dad grabbing her arm to steady her as she felt herself get woozy again.  "This is impossible."  "Vicky would never have left me"  "Something must have happened"  "Is this one of his practical jokes!"  Looking around hysterically she said "Vicky if you're hiding, you better come out right now because seriously this is not funny!"  Arjun stared at a nearly hysterical Arohi.   "Here read this!" he said finally handing her an envelope.  Arohi grabbed it from his hand and saw her name in Vicky's handwriting scribbled on the front.  Quickly pulling out the letter she let her eyes skim over the brief words. 

"I'm sorry Arohi, more sorry then you'll ever know.  I just cant' marry you.  I'm not ready for marriage, I know it had been my idea in the first place but now that it's actually happening I just can't.  It's more then just cold feet.  I have so much I want and need to do before committing to something as serious as marriage.  I know I'm leaving you in a lurch here and  believe me when I say you're the last person in the world I would ever want to hurt.  But I can't go through with this.  I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me one day. I will always love you, Vicky."

The tears were instantaneous.  She couldn't believe he'd done this to her.  "My daughter is ruined!" Arohi's dad suddenly shouted.  "Ruined!"  "Who will marry her now?!"  "Bhai saab..." Vicky's dad began.  "NO!"  "Don't bhai saab me!"  "I have a house full of guests, my daughter's hands are adorned with mendhi." he said grabbing Arohi's lifeless hands.  "Everyone thinks there's a wedding tomorrow!" he continued in a broken voice "And there is no groom!"  "I have to go out there and tell everyone that the groom has run away!"  "No matter how modernized this society has become they'll still point their dirty fingers at my daughter!"   My daughter's heart is broken because of your son!"  "My daughter's dreams have been shattered because of your son!" he shouted pointing at Vick's parents who looked completely broken.  "What can we do?" Vicky's dad finally whispered.  "You can't do anything!" Arohi's dad snapped.  "Other then bringing your idiot good for nothing son back to marry my daughter!"  "But we all know that's not going to happen."  "Who knows where he's run off too!"  "Making promises to my daughter!"  Arohi squeezed her eyes shut.  "Dad, please" she whispered touching his arm trying to calm him down.  But her dad was not ready to calm down.  "That no good useless spoiled boy has destroyed everything!"  "How can you expect me to calm down?"  "HOW?" he asked, his voice cracking.  "Enough!" Everyone turned towards the soft but firm command that came from across the room.  "Your reputation will stay as intact, pristine as ever."Arjun said mockingly. "My brother has made your daughter a promise that he didn't full fill, I will fulfill it!"

  "I'll marry her." Arjun said staring at Arohi, his eyes betraying no emotion.  Arohi's gasp filled the room.  "I will not marry you!" she said furiously.  How dare he!" she thought to herself.  But no one else said anything as they stared at Arjun in shock.    A few moments later Arohi's dad finally spoke.  "Under the circumstances I think that would be best."  Arohi's eyes widened in horror.  "I will not marry him dad!"  "How can you expect me to do this!?"  "No, it can't happen!"  "How can I marry Vicky's older brother?"  Arohi said shaking her head miserably.  "Arohi, please listen to me, you have to marry him."  "You have to, honestly I will not be able to live with the fact that that boy abandoned you a day before your wedding."  "I will not be able to take the taunts and the ridicule that will be aimed at my daughter."  "I know times have changed, but people never fully change."  "This black mark that Vicky left on your image it will always stay with you if you don't get married tomorrow."  A sob escaped her lips.  "Dad this is your thinking, and personally I don't care what people think!"  "I am in love with Vicky so how can you expect me to marry his older brother?" she asked in a heart wrenchingly broken voice.  "Aren't people going to question the fact that I married his brother?"  "Aren't people going to talk then?"  "I can't live my live for people!" Arohi said harshly.   Trying to push down the lump in her throat.  She couldn't let herself break down right now.  She just needed to get through this and then when she could escape to the privacy of her own room she could let the tears come.  But not now. 

Arjun watched her, being careful not to show any evidence of the surprise he felt at Arohi's words.  She didn't want to marry him, in fact she didn't care what society as a whole thought.  That was new.  Most girls would be hysterical right now, crying and yelling and thinking their life was over.  But not Arohi, he felt a grudging sense of admiration at her quiet strength.  He didn't want to marry her.  He didn't want to marry anyone.  He liked his life the way it was...he liked living it the way he wanted without having to answer to anyone.  And he certainly didn't believe in love, that was a useless, soft emotion that definitely didn't have any space in his life.  Arohi would be a complication that he didn't want nor need.  And there was Tanya, waiting back in Mumbai...he'd have to deal with her too.   It was good that Arohi herself had declined the proposal.  Hearing her dad going on and on about Vicky had made Arjun furious.  Fine Vicky did a very very stupid thing.  He himself had had a few choice words for him.  But it was one thing to hear it from him and one thing to stand by and listen to someone else put down his brother.  Arohi's dad wasn't wrong in his anger but Vicky was the most important person in the world to Arjun.  There was only so much Arjun could hear before he'd had to step in and offer to marry Arohi himself. 

Arohi's dad staggered back into a chair.  His posture showing that he was completely broken.  "I, I need to speak to my daughter alone for a moment." he said, his voice thick with unshed tears.  Arjun's dad patted Arohi's shoulder awkwardly.  Not being able to meet her gaze.  His mom hugged her close.  "It'll be okay beta." she whispered pulling away.  Arjun stared at her for a moment.  His eyes boring into hers like he was trying to figure her out.  And then he stalked past her, shutting the door softly behind her.  Going to crouch before her dad she grabbed his hands.  "I'm going to be fine." she said, her voice cracking.  Her dad looked up at her and pulled her into his arms.  Arohi's sobs came rushing out, she was no longer able to control them.  This wasn't supposed to happen to her.  This wasn't the way things were supposed to turn out.  She was supposed to be marrying her best friend, the last person that would or should have hurt her.  They were supposed to live the perfect life together.  And now everything was gone.  The man she loved proved that he was still just a selfish little boy.  As she rested her head in her dad's lap she heard him say "When your mom died I promised her that I would always do everything in my power to keep you happy."  "I failed."  "My beautiful, kind hearted daughter is hurting because I failed to see that boy for what he was."  "Dad, this is not your fault."  "I've known Vick for years, I wanted to marry him."  "How can any of this be your fault?"  "No one knew he was going to leave me the day before our wedding." she said bitterly.  Her dad sighed and stared at his hands for a few moments before he spoke again. "Arohi,you say you'll be able to move on from this but I don't think you will."  "I can't take the chance of you not ever letting yourself be happy and I don't know much about Arjun but from what his father has told me in the past he is the exact opposite of that Vicky."  He's responsible,  and intelligent and will take good care of you.  "Financially you will never lack for anything... and I know he'll keep you happy."  Arohi gawked at her dad.  "What about love?"  "I don't love him, I love his younger brother!"  "How can we be joined together forever when I love his brother?!" Arohi repeated.  "Love will come!" Arohi's dad began making Arohi give a harsh cry.  "That's not how I pictured my life dad!" she said  "He's not a man you can love."  "And I don't think I can love anyone after Vicky." she said softly.  "This is exactly why you have to marry him Arohi." her dad said a little hysterically now.  "You will never let your feelings for that Vicky will never let yourself be happy again."  Arohi sighed and shook her head.  "Dad I don't know what the future holds."  "Let's just leave it at that."  "Please go out there and tell everyone to leave."  Her dad's gray complexion suddenly had her adding  "dad have you eaten anything yet, you know you have to keep your blood sugar levels up because of your diabetes." Moving to the door.  she added "I'm going to have food brought to you." Her steps now becoming more brisk as she brushed away another onslaught of tears.  She couldn't breakdown infront of her dad again was her only thought.   The words,  "Arohi, until you agree to marry Arjun, I will not eat."  had Arohi stopping in her tracks and turned around to stare at her dad in shock.  "What?" she asked.

"That was a noble thing you did in there?" Arjun's dad said patting Arjun on the shoulder.  One cold look from Arjun had him pulling his hand back with a sigh.  "I did what was necessary, what the responsible thing would be."  "Responsible, now there's a word you have no understanding of." Arjun said coldly turning away from his father.  "No, you two raised yourself I wasn't responsible for that at all." Rudra replied bitterly.  "I wasn't responsible for putting a roof over your head, food in your stomach, clothes on your back, I wasn't responsible for paying for the best schools money could buy!"  "I stand corrected." Arjun said in a decpetively soft voice.  "You were very responsible when it came to providing us with THINGS and STUFF."  "But tell me how many times you attended a function that your son was involved in at one of the "best school's money can buy"  "How many soccer or football games did you attend?"  "How many times did you and mom ruin a birthday or a special occasion by fighting?."  "How many times did we behave like a normal family. " I think you know the answer to those questions better then I do."  Rudra said, staring at him, his eyes filled with anguish.  I might not have been the best father but one thing that has never faltered was my love for you and Vicky and..." he began.  Arjun laughed and shook his head in disgust.  "Don't tell me about an emotion you know nothing about."  "Love, I've seen what love does to people." he said looking between his parents in disgust.  "Didn't you two love each other at one time?"  "We all saw where that brought you." he said shaking his head.  "Arjun!" his mom said furiously but didn't continue as they heard the study door open.    Arohi's dad stepped out alone.  "Arohi has agreed to the marriage." he said.  "Under the circumstances a big wedding will only bring more questions."  "Questions to which we don't have answers."  "So tomorrow morning we can have the ceremony with immediate family."  Arjun stared grim faced at Arohi's father. "I need to speak to her alone." he said moving to the door of the study and shutting it behind him, before the parents could react.

Arohi stood infront of the large bay window staring mindlessly out into the garden.  She was about to marry arrogant, egotistical, cold hearted, Arjun Singhania.  The happiest day of her life was about to become the worst.   "So you're sure this is what you want?" she heard from behind her.  No this was not what she wanted.  But right now she knew if she spoke she would burst out crying.  "I think we should clarify a few things before we move into this marriage." she heard him say.  Arohi tensed.  Slowly turning she stared at him waiting for him to continue.  "I have a life in Mumbai that I don't plan on changing in any way."  "As far as I'm concerned this marriage is in name only.  "You will get my name , access to as much financial resources as you need and whatever else you desire.."  "You can live the way you want, and I will continue to live the way I have been."  "Separate lives then?" she said softly.  "Exactly."  'I won't meddle in your life and you won't meddle in mine."  "Let's face it, this is not a marriage either one of us wants."  "I do own a very successful business and when it warrants it, I will need you to be by my side as my wife."  "Business parties, dinners as such."  "But other then that I have no expectations from you." Arjun said bluntly.  Arohi nodded.  The lump in her throat threatening to choke her.  "So we have an understanding?'" he asked.  Arohi nodded, praying that he would leave now.  "And Arohi during this marriage at any time if you feel that this is not what you want, I won't stop you if you want to leave."  Arohi turned around quickly, putting her fist against her mouth trying to stifle a sob.  Arjun stared at her rigid back for a moment.  "I'll see you tomorrow Arohi." he finally said, turning around and walking out.  Arohi dropped to the ground, letting herself finally break down.  Her dreams shattered.

The small wedding ceremony took place the next morning.  The bride wore a dusty rose colored lengha and choli with copper embroidery.  The groom wore a cream colored sherwani. Both barely glanced at each other throughout the ceremony.  The only time their eyes really met was during the mangalsutra and sindoor ceremony.  Both not being able to look away as they were tied together forever in the most pure of ceremonies.  "I am so happy for you." Shefali said hugging Arohi close.  Arohi felt tears spring to her eyes.  "It's going to be okay." Shefail told her, wrapping an arm around Arohi.  And besides now that you're moving to Mumbai I'll get to see you all the time".  My hostel isn't far from your new home."  Arohi nodded.  She was about to start a whole new life.  A new city, new people, new expectations of her or in Arjun's case no expectations of her.  It would be good to have Shefali there through it all.  "I know you liked him...I'm sorry." Arohi finally said.  "Arohi," Shefali said with a laugh.  "He's hot and you know me, I fall in and out of "like" all the time."  "So don't worry about me."  Arohi gave her a small smile.  "I wish he was Vicky" she said quietly.  Her eyes glistening with unshed tears.. She hated herself for thinking of Vicky, after everything he'd done to her.  Left her in such a position that she was forced to make a decision that would change the whole coarse of her life.  But today was supposed to have been their wedding day.  The house should have been packed with guests.  Laughter..happiness.  Not like it was now with everyone speaking softly around her, barely making eye contact with her.    It didn't even feel like a wedding.  "It feels like I'm at a funeral." she suddenly heard herself say.  Her eyes widening as she saw Arjun who stood 2 feet from her, lift his eyes and give her a cold, hard stare.  Arohi gulped.  There was no way he missed hearing that.  But I don't care! she suddenly thought standing up straighter and giving him a cold stare back.  Arjun's eyes darkened.  Well I'll be damned, he thought.  First, she basically compares marriage to him... to death.  And now she was staring him down.  Arohi Ahluwalia, no Singhania had a backbone after all, he thought to himself.

But then he shrugged.  What difference did it make to him. His parents lived in the same house and had very little use for each other, he knew that's what would happen with Arohi and him too. And eventually she would  adapt or she would get tired and leave.  And if he'd figured right, he was pretty sure it would be the latter.  "I guess a divorced Arohi would be better then a jilted Arohi in some people's eyes." he thought resentfully.  None of this would have even been happening if Arohi and Vick had not acted like fools jumping into marriage.  A wave of resentment washed over Arjun as he glanced back at Arohi.  He'd had his life all laid out the way he wanted and marriage was never supposed to be part of it!   All he could hope for was that Arohi abided by what he had said yesterday and if she didn't then he would need to remind her that when Arjun Singhania issued a command it was to be followed.

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