Chapter 9

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Arohi peaked outside her window.  "What a beautiful day!" she said out loud.  A big smile spreading across her face.  The sun was shining and she'd woken up happy.  She'd also gone to bed happy.  Blushing she remembered again how Arjun had comforted her last night and that too for her own mistake.  And then she remembered the night on the gazebo when he'd comforted her after Tania had said those horrible things to her.  How he'd held her and then...kissed her.  A small smile played on her lips.  Shaking her head at her wayward thoughts she grabbed her bag and headed downstairs.  Stopping outside her room for a moment, she smoothed down her pretty light pink and royal blue frock suit.  Did she look okay she wondered.   Taking a deep breath she kept walking.  She looked fine she thought, albeit hesitantly, as she brushed her long wavy hair over one shoulder.  Arjun glanced up at her from his newspaper as Arohi came and stood next to him.  His eyes taking in her beauty.   "Good morning." she said sweetly, sitting down in her usual spot.  "Morning," Arjun replied gruffily, going back to his paper.  Arohi poured herself some coffee and sipping it as she stared at him.  "Such a beautiful day isn't it?" she remarked.  No answer came from behind the paper.  "I just love days like this when it's just the perfect temperature, not too cold..." she began, when she saw Arjun quickly get up.  "You're leaving already?" she asked quickly.  "I don't have time to discuss the weather and all the fine aspects of it with you!" "I have a business to run and now 7 more employees to make work for, thanks to you!" he added as he turned on his heal and left the room without so much as a good bye.  Arohi stared after him and fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him.  AKROO" she muttered.  Gussa always on the tip of his nose.  But then as she sipped her coffee she smiled...he'd hired all seven community center employees.  And who had he done that for? Her... she thought with a smile.  "Arohi, phone call for you." Maria said, pulling Arohi away from her thoughts.  "It's sir's mom." Maria added.  Arohi took the phone and with a smile in her voice said "Hi mom, how are you?"  Arjun's mom smiled on the other end the moment she heard her daughter in law's voice.  "I'm fine, I thought I'd see how you were doing."  "Usually you call every other day but I hadn't heard from you, so I got worried." she added.  "Oh mom I'm sorry."  "It's just been so hectic these past few days."  "But everything is fine with us."  Arohi replied.  "And Arjun, he's well?" his mom asked quickly.  "He's fine, he was a little under the weather for a couple of days but he's fine now and back at work today." Arohi replied.  "Under the weather?"  "What was wrong?" his mom asked worriedly.  Arohi quickly explained that it was just a cold.  "Oh, well I'm glad you were there to take care of him." she said.  "There's another reason I wanted to call."  "Arjun's nani and I were planning on coming and visiting you in about a week."  "Do you think that would be okay?" she asked hesitantly.  Arohi paused.  "Mom, ofcourse it would be okay, we would love you see you and this is your house just as much as it's ours." she added.  "Okay then it's settled you're having some visitors."  "Arohi..." she added.  "You and Arjun are the in the same bedroom now aren't you?"  Arohi's eyes widened at the question and a blush crept up her cheeks.  Her mother in law rarely asked about their relationship and sharing a bedroom was one the most intimate parts of that relationship.  "Um, no not yet." Arohi replied softly.  Wondering if Arjun's mom had just guessed that they had separate rooms or had done some investigating of her own.  "Arjun!" his mom said roughly.  Arohi could just imagine her shaking her head at her son.  "Well that won't do!" she said tersely, and then gentled her voice for Arohi.  "Nani as you know is very old fashioned."  "You two sleeping in separate rooms will get her going especially since she's been asking me almost since your wedding night if she's going to be a great grandmother soon!"  Arohi choked out an uncomfortable laugh.  Having no idea how to respond to that.  "I really wished by now Arjun would have seen how perfect you two were for each other."  "But no he's just as stubborn and pig headed as his father!"  "What am I going to do with that boy!"  his mom muttered, making Arohi wonder if she was talking to herself or to Arohi.  "Mom?" Arohi questioned when she didn't hear anything but more muttering.  "Well this won't do."  "No this will not do."  "You are to move into his room...into your room before we arrive which will be in two days." his mom said briskly.  "Mom..." Arohi began ready to tell her that wasn't going to happen.  "Arohi, please."  "Your nani will be heart broken seeing you two living in separate rooms."  Arjun's mom quickly interjected.  Then Arohi heard a little sob followed by a louder one.  "Mom, oh my gosh don't cry." Arohi said worriedly.   Another sob followed her plea.  Arohi felt guilt wash over her and then she finally replied "I'll talk to Arjun and...and...I'll move into his room if he agrees."  A happy laugh could be heard on the other end making Arohi suspicious of how real the earlier tears were. "Thank you beta!"  "You have made me...I mean your nani so happy."  "I've get going now but will email you and Arjun our flight information as soon as I have it."  Before Arohi could respond she had already hung up. 

Arjun took the stairs two at a time and then walked briskly into his room.  He was on the way to an off site meeting when he realized that he'd left his file at home.  Making a quick detour he stopped at home to grab it.  Flipping through his stack of files the one he was looking for wasn't amongst them.  "Where the hell is it?" he wondered out loud as he flipped through some papers on his desk.  And that's when he heard the bark.  His eyes narrowed and he knew without a shadow of doubt where that file was.  "That mangy little mutt!" he muttered as he followed the barking to Arohi's room.  It was empty other then for the DOG, the royal pain in his a*s mutt that Arohi had foisted on them.  There it sat in the center of her room like he owned the place.  But instead of chewing on a bone like a normal dog he was chewing on Arjun's very important file.  "I am going to kill you today mutt!" Arjun snapped, stalking over to the dog.  Sweetoo's tail started wagging the second he saw Arjun.  Letting go of the file he started yipping and jumping.  Arohi grabbed his file and grimaced.  It had dog slobber all over it.  "Disgusting!" he muttered, flipping through the pages.  Most were intake but some had been sloberfied.  Looking at the overly happy to see him dog, Arjun frowned.  "Get your things dog because you're moving out... today!"  Scooping the animal up and holding his nasty file in the other hand, Arjun  left the room.

Arohi wandered into the dining room that night feeling famished.  She'd spent the day out with Lara who was a shopaholic.  She only let them stop for a small snack.   It was Jai's surprise birthday party next week and Lara needed the perfect outfit.  Only it became the perfect 5 outfits!  Arohi smiled at the memory of Lara's craziness.  But she'd gone a little crazy herself.  Arohi had bought herself a new dress for the party.  It was too pretty to leave behind.  A knee length deep purple wrap around sleeveless sheath.  Lara and Arohi had both loved it.  "Arjun's not home yet?" Arohi asked as Maria set the table.  "Sir's home, he said he'll be down shortly."  Arohi nodded, and smiled.  A little fluttering started in the pit of her stomach as she waited for Arjun to come down.  "Maria, is Sweetoo in your room?"  "Has he eaten?" Arohi asked.  Maria shook her head.  "No, I thought he was asleep in your room, I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to check but I don't think I've heard from him in a few hours." Arohi frowned and then smiled.  'Oh, Ramu kaka likes to take him for a walk."  "He's probably with him."  she said.  "Or in Arjun's closet." she added with a giggle and a wink at Maria.  "What's in my closet?" they heard, making Arohi jump.  She looked up at Arjun uncomfortably.  "Nothing, northing's in your closet!"  Arjun gave her a look and sat down at the table.  "How was your day?" Arohi asked.  "Fine." he replied.  Arohi waited for him to ask about her day.   " day was really good too."  "Lara and I went shopping for Jai's b-day."  she volunteered. "He's going to be so surprised." Arohi added with a smile.  Arjun mumbled something about shopping and waste of time.  "Do you think Jai has any idea about the surprise." Arohi asked.  Arjun looked at her.  "I don't know."  "Jai and I don't discuss parties!"  "We discuss deals!" he said gruffly.  "Oh, okay."  "I was just wondering..." she replied softly.  A few moments of quiet while they sipped their soup.  "Mom called today and she said her and nani were coming for a visit next week."  "That's nice." Arjun replied.  "Yeah, it is nice, but well there is a slight problem."  "Mom mentioned that nani might not like the fact that we are, that is to say...that we don' I'm trying to say..."   "Spit it out Arohi!" Arjun snapped putting his spoon down.  Arohi gulped.  Did he have to always be so gruff!?  "I'm getting to it!" she snapped.  "What I was saying is that nani will be upset if she finds out we don' a bedroom."  Arjun's eyes narrowed.  "So what are you saying Arohi?" he asked.  Arohi stared at him..for a genius he was pretty stupid!  "I'm saying that while nani and mom are here we should share a room."  "You want us to sleep together?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest.  "Yes...I mean NO!"  "I don't  want us to sleep together." she replied, blushing furiously.  "I just think and mom agrees that we should share a room. " she added uncomfortably.  "My mom agrees..." "That's just wonderful!" he muttered, cursing under his breath.  "I don't care what my nani or mom want!"  "We're not sharing a room!"  "And that's final." he snapped.  There was no way he would do any sleeping with Arohi in bed with him.  He was already having enough problems just sharing the same house.  Bedroom too...hell no!  And his plan of getting her out of this house would go out the window the second he found her in his bed.  Wearing very little, maybe something lacy...and red.  "Arjun..?" Arohi said waving a hand infront of his face.  Arjun's eyes snapped to hers. What the hell was he doing?! What the hell was he thinking?  He'd been so lost in picturing  her in his bed he had completely lost his train of thought or for that matter his whole bloody mind!  And if she was in his bed he'd lose a lot more then just the ability to think..he'd lose the ability to keep his hands to himself too!

"No, the arrangement we have right now is fine." he said.  Arohi nodded her head and looked down at her food.  He was so irritating, and the way he was going on and on made it seem like she wanted to share a room with him!  AS IF!  The rest of the meal was eaten in silence.  Arjun excusing himself from the table first.  Arohi stared down at her half eaten dinner feeling glum.  How would they ever have a real marriage if he didn't even want her near him.   Not that she wanted him near her!  But even sharing the same space, like a normal husband and wife.  After seeing his intense reaction at the thought of her in his room she thought maybe she'd read everything wrong.  Deep in thought she didn't hear Maria come up and speak to her until she actually felt Maria's hand on her shoulder.  "Arohi, I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner but..but we can't find Sweetoo anywhere." she said worriedly.  Arohi frowned and stood up.  "Where could he have gone?"  "He must just be asleep some where in the house." she said reassuringly.  Maria shook her head.  "We've looked everywhere and no one has seen him for a quite a while."  "Not atleast since Arjun sir came home to retrieve a file..." Maria replied, not meeting Arohi's gaze.  "Arjun, came home think Arjun took him?" she asked, feeling her heart rate accelerate.  Maria stared at the floor wringing her hands.  She should never have let Sweetoo wander off on his own.  Arohi was already half way across the room when Maria looked up with tears in her eyes.

"What did you do with him?" Arjun looked up from the TV show he was watching.  "Do with whom?" he asked.  Arohi stomped into the room.  Trying to stay calm, hoping beyond hope that she was wrong.  "Just tell me Arjun, please just tell me you didn't take Sweetoo." she said in a shaky voice.  Arjun stared at her for a few moments and then turned back to his TV.  "He's finally where he should have been weeks ago." he replied.  Arohi's yes grew wide.  "What are you saying Arjun?"  "Where is he?" she asked hysterically now.  "Arohi, calm down." "I found him with one of my files today, not surprising since he's had run of the house!"  "I dropped him off at the shelter before I left for my meeting."  Arohi let out a strangled cry, staring at him in shock.  He had done it!  He had actually done it!  "Why are you looking at me like that?"  "I told you that dog wasn't staying, I told you I was going to take him to the shelter so why do you look so shocked?" Arjun asked.  Arohi couldn't speak past the lump in her throat.  Her Sweetoo was gone!  "Arohi, are we done."  "I'm watching something here." he said, turning back to the TV.  Arohi stared at the heartless man infront of her.  She'd been so wrong.  So so wrong.  Her first impression of him was right, absolutely right.  HE was a cruel, mean, mean, selfish man.  He only cared about one person...and that was himself!

Arjun looked up surprised as Arohi snatched the remote out of his hand switching the TV off and throwing the remote across the room.  She was shaking with anger.  "How dare you?"  "How dare you?" she screamed hysterically  "Sweetoo was mine, mine!"  "You had no right!"  'No right to take him!" she sobbed.  "I hate you so much for this Arjun!"  "I hate you!"  "He was mine!"  "I don't have anything here!"  "No one that's truly mine other then him and you couldn't stand that either!"  "You took that away from me too!" she raged.  Arjun stared at her in shock.  "I was right about you, I don't know why I thought you could be different!"  "You can't be, you only care about yourself!"  "You don't care about anyone else's feelings, any one else's pain!"  'You don't care!"  'Bottom line you don't care!" she screamed beside herself now.  Arjun stood up.  "Arohi, calm down."  "You're getting worked up about nothing." he said sternly.  "About nothing?!" she yelled.  "He might have been nothing to you, but to me he was something very important!"  "I loved him, he loved me!"  "Arohi, he's just a dog!" Arjun snapped, grabbing a hold of her arms trying to stop her from shaking.  "And I'm just a wife!" she screamed  "Too bad you couldn't drop me off somewhere too!" "I'm just as useless to you!"  "What do you need me for?" she asked "Sweetoo was mine, sure he did some naughty things, but he's a baby."  "I told you I'd fix them." "I told you he'd be better..." she sobbed.  "Arjun. why did you do it?" "Why??"  "Why do you hate me so much to have hurt me like this." she cried, looking up at him in anguish.  Arjun stared down at her feeling like he'd been kicked in the stomach...when in reality he'd pretty much kicked her in the stomach.  "Arohi..." he began, wanting to calm her down. Hating to see her like this.  Arohi struggled away from him.  Wiping at her face frantically.  "I'll never forgive you for this Arjun!" "He made me happy, I was happy after a long time and you took that away from me!"  "Congratulations to you, you win again!"  "You're happy... that's all that matters!"  "Don't worry about us insignificant people, what happens to the rest of us doesn't matter a damn to you!"   "Arohi, listen to me." Arjun snapped, taking a step towards her.  "NO! Arjun Singhania you listen to me!"  "From now on what you say... goes!"  "I'll live under the rule of the great Arjun Singhania!"  "You say jump, I won't even ask how high... I'll just keep jumping until you're happy!"  "That's what you want, you can have it!"  "Damnit Arohi!" Arjun yelled.  "I never said..."  he began.  "Yes, sir" she said, wiping at the tears that just wouldn't stop.  "What ever you say sir." she added, turning away and running out of the room.

Arjun stared after her in a state of shock and then turning he grabbed his beer bottle and threw it at the fireplace where it smashed into tiny pieces.  "What the hell was that?!" he snapped to himself raking his hand through his hair.  When had he ever imposed his "rule" over her.  Sure he'd set some ground rules for them, but when had she ever abide them?????!  When did she ever listen to him?  She did whatever she wanted!  He'd asked her many times to get rid of that dog, he'd even warned her that he was going to get rid of him himself.  He'd bloody well warned her!  It wasn't his fault she hadn't listened..  It wasn't his fault that she thought his was making idle threats!  And she made it sound like he was such a tyrant, such a horrible person that imposed such a cruel miserable life on her!  What the hell was that?  And all this over a dog!  Over some damn mangey mutt.   Sitting down slowly he pictured her face, her eyes filled with hurt and sadness.  Closing his eyes he leaned back against the sofa trying to block out her broken voice.  Her face covered in tears.  He'd never thought she'd react this badly.  His gut twisted hard as he remembered her shaking violently.  "Why do I care?"  "I don't care!"  "She'll get over it!" he told himself.  But the words sounded hollow even to him.  He wanted her out of his life, well it seemed the time had come sooner then expected. 

Arohi ran into her room passing Reena and Maria as she went.  Not missing the pitying looks on their faces.  Closing the door behind her she threw herself on to her bed.  Sobbing...for Sweetoo and for something else..something she herself didn't understand yet.  But had wanted.  Something she thought she could have had with Arjun.  But she'd been wrong, he didn't care about her.  He didn't care about anyone else but himself.  She'd been so many times did she have to get hurt before she learned!  How many time?!

The next day Arohi didn't leave her room.  She didn't want to see him today, infact if she never saw him again it would be too soon.  That night Arjun found himself glancing at the stairs more times then he could count.  No sign of Arohi.  She was being so immature he thought angrily.  What was she going to do now, lock herself in her bedroom for the rest of her life.  Starve herself.  Maria who he had been giving him disapproving  looks all day, had told him that Arohi had barely taken two bites of her breakfast and lunch.  What did she think that was proving?  Nothing, nothing other then the fact that she was taking everything way out of proportion.  Staring down at his own uneaten meal he swore and got up and walked out of the dining room.  The next morning just as he was getting up from the breakfast table she came down.  "Good morning." he said as she sat down.  "Morning." she replied not looking at him.  Arjun stared at her emotionless face for a moment and then walked away.  He wasn't about to beg her to speak to him.  It was good that she wasn't talking...he wouldn't have to hear about the bloody weather and how happy everything was!

Arohi went to work, smiled at Samir's usual jokes.  Talking to Tia about the new teacher who Tia was secretly in love with.  No one would know that anything out of the ordinary had happened.  Then she went home already planning on spending another evening in her bedroom.  Running up the stairs she passed Arjun as he came down the stairs, ignoring him completely as he did her.  Walking into her room she slammed the door behind her and that's when she heard the bark.  Flinging herself around she couldn't believe her eyes.  "SWEETOO!" she screamed as her Sweetoo ran to her.  Arohi was beside herself hugging her baby.  She couldn't believe he was here.  He was back.  But how did he get home she thought and in the next breath she knew the answer.  Arjun brought him back.  "I missed you so much!" she said squeezing Sweetoo until he yelped.  "Sorry just got too excited!" she said, loosening her hold.  She couldn't believe it...Arjun had brought Sweetoo back...for her.  She'd been wrong, very wrong...he did care.

Later on that evening Arjun heard a knock on his home office door making him look up as Arohi peaked her head in.  "May I come in?" she asked softly.  Arjun nodded his head and watched as she walked in and closed the door behind her.  Not a stitch of make up, her hair in a ponytail.  Wearing a simple long t-shirt and pair of leggings.  And as usual she looked beautiful. "I just wanted to, um...I just wanted to thank you for bringing Sweetoo back home." she began.  "It's fine." Arjun replied.  "No, it's not fine...I ...I said a lot of things...some you deserved" she quickly added.  "And some you didn't." she said softly.   "So I'm sorry."  "I was just very upset and it wasn't just over Sweetoo was something a little more complicated."  Arjun stared at her waiting for her to continue but it seemed like she was going to leave it at that.  Shaking his head he said "Alright then."  "Anything else?" he asked turning back to his laptop.  "No, I guess not." she said softly.  "Okay, just keep that dog away from my things!" Arjun snapped.  Arohi quickly nodded.  "He'll be on best behavior she added.  "Some how I doubt that." Arjun muttered.  A minute later Arohi was still in the same spot.  Arjun glanced up at her muttering to herself.  "Arohi, did you need something?" he asked.  Arohi shook her head and then squaring her shoulders she rounded his desk and bending down kissed him on the cheek quickly, then backed up.  "Thanks Arjun, I really mean it." she said.  Arjun's eyes narrowed as he got up.  "It didn't feel like you really meant it." he said softly.  "Oh, but I did." Arohi said quickly backing up.  "Then show me you really meant it." he said ignoring the little voice in his head that was telling him to keep his hands to himself.  He'd kept his hands to himself and all that got him was a lot of cold showers!  Arohi watched him as his eyes turned dark and even more intense.   He was stalking towards her and her stomach was doing little flip flips in anticipation of what he would do when he caught her.  As she hit the back of the door her eyes grew wide and her heart started beating even more frantically.  "I should..." she began breathlessly.  Arjun stopped infront of her.  His hand making it's way up to cup her one side of her face.  "You definitely should." he said a voice so soft it could melt butter.  "You definitely should." he repeated, as he angled his head and pressed his lips against hers.  Arohi melted into him.  Her hands pressing into his chest as he deepened the kiss.  His mouth so soft and warm against hers.  His kiss demanding and oh so persuasive.  Arohi's hands shifted to behind his neck as she kissed him back.  A groan vibrated through Arjun as he felt her pressing closer and closer.  He needed to touch her, he needed to feel her soft skin under his hands was his only thought as he continued to kiss her passionately.  With his hands moving up  and under her t-shirt.  Arohi felt herself shiver at his touch.  She didn't want him to stop.  His mouth moved to her neck, kissing and biting until she felt goose bumps popping up on her arms.  "Arjun..." she moaned, arching her neck to give him better access and then moving her hands to his t-shirt.  She wanted to feel his skin too.  Her hands crept to the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up.  She felt so bold as she kissed his neck and then the second her hands made contact with his hard, toned abs Arjun's mouth was back onto hers roughly devouring her lips.  Kissing her like he was never going to stop.  She didn't even process when he took off her t-shirt.  His hands took away any cold she might have felt as they explored and his mouth settled on her shoulders moving to the hollow of her neck.  Walking her to the sofa he continued to kiss her.  "You're so beautiful Arohi." he said hoarsely as his fingertips skimmed the underside of her arm.  "So hot and so damn beautiful." he repeated, kissing her neck as he pulled her down on to the sofa next to him.  His shirt now on the ground as he pulled her against him.  Arohi was overcome with desire.  All she knew was that this feeling of Arjun on top of her doing these delicious things to her.  She didn't want him to stop...ever! 

Arjun told himself numerous times to stop but his willpower had completely left him as he kissed her and caressed Arohi almost to the point of no return.  What stopped them in the end was the damn dog!  His yelping and barking and scratching on the door had Arohi pushing away.  Her face bright red as she grabbed her t-shirt shoving it over her head.  She was out the door before Arjun had even moved.  The door shutting softly behind her.  Leaning against the sofa he folded his arms across his bare chest.  Trying to get his breathing under control.  Once again Arjun Singhania had lost control.  And more then once today.  First his guilt had forced him to bring back that "Sweetoo!" And now with Arohi.  On the sofa for gods sakes!  What was wrong with him he asked himself shaking his head in disgust.  Great, now he was talking to himself too.  What would it hurt if they made love said the little voice in his head.  "Really what would it hurt?"  Infact from what he'd just experienced right here on this very sofa he knew it would be amazing.  Then he frowned.  "Yeah, the forever noose around my neck amazing."  "The let's pick out wall paper and redecorate amazing!"  "The let's have 2.5 kids amazing!"  "The I love you but I hate you amazing!"  Arjun shuddered at the thought.  He didn't want any of the baggage that could come with amazing sex.  He didn't want the fighting, and drama, and craziness that marriage and "love" brought.  He didn't want his parents life and he sure didn't want some kid of his and Arohi's to have his life growing up. No his original plan of getting Arohi to leave was best.  Fine he wanted her...but that was it.  It was just physical he told himself.  He didn't feel anything for her emotionally.  His mouth grim and his eyes hard and distant. No, Arjun Singhania didn't have emotional attachments with anyone. Those kinds of things made one weak.  And Arjun was anything but weak.  He'd had a few lapses and really, no one could blame him.  It had been a while since he'd been with a woman and here Arohi was...beautiful, available and his wife.  The latter should have been the clincher but infact it was the detractor.  The more he thought about it the more  confident he became that he could do this.  He could keep from touching Arohi.  He would just call upon his lethal self control, it might have failed him till now but it wouldn't in the future.  When Arjun Singhania put his mind to soemthing nothing could change it. 

Arohi fell on her bed blushing and smiling.  She was so giddy.  Oh god Arjun made her feel so much.  So, so much.  His kisses and caresses had her in a completely different world.  She was so lost in him that if Sweetoo hadn't come looking for her when he had, she'd probably have let him make love to her on that not probably.  She would have let him make love to her on that sofa.  Hearing her phone ring she grabbed it without looking to see who it was.  "Hi." she said dreamily.  "Hi." Lara replied with a laugh.  "You sound very happy."  Arohi smiled shyly.  "I am." "Sweetoo is back." she said happily.  Lara laughed.  "How did that happen?" she asked.  Arohi quickly explained what had happened.  "I knew it!" Lara said happily.  "I have known Arjun for a long time, any other girl and he wouldn't have given a damn for her tears."  "You cry and he rushes to bring back Sweetoo!"  "I think he's falling for you Arohi..."  Lara said with  giggle.  Arohi blushed and grabbed her pillow hugging it close to her.   "I don't know..."  "He's just being nice." she said softly.  "NICE?"  "And Arjun?" Lara sputtered.  "Arjun's not nice...but with you he's...different."  "There's just something there." she said.  "I don't know..." Arohi repeated.  "Well have you two gotten closer physically?" Lara asked.  Arohi couldn't believe Lara was asking that especially since just a half hour before they were so close.  "Um, well.." Arohi sputtered.  Lara giggled.  "GOOD!"  "That's the way to get him to admit he's into you Arohi."  "That he's falling for you."  "You need to let him know you want him too."  "You need to seduce him." Lara said confidently.  "Believe me it works!" she said matter of factly.  Arohi's mouth fell open in shock.  "Seduce?!" Her and seduce?"  "I can't, I can't seduce any one especially not Arjun." she stammered.  "Ofcourse you can!"  "Lara replied.  "He's your husband, and it's not hard."  "I'll tell you exactly what you need to do." she said.  Arohi couldn't speak.  She couldn't believe she was even having this conversation and that too with Lara!  "No, Lara I should go."  'This conversation is just getting plain silly." Arohi mumbled.  "Arohi Signhania do you want your husband to admit he's in love with you!"  "If so, you need to seduce him!" "But isn't love more then just physical?" Arohi asked hesitantly.  "Yes ofcourse it is."  "And the way Arjun has been acting lately it shows clearly that he's falling for you."  "But the physical part is important too."  "It shows him that you want him just as much as he wants you...that your ready to trust him and take that step with him." Lara said.  "You are ready to take that step with him aren't you?" Lara quickly asked.  Arohi remembered back to earlier and how Arjun had made her feel.  A small smile appeared on her lips as she shyly replied.  "Yes."  "Well then that's settled."  "You're coming over tomorrow after work and we need to discuss mission "Seduce Arjun."  Arohi couldn't help herself, she laughed.  "I'll come over but I'm warning you right now I probably won't do anything."  "Seducing Arjun...I don't think I have it me." Arohi said.  "Oh Arohi, every woman has it in her."  "We just need to find your inner seductress  and then Arjun won't know what hit him."  "He's going to be begging you to be his."  Lara said happily.  Arohi giggled at Lara's exuberance but as she hung up she felt a shiver run up her spine.  Seduce Arjun?  Could she be so bold?  She didn't know but the more she thought about it the more giddy she got.

So there it is.  Please let me know what you thought and what you think of the story line so far.  Take care and KI will be next.   Thanks for reading.

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