Chapter 3

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"Arohi, we're here, wake up." someone said close to Arohi's ear.  Arohi ignored the voice and just shifted her position.  "Arohi!"  "We're here!"  "WAKE UP!" this time it was a gruff, demanding voice and tone. She was awake instantly.  Looking up with half open eyes she looked into HIS big brown eyes that were inches from hers.  In moments she was fully awake as she realized that she had been sleeping with her head rested on his shoulder.  Quickly backing away she whispered "Sorry."  "It's fine." he answered, yet again gruffly.  What had she been doing falling asleep on such a short flight anyways, and that too on his shoulder?!  The last couple of days had taken a toll,  she could just chalk it up to being dead tired so she hadn't noticed when she'd fallen asleep.  But he could have shifted her.  Just the thought that she had slept practically against him for almost the whole flight was mortifying.  As the plane landed and Arjun moved to grab their carry ons, Arohi felt a rush of anxiety.  She'd left everything she knew back home.  She was about to start a new life with a man she didn't know but was now with a twist of fate... her husband.  Even though she had told  herself she would face this challenge head on, now that she was here she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.  She couldn't help but miss her family and her friends...and Vicky.  If Vicky was here he would have made her laugh, grabbed her hand and dragged her along talking a mile a minute and making her forget all her woes.  But if Vicky was still around then she wouldn't have been here to begin with!  She would be in her new home in Chandigarh living the life that she had been imagining for so long.  No instead she was here with Vicky's brother, about to start the life she didn't even imagine in her worst nightmares!  As they left the plane and went through baggage claim she saw that Arjun was constantly on his phone.  Talking about this project or that project.  It was so late and he was still working.  She'd noticed that about him in Chandigarh too, constantly on his phone or laptop.  Did he ever not think about making money?!  Did he ever just relax and just be.  She didn't think so.  Vicky had always said his brother was a workaholic and it showed.  "Ready?" Arjun asked as he came up with their luggage.  Arohi nodded and they walked towards the exit where Arjun's car and driver were waiting.  "Namaste Madam" the driver said getting out of the vehicle.  Arohi gave him a big smile.  "Namaste Kaka."  She watched as Arjun climbed into the car, on the phone once again leaving the poor older driver to lift the suitcases into the trunk.  Arohi shook her head as she went to help the driver with the carry ons.  A few moments later, Arjun climbed back out of the car.  "What are you doing?" he demanded.  Arohi felt like rolling her eyes.  "I'm helping kaka." she said.  A worried look flashed across the older man's face.  "No madam, I don't need help" he said.  "I'm fine."  Arjun glared at Arohi.  "Please get into the car!" he said gruffily.  Arohi pursued her lips wanting to tell Mr. Arrogant off.  It shouldn't have been her helping him in the first place, it should have been Mr. Arrogant helping kaka!  But she put down the bag and got in nevertheless, holding her tongue.  Arjun was once again on the phone.  "Mr. Mehra I want that property, I'm coming into the office within the hour and we are going to make this happen tonight!" he was saying into the phone.  Arohi stared out the window trying to block out his voice.  Always demanding, and prickly.  Did the man even know how to ask, all she'd ever heard him do was demand would be a better word.  Arohi continued to stare out the window at the city as it sped by them.  "I need to go into the office, the housekeeper will show you to your room and will get you settled." he said before turning his attention back to some file.  Arohi didn't turn from the window.

"This is your room maam." the housekeeper who Arohi learned was named Maria said as she walked Arohi into a huge bedroom with dark furnishings and what looked to be a king sized bed.  "Please call me Arohi." Arohi said looking around.  This was going to be her new sanctuary.  It was a beautifully decorated room but it wasn't warm like hers had been back home.  Oh well she'd slowly make it hers.  "Are you hungry maam...I mean Arohi?" Maria asked.  Arohi turned and gave the pretty young woman a smile.  "I wouldn't mind a light snack if that's okay?" she asked.  "Ofcourse, anything you need I can get for you."  "That's what I'm here for."  "You will always find efficiency in the way I do things." Maria replied.  Arohi smiled hesitantly.  "Ofcourse, I will leave the running of the house in your capable hands."  "I'm sure that your Sir likes things done a certain way and since you already know how that is I'll leave it to you too continue."  Maria beamed.  "Thank you Arohi."  And as she turned to leave she turned back and said.  "You're not what we expected when we were told Sir got married."  "That was a surprise in itself but meeting're very different from the women sir usually associates with."  And then Arohi saw Maria flush.  "I mean, I'm sorry maam I shouldn't have said that."    "Maria don't worry."  "I'm not offended." Arohi said, giving her a reassuring smile.  "I'll have that snack brought up to you immediately." Maria said as she quickly rushed out of the room.  Arohi took one last look around and sat down heavily on her new bed.  She was sure everyone was probably wondering why "Maam and Sir" weren't sharing a room and what brought on their rushed marriage.  Ofcourse everyone would have questions but she doubted anyone would ask the questions out loud.  With formidable Arjun she doubted any one would question him about any decision he'd ever made.  Opening up her suitcase she pulled out her pajamas, heading for the bathroom.

Arjun walked into his home at 7:00 the next morning. They had worked most of the night but the deal had gone through.  A triumphant smile made it's way to Arjun's face.  He loved what he did and to make so much money from it was an added bonus.  But he loved when his hard work paid off, when he succeeded in acquiring what he wanted.  He wasn't one to take no for an answer so when a particularly difficult deal went through it gave him a exhilarating thrill.  He needed to be back in the office by 12:00 but before that he wanted to take a hot shower and then get a few hours of sleep in.  As he climbed the stairs he wondered if Arohi had settled in okay. Probably, he had excellent staff to make sure that everything ran smoothly in his household.  He was sure Arohi had been well taken care of.  Going around the corner he heard her before her actually saw her.  The bells of her payal jingling as she moved around.  Seeing her bedroom door open, he glanced in, and stopped.  She had moved to her dresser and was brushing her beautiful hair.  He'd noticed before too how beautiful her hair was, how long and silky.  He wondered if it was as soft as it looked.  What the hell are you thinking he asked himself almost in astonishment.  Arjun didn't think about the softness of some girls hair.  Some girl that was now his wife.  He must be more tired then he thought if he was thinking these kinds of things.  Arohi glanced up and saw HIM standing at her door.  And for some unthinkable reason her heart skipped a beat.  He looked so handsome, his face covered with stubble, for once his big brown eyes actually had a softness about them.  His lips were relaxed, not drawn into a tight line like they usually were when he looked at her.  His shirt unbuttoned at the top.  His hair a little mussed from where she guessed he had run his hand through it.  "Good morning." she heard him say.  "Good morning." she replied with an hesitant smile.  "You just got home?" she asked.  "Yes, you're okay with your room?" he asked.  "It's great." she replied.  "Alright, well have a good day." he said starting to move away.  "Um, Arj...".Arohi stopped.  Arjun stopped and looked back at her questioningly.  "Did you need something?" he asked  "Yes, I'm going to start looking for a teaching position and I was wondering if I could use your laptop."  "Mine is still back at home."  Arjun stared at her, his eyes widening a little.  "You're going to work?" he asked hesitantly as if he didn't believe what he'd just heard. Arohi stared at him "Ofcourse, I have my teaching degree."  "I was going to start looking for work after my wedding to Vic..." Arohi stopped and Arjun saw pain flash across her face before she successfully hid it.  "I'll start looking immediately for a job." she said adamantly.  Arjun stared at her, surprised and impressed.  She had no need to work, he had everything so in turn she now, had everything.  But just that she did want to work, impressed him more then he was willing to admit.  He had worked hard to reach where he was today, he liked when other people had the same ideals.  "What if I don't want you to work?" he asked to bait her.  Arohi's eyes flashed with anger.  "As far as I remember you had said we'll be living separate lives, meaning I could do whatever I wanted!" "And even if we were a real husband and wife this would not be up for negotiation."  "I have a degree I worked hard for, and I have always dreamt of being a teacher, all my other dreams have already been destroyed I won't let this one be thrown by the wayside because of another Singhania male!"  Arjun's eyes grew dark with anger as he pulled away from the door he'd been leaning against.  Taking a step towards her he stopped when he saw her take a step back.  The tigress was scared now he noted as he saw her hand start to tremble.  Looking into her widened eyes he said in a deceptively calm voice.  "I don't care what you do."  "You want to teach, that's your business, and you don't need to worry about another Singhania male coming between you and your dreams, the last word he said with such disdain that Arohi flinched.  "Use the computer in the study and tonight I'll have someone from the office drop off a new laptop for you."  With that he turned on his heal and stalked away leaving Arohi furious with herself for reacting the way she did and furious at him for for..for just being him!

Arjun practically ripped off his shirt as he muttered under his breath and headed for the bathroom.  "Why the hell did you even stop to talk to her?" he asked himself.  And the stupid comment about not wanting to work.  He didn't care either way so why did he even make such a stupid remark. All he could do was just blame it on fatigue and resolve to keep all further conversations with Arohi to a minimum. 

Arohi spent the day exploring her new home, it was beautiful  with high ceilings, large grand rooms, a beautiful great room with a large floor to ceiling brick fireplace on one side and one whole wall of windows looking out at the city. Grand wooden staircase, granite and hardwood throughout the house were just some of the features.  Everything in the house was grand from  the jetted tubs in the bathrooms to the beautiful decor. And the  huge backyard that was perfectly manicured with a large deck was an added luxury.    She met all the staff, Maria introduced her to the gardener, and the cook and the two maids.  Who all seemed incredibly efficient in their duties.  She didn't see HIM for the remainder of the day, after lunch she had holed herself in the study pouring over job listings and then reading one of the many books that lined the umpteen shelves.  It was while she was reading, curled up in a cozy chair infront of the fireplace  that she had fallen asleep.  And that was how Arjun found her a short while later.  He'd brought home her laptop himself and was going to leave it in his study for her to find the next day.  But as he walked in he was surprised to find a sleeping Arohi.  This girl can fall asleep anywhere he thought to himself.  But as he looked down at her he was hit again by her flawless beauty.  She wore such little make up and she didn't need it.  Her beautiful eyes he had noticed earlier seemed like they were permanently rimmed with koel.  Her full lips were a soft pink and her cheeks every time he'd seen her were flushed bringing a rosy hue to them.  Her beautiful hair lay against one shoulder, a few whisps on her face.  Arjun unconsciously moved to push them away  and then pulled his hand back before he could touch her face.  What was he doing he thought to himself angrily.  Staring at sleeping girls was not something Arjun Singhania indulged in.  But he couldn't leave her sleeping here either.  "Arohi", he said, awkwardly nudging her shoulder.  Nothing, she was dead to the world.  "Arohi!" he said louder this time.  Nothing.  Giving a frustrated curse he stood back and stared at her for a moment.  "I don't have all bloody night for this!" he said, moving purposefully to her sleeping form and scooping her up.  Arohi leaned against him, burrowing closer but not waking up.  Arjun walked briskly out the of the study and up the stairs to her room, laying her gently onto her bed.  Looking down into her angelic face he gave in to temptation and brushed her hair out of her face, as he made to move his hand back, Arohi moved to her side and in the process grabbed his hand.  And then he heard the name "Vicky." come softly from her lips.  Still asleep she continued to clutch his hand.  Arjun's lips formed a thin tight line cursing his stupid immature brother for breaking this girls heart.  Slowly he managed to get his hand out of her grasp, and taking the blanket that lay at the foot of her bed he gently placed it on her before he strode out of her room. 

Arohi awoke with a start, feeling disoriented as she looked around.  She was in her new room she thought with a yawn and then suddenly her eyes widened.  She had no memory of how she actually got up to her room.  She laid still for a few moments and thought back to the previous night.  Her last memory being of sitting in HIS study, reading.  She'd fallen asleep in there that she was positive of.  Now how did she make it up to her room? Climbing out of bed she felt herself flush as she thought about the only possible explanation.  He had carried her up.  Feeling herself turning red she couldn't believe she hadn't woken up through all that.  And she was sure he must not have been happy to have to carry her up.  Then she frowned... well he didn't have to!  She would have been fine sleeping in the chair all night.  He didn't need to do her any favors.  Stopping her little internal tirade she sighed.  It was done and over with, what could she do now.  No point in obsessing over it.  Walking to her closet she picked out a white cotton sleeveless chooridar suit with tiny turquoise flowers done in thread work along the deep sweetheart neck.  Already feeling gloomy and it was only 7:00 in the morning she headed for the bathroom to get ready for another lonely day.

Arjun looked up from his newspaper as Arohi walked into the dining room.  "Good morning." she said softly.  "Morning." he answered turning his attention back to the newspaper.  Arohi glared at him through the newspaper for a few seconds.  "Akroo!" she muttered under her breath.  Arjun moved the newspaper back down "Did you say something?" he asked.  Arohi's eyes widened as she looked innocently back at him.  "No." she answered.  Arjun narrowed his eyes at her making Arohi feel like he knew exactly what she had said to him.  Turning back to his newspaper Arohi had to stop herself from sticking her tongue out at him.  He was such a akroo!  Not that she expected conversation from him but he didn't have to be so rude either.  How was he rude said a little voice in her head.  She was just starved for some conversation.  "Did you sleep well?" she heard from behind the newspaper making her choke on the sip of coffee she had just taken.  Arjun pulled down the newspaper and stared at her as she got herself under control.  "I slept fine." she said blushing.  "Um, thanks for um..." she began uncomfortably having problems bringing up him carrying her upstairs.  Arjun raised his brows and said "Don't worry about it" and then getting up he added "Your new laptop is in the study."  "Thanks." Arohi said biting her bottom lip.  "I found some job ads and hope to send out my resumes today."  Arjun nodded and said "good luck" before he turned around and walked away.  Maybe he wasn't such an akroo she thought she had just asked for the laptop yesterday and it was already here.  But then she thought back to Vicky.  Any time Vicky wanted something his brother would have it for him the next day.  As a picture of a smiling Vicky holding a new I-phone came to mind, Arohi felt the now familiar bitterness settle over her.  Pushing his face out of her mind she picked up Arjun's discarded newspaper and resolutely started looking through the job postings. 

Arohi barely saw Arjun the rest of the week.  They had another breakfast together where they again maybe spoke two words to each other and then he'd be off to work and usually not home until she'd gone to bed.  Her week was spent pouring through job postings and sending out resumes.  Luckily she had had a call back for one position and would be interviewing the following week.  She prayed she would get it, sitting at home was making her stir crazy.  Thankfully Shefali was coming back to Mumbai this weekend so Arohi would have company.  God knows she needed it.  As she sat at the table pushing around her dinner she was surprised to see Arjun walk in.  Wearing a blue t-shirt and gray sweat pants, freshly showered.  "You're home?" she asked before she could help herself.  "Should I not be?" he asked as he sat down.  Arohi frowned.  He had a habit of answering questions with questions.  "I just asked cause you haven't been home this week for dinner!" she snapped.  Arjun frowned.  "I didn't know I had to give notice that I'd be coming home for dinner." he replied, pouring himself a glass of water.  Arohi bit her tongue counting to 10.  She was not in a good mood today, the loneliness was taking it's toll.  When counting to 10 didn't work she counted to 20.  Feeling a little calmer she glanced back at him and saw him shake his head.  Red hot fury curled in her stomach as she thought about the fact that he was probably shaking his head at her.  "How dare you!?!" she spat out before she could help herself.  Arjun looked up slowly, his eyes turning hard and cold.  "How dare I what?!" he asked.  "How dare, dare you, how dare you shake your head at me." she stammered.  Gritting his teeth he replied "Who said I was shaking my head at you?!"  "Have you lost what little mind you do have, making comments like that!"  Arohi gasped.  "Little mind?!"  "LITTLE MIND!" she practically yelled.  "I'm sorry not everyone can be an arrogant genius like you?!"  Arjun's eyes flashed with anger as he stared at her.  "Are you off your medication or is this shrew like behavior your true self." he asked.  "Shrew!"  SHREW?" she yelled  sounding exactly like a shrew as she stood up. Arjun stood up calmly too.  "You heard me, and I've already told you I don't want any drama of any sort in my life."  "This, what we're doing right here is one of the main reasons I had no interest in getting married!" he said furiously.  The tears were instantaneous.  Arohi hated herself for crying infront of him again, but his words had hit hard.  "I didn't want to marry you either!" she said in between sobs.  "You're nothing like I imagined my husband to be, years and years of dreaming of some one who will love me and support me and be by my side and instead I got you!" she said furiously wiping at her tears.  Piercing eyes stared back at her.  "You're free to leave any time you like." he said coldly.  "No, that's the problem, I am not free!"  "If I was free I would never have been forced to marry you!" she cried and then turning around quickly she ran from the dining room, leaving Arjun to stare after her.

"So how did the interview go?" Shefali asked 4 days later as they sat crossed legged on Arohi's bed.  "Really good and  the fact that I don't have any experience other then my practicum didn't seem to be a problem."  "If I get the job I would be teaching a Grade 6 class."  "It seems like a good school too, from my research and I even met one other teacher."  "I believe her name was Sara Gupta. "  "She seemed really nice."  "Now I just need to wait until the end of next week before I hear back." Arohi said shrugging her shoulders.  Shefali put an arm around Arohi and squeezed her shoulders.  "I know you'll get it!"  "There's no way anyone can miss how passionate you are about teaching or how much you love kids."  Shefali said with an encouraging smile.  Arohi smiled back.  "Thanks buddy!'  "If it wasn't for you I don't know what I would do."  "Well you won't need to worry about that, because I am here."  "I will always be here."  "Now first things first, we need to get you out of this house."  "Should we go shopping?" Shefali asked excitedly.  Arohi's face lit up.  "I have been dieing to go shopping!" she answered already starting to stand up.  "Hey, where's that hot husband of yours?" Shefali asked suddenly peaking out the door.  Arohi frowned.  "If you're talking about Akroo...he's probably at work or some business meeting or some business dinner or wherever else he goes." Arohi replied.  "Hi Arjun." she heard Shefali say making Arohi quickly look up.  They hadn't spoken since they're argument.  "Hi..." Arjun replied looking a little hesitant.  "I'm Shefali, Arohi's friend, do you remember me from the wedding?" she asked.  Arjun stared at her for a second as he loosened his tie and then Arohi almost fell over when he smiled.  "Oh yeah I think I do."  "How are you?" he asked.  Arohi was openly gawking now.  He was showing some interest in someone other then himself!  She lifted her eyes towards the ceiling to see if pigs were actually flying.  "I'm fine,"  "Just going to show Arohi around a little bit." Shefali answered.  "Poor thing has been getting bored sitting at home."  she added.  Arjun turned a blank stare towards Arohi.  "That'll be nice." he answered Shefali still looking at Arohi.  "My partner Jay and his wife want to host a small dinner party for us tomorrow night I've told him it isn't necessary but he's insisting."  "Are you free to attend?" he asked.  "Sure, I have no plans." she answered slowly not knowing what else to say.  He had no interest in going, and even less in introducing her to his friends but what else other then yes could she say.   "We'll leave at 7:00 tomorrow night." he answered before he moved away from the doorway.  "See you later Shefali." he said as he continued past her.  Shefali's eyes widened.  "You're going on a date with your husband!" she said excitedly.  Arohi made an "are you crazy" face.  "No, I'm not."  "We're going to his friend's place!"  "Where we'll barely even speak to each other!"  "Whatever you say Arohi, but I still say it's a date!"  "What are you going to wear?" Shefali asked excitedly.  Arohi frowned.  "A brown paper bag!' she snapped.  Shefali smiled devilishly.  "A brown paper would not do justice to a body as hot as yours!"  "Come on, now we really need to go shopping!" she said pulling Arohi out of her room.

Arohi had no plans on dressing up for Arjun or the so called imaginary date Shefali kept talking about.  But Shefali was on some sort of crazy rampage. Going through clothes like a drill sergeant.  "I am not buying a new outfit."  "I have so many new saris from my wedding at home, I'll just wear one of those." Arohi kept saying.  But Shefali wasn't hearing any of it.  "OMG!"  "This is it!'  She suddenly said pulling out a gold sari covered with rhinestones.  Arohi gasped when she saw it.  "That is so beautiful" she said staring at it longingly.  "Go try it on." Shefali urged handing it over.  Arohi took it slowly and then said "What the hell" as she walked into the change room.  Two minutes later she opened the door.  "I can't wear this." she said.  "Why not?" Shefali asked.  "Why not?"  "The blouse is a practically a bikini!'  "I can't go out in public like that." Arohi said.  "It is not."  "It's a little more risqu then your usual ones but it's still very classy and this is Mumbai not Chandigarh!"  "No one will even blink an eye." Arohi bit her bottom lip hesitantly but went back into the change room to try on the sari.  Shefali's reaction 10 minutes later was very similar to Arohi's.  "WOW!" she said in awe "WOW!"  Arohi smiled.  This was Mumbai, maybe something a little different wouldn't be so bad.

The next night Arjun grumbled as he fixed his tie.  Bloody waste of my time!" he said shaking his head at his friend Jay's stubbornness and almost obsessive behavior when it came to this silly dinner party.  Everyone had questions about Arohi.  About his new bride.  He'd managed to shut most people up pretty quickly but Jay being his oldest and closest friend not to mention his business partner didn't frighten easily.  He'd slowly worn Arjun down until Arjun had finally given in and said yes to the damn dinner.  Slipping on his black suit jacket he grabbed his phone and keys.  Glancing at his watch he hoped Arohi was ready.  He didn't like to be kept waiting.  As he passed by her room he saw her door was half closed, he couldn't see her but he could hear her humming.  She seemed to be in a brighter mood then she'd been a very days ago.  He guessed it was because of her friend Shefail.  That was good, the last thing he wanted in his orderly run house was drama.  And confrontations like the one a few days ago was not something he wanted to repeat.  If he had wanted he could have ripped her to shreds that night, but her tears had stopped him.  Had almost weakened him.  He'd had to stop himself physically from reaching out to her.  And that had only made him angrier.  He didn't want to be feeling any type of emotion for this girl...not even pity. As he stood downstairs and glanced at his watch again he frowned.  10 minutes late.  Why couldn't women ever be on time, he asked himself as he looked up at the top of the stairs.  And then suddenly everything stilled, including his ability to think.  Walking down the stairs was Arohi looking...looking like a a smokin hot goddess.  The sari was beautiful but the woman wearing the sari was breath taking and oh so sexy.  Her hair hung in waves down her back.  He noticed she wore a little bit more make up then she usually did but still not as much as most women he knew.  And still she looked beautiful.  Her sari with her sexy blouse hugged her curves and as she made it to the foot of the stairs his eyes rested on her soft pink lips.  Were they always so plump he thought to himself.  Arohi stared hesitantly at Arjun.  He looked a little dazed.  Which was odd.  She wondered if he was feeling alright.  He sure looked alright, she thought to himself.  Out of any other man she knew he filled a suit to perfection.  And that was true in this case too.  He looked incredibly handsome in his black suit with a white shirt underneath all accented with a burberry tie.  "Ready?" he asked gruffly, and then cleared his throat.  Arohi nodded as they made their way outside to his car.

Arjun tried his very best to not look at Arohi as he drove.  But it was near impossible.  She usually wore more conservative salwar kameezes or saris when she did wear them.  This was just a different look on her he reasoned.  That was the only reason he couldn't seem to look away.   "Did you end up going shopping yesterday?" he asked suddenly.  "Um, yes, Shefail showed me around a little bit and we hit up one fo the malls."  Arjun nodded.  "The driver can take you anywhere you want but if you rather have a car of your own then go ahead and pick one out and I'll have my assistant take care of purchasing it for you." he said.  Arohi bit her lip and said nothing as she turned to stare out the window.  Until 2 weeks ago Arjun was basically nothing to her, and now him buying her a car, her living in his house.  It just felt odd.  She didn't know how to react to it all.  You are his wife said the daily reminder in her head. "Some wife!" she muttered under her breath making Arjun glance at her. "This friend of yours Jay, what's his wife's name?" she suddenly asked.  "Lara" he answered.   "Jay and Lara." Arohi repeated to herself.  The rest of the ride went silently and thankfully quickly. 

"WOW!"  "Now I know why Arjun married you so quickly!" Lara exclaimed as she gave Arohi a big friendly hug to welcome her.  "You're incredibly beautiful." she added giving her a big smile.  Arohi blushed.  "Thank you." she said as she turned to Jay, an good looking guy with a friendly smile.   "Arjun has always had great taste in women but this time he's surpassed himself."  Arohi saw Arjun roll his eyes and look away.  "Thank you so much for having us over."  she said graciously ignoring the brute standing next to her.  "It's wonderful to meet some of, of...oh my god she couldn't say his name she suddenly thought in panic.  Arjun looked back at her with narrowed eyes waiting for her to continue.  "It's wonderful to meet you." she finally finished lamely.  Jay and Lara both smiled as they ushered Arjun and Arohi in.  The "Small " dinner party consisted of about 50 people and Arohi found herself being warmly welcomed by most.  The only real cold vibe she felt was from a group of 3 women who looked Arohi up and down and pretty much turned away from her.  "Don't mind them." Jay said coming to her rescue, they are on their no eat diets again which makes them surly.   Arohi smiled and caught Arjun's eyes from across the room.  She knew he was talking to a business associate but was surprised when he silently lifted his glass to her and gave her a tiny smile.  He was such a confusing man she thought to herself with a sigh.  "Time for a dance." Lara whispered to Arohi as she grabbed her hand.  Arohi looked around quickly.  "Dance?" she asked hesitantly and suddenly Arjun was at her side, looking fit to be tied.  "This is ridiculous!" he muttered grabbing her hand and walking on to the "dance floor" As the music started and Arohi stepped into Arjun's arms she felt a slight tremble go through her body. 

Teri meri, meri teri
Prem kahani hai mushkil
Do lafzoon mein yeh
Bayaan na ho paye
Ik ladka ik ladki ki
Hai yeh kahani nayi
Do lafzoon mein yeh
Bayaan na ho paye
Teri meri, meri teri
Prem kahani hai mushkil
Do lafzoon mein yeh
Bayaan na ho paye
Ik dooje se huye judaa
Jab ik dooje ke liye bane
Teri meri, meri teri
Prem kahani hai mushkil
Do lafzoon mein yeh
Bayaan na ho paye
Tum se dil jo lagaya
Toh jahan maine paya
Kabhi socha na tha yeh
Milon door hoga saaya
Kyun khuda tune
Mujhe aisa khaab dikhaya
Jab haqiqat mein usse
Todhna tha..
Movie: Bodyguard

They swayed to the music and Arjun's arm involuntarily pulled Arohi closer, making her look up at him.  His hand at her bare waist tightened making her give a small gasp  His eyes so intense staring down at her making her mouth go dry.  They couldn't seem to look away from each other, almost transfixed as they continued to stare at each other.  Not noticing even when the music had ended.  Clapping hands pulled them out of their trance making them quickly move out of their embrace.  Arohi felt herself blush as Arjun's hand settled  on the small of her back to lead her back to Lara.  That's when they heard loud clapping coming from just one person.  Everyone including Arjun and Arohi looked at the direction of the clapping and Arohi heard Arjun swear softly as he saw who was making the noise.  Arohi followed his gaze and it settled on an absolutely stunning woman.  Tall and willowy with beautiful long hair.  She wore a red mid thigh length dress that looked like it was painted on her.  A big smile spread across her red lips.  "Well if it isn't the happy couple!"  she exclaimed  walking closer and looping her arm through Arjun's.  "Arjun, she said with a little whine.  "Aren't you going to introduce me to your little...wife."  The last word was said with a mocking laugh that had Arohi stiffening and frowning.  "Tania!' Arjun said between clenched teeth.  "What are you doing here?"  Tania gave Arjun a pout and replied "Arjun, I missed you."  "And how can there be a party in your honor and I not be there." she answered giving Arohi an evil smile.  And the next thing Arohi knew, her "husband." was taking "Tania's" hand and dragging her away as Arohi stood alone watching.

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