Chapter 6

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Arohi glanced nervously at Arjun's face. He was staring straight ahead, his hands gripping the steering wheel, his whole body rigid, with anger, as he accelerated even more. Arohi found herself clutching the door handle. "Um, maybe you could drive a little slower." she stammered as he accelerated even more. He didn't even bother to acknowledge that she had spoken. Arohi sighed. She knew being arrested wasn't a good thing, but seriously was there really a need to be this angry. She was doing a good thing after all, trying to save a community centre that was important to so many people. Arohi opened her mouth to tell him just that, but one more glance at his face and she thought better of starting something with him in such a small closed space. Atleast at home she would have the staff nearby so he couldn't actually go ahead and kill her. As they pulled into the driveway, Arohi all but threw open the door and ran out. Racing without a backward glance into the house. "Maria." she called with a tinge of hysteria in her voice. "Reena...someone please come out here!" she said looking around wildly. Maria was the first to come out. "Sweetoo is sleeping Arohi." "Do you want to see him?" she asked. "Um, not right now." "Maria, please stay right by my side..." Arohi began, looking up to find Arjun stalking through the door. He kept walking, straight to her. Arohi resisted the urge to hide behind Maria. "Maria, I need to speak to my wife alone!" Arjun said in deceptively calm voice as  his fierce angry eyes bore into  Arohi. Arohi looked at Maria and shook her head, silently begging her not to leave. "Sir, I need to talk to you about a few household items." "Could we please talk now?" Maria asked. "NO!" Arjun snapped. Leaning in closer to Arohi he said in a quiet warning. "Upstairs right now Arohi, unless you want to have this conversation infront of the staff." Arohi winced. No she didn't want everyone to know what had happened but neither did she want to be alone with dangerous HIM either. Sending a reassuring smile at Maria who looked a little scared now, Arohi hurried up the stairs. Arjun right behind her. At the got the top of the stairs Arjun grabbed her elbow and pulled her into the first bedroom he came across...hers.

Arohi pulled herself away from him and took a few steps back. "I, I am sorry you had to come to the police station to bail us out and thanks again for helping Tia out too." "But being arrested was not my fault!" she said in a rush. Arjun folded his arms across his chest and glared at her. "I, we were involved in a peaceful protest to stop the closure of a neighbourhood community centre." "Things just got a little out of hand when the developer decided to demolish the centre without atleast listening to our objections." Arohi said shifting uncomfortably under his gaze. "The arrest was wrongful, Tia and I have rights too and the right to voice our opinions!" "Infact I think I may just sue the developers for wrongful arrest!" Arohi said with a frown. "So you have no idea who the developers are?" he asked. "No, not yet, but I will." she replied with a hesitant smile. "Well why don't I enlighten you." he said taking the few steps it took to reach her. "I am the developer?" he shouted! "What??" Arohi snapped in surprise. "No, you can't be." she said backing away and then giving a soft scream, as he took her arm and pulled her against him. "Yes, damnit I am the developer!" "How the hell do you think it's going to go over with my client that my own wife is protesting my project!" "My own wife is getting arrested for trying to stop my project from moving forward!" Arohi stared at him in shock and then finally finding her voice she said "How can you be so cruel as to demolish that building?!" "It is an important landmark for that community." "Where will the children go?!" she asked. "I don't care!" he replied making her blink in surprise. "That's not my problem!" "And besides that building is a safety hazard, did you bother to find that out." "Children shouldn't be in there anyways!" he snapped. Arohi was furious now. "I can't believe how heartless you are...actually correction, I can believe it!' "Right when I found out about the center project I should have suspected someone cold-hearted like you would be behind it!" she yelled. Arjun's eyes narrowed. "And when I found out there was a protest happening I should have known a twit like you was behind it!" "Not bothering to find out the facts just throwing yourself into the protest and then getting yourself bloody arrested!" Arjun roared. "Did you not think it was necessary for your to find out who the developer was?" "Considering your husband is one, you would think that maybe you should have discussed this with me." "Just because I don't ask where you trapeze off to everyday...protests, drinks with your "co workers", doesn't mean that you can go off and do whatever you want." Arjun shouted. Arohi gasped. "You jerk!" 'You self righteous jerk!" "Just because we're married doesn't mean you own me!" "I can do what I want, when I want!" "I'm not a child that needs to report to you!" she shouted. "And another're the one that wanted to live separate lives, you're the one that didn't care to know what I was doing and with whom!" "Remember that...remember how you specified that?" "Well then you big oaf why the hell would I discuss the community center project with you?!" "Why would I come talk to you when you've already specified that you have no interest in listening to me!" she yelled. "That was all before you were going out and getting yourself arrested!?" "And that peaceful protest that you were involved in wasn't so peaceful was it?" "You could have gotten yourself seriously hurt!" "Then what?" "And what if something happened to you at the police station while being locked up with actual criminals!" "Did you ever think what could have happened to you?" "What kind of dangerous situation you had put yourself into?!" he asked angrily. Arohi stared defiantly into his flashing eyes. "You don't need to worry about me I can take care of myself." she said with a frown. "NO, you damn well can't!" "I saw that today." he answered. Arohi's eyes grew wide with anger. "I am not a child!" she repeated, as she struggling against him. Suddenly she felt him wrap his one arm around her hip and pulled her close forcing her to stop and look up at him, she heard him say in a soft but husky voice. "No, you most certainly aren't." Arohi gulped as she stared up into his eyes, and then her eyes drifted on their own accord down to his lips and next thing she knew those lips were against hers.

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