Chapter 7

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Arohi gasped and in the next instant saw Sweetoo race by, leaving black muddy paw prints on the marble floor. Reena and Maria racing after him. Arjun watched in shock as the barking dog ran by him and down the stairs, his staff chasing after him and then he felt Arohi quickly slip by him and before he could catch her she was racing after everyone else. The last thing Arohi heard as she ran as fast as she could from him, was Arjun shout her name!

He was going to kill her,  he thought as he walked past the disgusting dog prints.  As he got down the stairs he saw the 3 of them disappear down the hallway.  Taking deep breaths Arjun felt a twitching sensation start to occur behind his left eye.  A pulsating, as his anger intensified.  Exactly what the hell was happening in his house!  And apparently it wasn't bad enough that Arohi was driving him crazy, now she was recruiting his staff too!  And the dog, just thinking about the damn dog made Arjun want to strangle his wife!  Marching towards the hallway he roared "Maria!"  "Reena!"  "Someone!"  "Get the hell out here."  He had no doubt that Arohi was probably already in hiding, he would deal with her too.  Arjun heard a soft voice say meakly "Yes sir?"  Arjun stared at Reena.  "Where's Maria?" he barked.  "She, She's dealing with Sweetoo." Reena stammered.  "Sweetoo????" Arjun repeated.  "What the hell is a Sweetoo?" he asked furiously.  "Um, the dog."  "His name is Sweetoo..." she answered.  Arjun stared at her like she'd grown 2 heads.  "Who names a dog sweetoo?" he thought to himself and the answer came in the next breath.  His wife! The twitching behind his eye was only getting worse every time he thought about Arohi.  "Tell Maria to get out here and to bring Mrs. Singhania with her!' Arjun ordered.  He was not going to be running around his house chasing after these women and the damn dog too!  The thought had barely crossed his mind when he heard loud screams.  What the hell? he thought, running towards the screams.  Arjun had just run into the family room when he stopped.  The room was in shambles.  Throw cushions ripped apart.  Muddy paw prints on his white leather sofas.  A plant lay upside down on a table and a glass vase lay broken on the ground.  Sweetoo stood alone in the far corner.  Arohi, Reena and Maria all surrounding him and inching closer.  "What the hell happened in here?" he shouted, making everyone, including Sweetoo jump.  Arohi turned guilty eyes to Arjun.  His glare bore into her.  "Why the hell is there a dog in this house when I clearly told you I don't want one?" he asked.  Arohi swallowed slowly and then straightened her back.  "Because I wanted one." she replied.  The twitching behind Arjun's eye became more pronounced.  He wondered how many years in jail one would get for murdering ones lunatic wife.  "I don't care what you want."  "I told you no dogs, that meant no dogs!" he snapped.  Arohi folded her arms across her chest.  "You're not the boss in this relationship."  "We're equals, just because you don't want something doesn't mean I don't want it, or for that matter can't have it." she said, her voice cracking a little as she stared at Arjun's stormy gaze.  "The only reason you want this dog is because I didn't want you too!"  "You love to do the opposite of anything I ask." he said furiously.  "Oh yes,"  "You have me figured out Arjun, I love to stay up nights and think of ways to go against everything you want and say." she said sarcastically.  "You say up, I say down."  "You say right, I say wrong!"  "Ha, Arjun Singnaia don't give yourself so much importance!" Arohi snapped.  Hearing the clearing of a throat, Arohi and Arjun both looked up.  "Um, maybe we should leave you two alone." Maria said hesitantly.  Arjun closed his eyes for a second.  What was happening to him?   He'd totally lost his cool and that too infront of his staff.   "Arohi, in my study now!" he said softly, turning around and stopping as he heard a soft "No."  Arohi watched Arjun turn back around, his eyes cold and hard.  "I think it's best if we stay here." she muttered.  There was no way she was going to any closed off space with him when he was this angry.  Maria and Reena watched  the exchange between Sir and Arohi open mouthed.  No one spoke to Sir the way Arohi did.  And say no to that was unheard of.  Arjun took a menacing step towards Arohi and Arohi quickly darted towards Sweetoo.  And then chaos ensued with Sweetoo suddenly thinking it was playtime as he ran away from Arohi and darted towards Arjun.  Maria and Reena both tried to catch him but Sweetoo was too fast.  And then the unthinkable Sweetoo got more and more excited running from the women, he climbed up on to the sofa, running across and jumped...JUMPED on Arjun.

Arohi watched with opened mouthed horror, as in slow motion, her Sweetoo launched himself at Arjun.  She saw Arjun's eyes widen in anger and surprise as Sweetoo hit him, pushing him back a step.  Arjun catching him against him and holding the muddy struggling dog. The room was dead quiet, even Sweetoo seemed to suddenly be too scared of Arjun's wrath to even bark.  And then into the quiet came a small laugh.  And then another.  Arjun stared at Arohi, his eyes turning dark and furious.  But Arohi was too overcome with mirth.  The scene was too hilarious and so unexpected.  She couldn't help the laughter that seemed to be pouring out of her.  "STOP LAUGHING!" she muttered to herself as another giggle came out.  Stealing a glance at Reena and Maria she knew they thought she'd finally gone crazy.  But what could she do?!  More laughter bubbled out until she was clutching her stomach.  Looking up at Arjun she swore she could see steam coming out of his ears, that's how mad he was.  But instead of scaring her, that only seemed to add to the hilarity of the situation!   The only one joining her laughter was a barking Sweetoo now.  Arjun looked with distaste at the dog and walked to Maria.  Holding out Sweetoo, he snapped  "Get rid of it!"   Arohi's laughter died down instantly.  "No, I..." she began.  "GET RID OF IT!" he roared to Maria.  "And you two out!"  "I need to speak to my wife ALONE!" he snapped.  Maria and Reena scurried out with the dog.  Traitors! Arohi thought to herself as she folded her arms across her chest in frustration.  Arjun was fit to be tied.  Arohi was driving him crazy, every day something new!  Protests, arrests, Mangy dogs!  The list was endless!  If he didn't put the fear of god...or Arjun Singhania in her right now then the situation was only going to get worse.  But first he needed to clean up, he thought to himself as he looked down at his mud covered sweater.  Walking to the adjoining bathroom he turned towards Arohi and said.  "Don't you dare move!"  Arohi stuck her tongue out at him the second he turned his back.  This I'm god attitude of Arjun's was getting way too much! 

Arjun walked out almost surprised that Arohi had actually  listened to him and not moved.  He'd been expecting to chase her through the house again. Grabbing a chair that was now knocked down on the floor, Arjun placed it infront of Arohi.  As Arohi made a move to stand up he grabbed her arm ,forcing her back down on to the sofa.  Sitting himself down on the chair infront of her he successfully caged her in.  Arohi gulped and tried not to look at the intimidating expression on Arjun's face.  "What are you doing exactly?" he asked.  "Nothing." she said softly.  "Nothing?!" he repeated furiously.  "You call this nothing?!" he half shouted, sweeping his arm wide across the room.  Arohi glanced around at the condition of the room.  She didn't think he wanted an answer.  "How long has that dog been in this house?" he asked, fighting for control.  Arohi bit her lip nervously.  "Um, not too long." she answered.  "What's not too long?" he questioned.  "Four days." she mumbled.  "How many days?" Arjun asked gritting his teeth.  "FOUR!" Arohi snapped.  Arjun's eyes widened.  "You've been hiding that dog for four days!"  "What did you think, that I would never find out about this?"  "That you could hide a dog that could do this kind of destruction, from me indefinitely."  he asked, his eyes flashing with anger.  "I wasn't hiding him per say, I was just waiting for an appropriate time for you two to be introduced."  she said and then suddenly a mental image of Sweetoo jumping at Arjun flashed through her mind and a giggle escaped her lips before she could stop it.   Arohi slapped a hand over her mouth.  What was she doing? she thought to herself as she watched his expression turn down right menacing.  Leaning in closer he asked "Can you tell me what you're finding so funny about this situation."  Arohi stared at him, and then another giggle escaped her.  For the love of god what was she doing!  He was giving her such scary looks..she should be scared.  She was scared... then why couldn't she stop laughing.  Arjun was at a loss for words.  The look he was giving her currently had made a competitor once actually break down in tears!  TEARS!  And she was laughing!  She found him amusing.  "I'm sorry." she suddenly burst out.  "I'm supposed to be scared and I am...seriously I am."  "Okay let's do this again."  she rambled.  "You give me that really evil scowl...yeah, yeah that one." she said.  And then leaning back, she schooled her features to be very sad and scared.  "Okay I'm ready for your next question now." she said.  Arjun opened his mouth and closed it.  Staring at her in shock.  He watched her making a big show of actually cringing with fear!   He felt like he was watching an epsidoe of the twilight zone.  "You think this is some sort of joke Arohi?!" he shouted, grabbing on to her arms and forcing her to snap her eyes to his.  Finally some fear he thought with satisfaction as he watched her eyes grow big and round.  "I am so done with playing these games with you Arohi!" "Since you've come into my life you have turned it upside down!"  "I told you I don't want any drama in my life but little did I know I was marrying the one woman that had trouble follow her where ever she went."  "Well that is freakin stopping right now!"  "No more protests, no more dogs, no more recruiting my staff into your schemes!"  "No more drama!"  "Do you understand what I'm saying?" he asked.  Arohi nodded.  Oh she understood alright and as soon as she could get herself out if his grasp she'll tell him exactly what he could do with his self righteous attitude.  As his cold hard stare bore into her Arohi managed to struggle out of his grasp and scoot over to the side of the sofa moving away from him successfully. "I will not be bullied by you Arjun!" she stammered.  "You can't force me to bend to your will and as long as you're hell bent on building that high rise I will be hell bent on stopping you.  Taking a few quick steps back she added quickly.  "And Sweetoo is going nowhere!"  Arjun took a step towards her as Arohi quickly turned, rushing towards the doors.  Arjun right behind her.  Murder was the only way to solve their problem.  He didn't think there was any court of law that would find him guilty. 

"Aaah!" she suddenly screamed in pain.  Arjun stopped in his tracks as he saw Arohi's face crumple in pain.  "Arohi!" he shouted as he rushed to her.  Arohi looked down at her foot and the long shard of glass hanging from it.   Arjun was by her side in seconds.  "Are you okay?" he asked as he put his arm around her waist.  His voice filled with concern.  The tears streaming down her face was his answer.   Scooping her up, he quickly walked back to the sofa. kneeling down infront of her he gently picked up her foot to examine the damage.  Big tears now fell down Arohi's face.  "It hurts." she choked out.  "I know, sit still and let me have a proper look." he said.   Other then the long piece of glass he couldn't see any more damage.  "I'm going to pull this out okay Arohi." he said.  "No, no that's going to hurt too much." she cried.  "Arohi, it has to come out."  "Just stay still."  Arohi whimpered and Arjun winced as he heard her gasp of pain as the glass came out.  "It's done." he said soothing.  Arohi who's pain threshold was very low, just sobbed in answer.  Running to the door he threw it open shouting at Maria to bring the first aid kit.  Within minutes Maria had it for him.  "I'm going to have Dr Sinha have a quick look at it." he said as he cleaned the wound and bandaged it up."   "Just to make sure it's not infected." he added.  Seeing Arohi's face turn white he quickly added "not that I think it's infected."  Maria watched curiously as Sir spoke softly and soothingly to Arohi.  Her dainty foot resting on his thigh.  What a difference from just a short while before when he looked like he was going to kill her.  She'd never seen this side of Arjun sir before, but she was pretty sure it was his attraction to Arohi that had brought the change.  Sir or Arohi might not even be aware of the attraction but all the staff were.  It was visible in the way he looked at her and the way she had the ability to rile him up so much.   There was something there for sure, she knew it.  Sir was not a man to be tending so softly to damsel's in distress.  She had no doubt that if that had been Tania sitting there with the glass in her foot he would have called her every type of fool possible and then told Maria to take care of it while he stalked away to make a business phone call.  No there was definitely something there. 

Arohi's sobs had turned into little hiccups.  She didn't like the fact that Ajrun had been witness to her tears on so many occasions.  He must think she was so weak.  But she couldn't help it.  She didn't like blood, just the sight of it made her faint.  She wasn't happy with her weakness but there wasn't much she could do about it either.  "I'm going to take you up to your room." Arjun said, interrupting her thoughts.  "I should be able to walk." Arohi said about to stand up.  "Shut up and stay still!" he snapped as he scooped her up.  "Maria, I want this room back to it's original condition." he ordered as he passed Maria.  "Yes sir." she said hiding a small smile.  Sir could be as rigid as he wanted, but she knew now that he had a soft spot for his wife.  Arohi stared moodily at Arjun's chest.  She wasn't an invalid she thought to herself.  Even though she did like the gentle care from Arjun.  As he set her on her bed he asked "Do you need anything?"  Arohi shook her head No.  "I don't want you standing on your foot."  "Atleast not until Dr. Sinha has said you can."  "If you need something ask one of that staff and for the love of god curb the protesting to the comfort of your bed until you're better!"  Arohi couldn't help but smile, and as Arjun walked to the door she said softly "Thanks."  Arjun paused for a moment and then without responding, stalked out of the room. 

"I'm fine!" Arohi whined the next night as Reena hovered around her.  "Sir left strict instructions for us to make sure you're comfortable." Reena said anxiously making Arohi sigh.  This was how "sir" was getting back at her.  She knew it.  All day there had been a steady stream of people "checking up on her."  "It wasn't like she had her foot amputated, but she sure was being treated that way.  "How's Sweetoo?" Arohi asked.  "Good, we still have him."  "We've contacted the animal shelter about taking him tomorrow.  Arohi felt tears prick her eyelids.  She would miss her Sweetoo so much.  "Arohi, I shouldn't have told you." Reena said worriedly.  "Now I made you cry!" Arohi shook her head and quickly wiped the moisture from her eyes.  "I'm fine!"  "seriously.  "Tell me how Gia is enjoying her classes." Arohi asked Reena, changing the subject.  It was better to concentrate on good and happy things rather then think about how heartless Arjun was being.

Arohi looked up later on that evening as she heard knocking on her bedroom door.  "How are you feeling?" Arjun asked.  "FINE!"  "I'm not a invalid that everyone keeps asking me that!" she snapped , and then instantly regretted it.  This wasn't her.  He was asking politely how she was feeling, she could be polite too.  "I'm sorry, it's just been a long day."  "I'm feeling fine." she answered.  Arjun paused.  "Do you need anything?" he asked.  Arohi sighed but bit her tongue and then suddenly she said "I know the animal shelter is taking Sweetoo tomorrow but could I have him atleast for tonight." "I miss him." she said softly in a choked up voice.  Arjun stared at her uncomfortably.  He hated to see her cry.  He could deal with feisty Arohi, crying Arohi was a whole new ball game.  And he'd been around emotional females before.  That was usually the sign that it was time to move on.  With Arohi it wasn't quite so easy.  He didn't want her to cry.  "That's fine." he replied.  It was just for one night.  He could deal with one more night with the dog in his house.  "I'll get Maria to bring him up." he said, when he saw a smile light up her face.  As he left he was struck again by  how beautiful she was. 

"I'm better now." Arohi said as she came down for breakfast the next morning.  "Please Maria you don't need to hover." Arohi said gently.  Maria sighed.  "It's just that sir was so worried I just want to make sure it's all healing properly."  "It's fine!" she exclaimed.  "It was just a small cut."  "I can walk on it now." she said with a smile.  Maria nodded and then rushed to bring out the coffee as she saw Arjun approaching.  A scowl on his face.  "Before you say even one thing about my foot I'll tell you right now it's fine!"  "I am not resting for one more second!" she added quickly.  Arjun stared at the stubborn set of her chin and her rigid stance.  Shaking his head he sat down and grabbed his newspaper, opening it up without a word.  Arohi stared at him in shock for a few seconds and then smiled.  Living with Arjun Singhania she'd learned a thing or two about being commanding too!   They ate in their usual silence for a few moments and then Arohi said "I'm going out with Lara and her friends tomorrow night."  She didn't know why she offered that information but she did.  Arjun slowly folded the paper and taking a sip of his coffee looked at her.  "Where are you going?" he asked.  "I'm not sure."  "It's Lara's sister's birthday so we're going out for that."  Arjun tensed.  "Lara's sister Maya is a good friend of Tania's."  "She'll probably be there too if it's Maya's birthday."  "Maybe you should rethink attending this party." he said.  Arohi frowned.  "Your Tania has a way of showing up everywhere!"  "That doesn't mean that  I should lock myself in this house in fear that she may say something to me."  Arjun gave a frustrated sigh.  "Do what you want!" he snapped, standing up suddenly.  "You haven't even finished your breakfast." she said softly.  "I've lost my appetite!" he snapped turning and walking away.   Arohi felt guilt wash over her.  She hadn't meant to snap but just thinking of Tania conjured up their last meeting in her mind.  When Tania had told her that Arjun and her still had a relationship.  And even though deep down she knew it wasn't true the thought of it still bothered her.  She didn't know why, but it did.  Sighing she got up to get ready got work.

"Is he home yet?" Arohi asked as she rushed into the house that evening.  "Arjun Sir."  "No, not yet." Maria replied.  "Good!" she said happily.  "Where's Sweetoo?" she asked.  Maria looked worriedly from side to side and then whispered.  "I just put him into your room." she replied.  "Good, I'll take it from here."  Arohi answered limping a little as she walked to the steps.  "Arohi, is your foot okay?" Maria called.  "It's fine!"  "And remember if he asks about Sweetoo just say I took care of arrangements and you don't know anything else."  Arohi said as she walked up the stairs gingerly.  The cut was starting to bother her a little.  But seeing her baby would make it all better.  There was no way she was going to let Arjun take Sweetoo away. Her plan was to keep him in the house out of Arjun's way making him think the dog was gone.  And in a couple of weeks Arohi would tell him the truth, and he would see that in reality Sweetoo was really no trouble at all.  The incident from the other night was a one off.  Something he would never do again.  Smiling confidently Arohi walked into her room.  "Sweetoo.." she called, throwing her things onto her bed.  "Sweetoo???'" she called again, looking around for him.  Nothing and then she remembered that when she walked into her room the door was  a little ajar.  Panic spread quickly through her as she rushed out of her room.  "Sweetoo!" she called, passing the guest bedroom and then Arjun's open door.  Coming to a stop outside his room.  "OH MY GOD!" she choked out.  Sweetoo was sitting in the middle of Arjun's bed.  Like he belonged there.  The goose down duvet lay on the floor, the duvet cover ripped, various books and a lamp lay on the floor over turned.  "SWEETOO!" she whispered.  "Get over here!"  "You are going to get us into so much trouble!" she said worriedly, looking behind her to make sure Arjun wasn't coming through the door.  Picking up Sweetoo who looked extremely happy with himself, she hurried him into her room.  Giving him one of this toys to play with, she quickly shut the door.  Putting her hands on her hips she frowned.  "Now what!?" she thought panicking.  She needed to clean everything up ASAP!  Rushing into his bedroom she went to work tiding things up.  The bed being her last project.  Dragging out a new duvet and sheets she quickly made the bed.  Grabbing the old ones she ran to his bathroom stuffing them into the hamper.  As she turned around she heard "What the hell is the hold up with that project!"  "The centre should have been demolished a week ago!"  "I want you and the project manager in my office tomorrow morning first thing."  "We need to deal with this situation." Arjun barked into the phone.  Arohi winced as she peaked out to see Arjun loosen his tie and throw it on to his bed along with his suit jacket.  she quickly, backed further into the bathroom.  "Please god get him out of here as soon as possible."  "If he sees me hiding in his bathroom he's not going to let me go until he figures out exactly what I was doing!"  But no one was listening to her prayers today because she could hear Arjun's footsteps coming towards the bathroom.  Looking around frantically, she quickly stepped into the shower shutting the door.  Her heart was beating so fast as she listened to him turn on the sink faucet, and wash his hands and then there was a pause, she tried to stifle her gasp as the shower door opened and a hand came out turning the shower on.  Arohi shrieked as warm water sprayed onto her.  Arjun who was in the process of stepping out of his trousers quickly pulled them back up.  "WHAT THE???!" he snapped, wrenching open the shower door.

He wore an expression of pure disbelief on his face as he stared at Arohi, who looked back at him with big eyes.  Completely drenched, her transparent white cotton kameez clinging to her.   Arjun felt raw hot desire course through him, forcing it away he watched as Arohi quickly shut off the tap and stared at him with big doe eyes.  Not quite aware of what she looked like.  "I, I can explain." she began but stopped when she saw Arjun's gaze rake over her.  Her sudden intake of breath being the only sound now.  Looking down at herself, she felt her face turning bright red.  Quickly folding her arms across her front she made a move to step out of the shower.  But stepping on her hurt foot the wrong way had her fumbling and slipping.  Arjun caught her against him, steadying her.  His arm wound tightly across her hips.   "Are you okay?" he asked hoarsely.  Arohi nodded, slowly looking up at him.  Let her go, let her go now.  Arjun's brain was saying.  But as his eyes settled on her lips he stopped thinking.  He gave her plenty of time to pull away, but she made no move to do so.  The second Arjun's lips settled on Arohi's, she melted against him.  His kiss making her head spin.   It was sizzling hot.  His mouth devouring her's as she pressed herself closer to him.  Her hands pressed against his bare chest as his hands moved over her body.  Arjun groaned as his hands moved to her hips pulling her even closer as his lips molded against her, teasing hers, wreaking havoc on her senses.  Making her sigh in pleasure against him.  Her sigh only added fuel to the fire as Arjun tore his lips from hers and moved to kissing her jaw and then lower, biting her neck.  His hand moved to the zipper of her kameez and he slowly pulled it down, his lips making their way back to hers.  He slowly pealed her kameez down over her shoulders, kissing his way down to her creamy shoulders.  His mouth eventually returning to hers as he slowly peeled more of the kameez down her body.   Instead of feeling cold she felt like she was on fire.  His kisses could make her forget everything, even herself.  "Sir!"  "Sir!"  Arjun some how heard through the drumming of desire through his brain.  "It's urgent sir!"  Maria called.  Arjun pulled away from Arohi, not letting her go just yet.  "What is it?" he asked hoarsely.  "It's Jai sir, he says he needs to talk to you right away." Maria replied.  Arjun closed his eyes trying to get his breathing under control.  Looking down at Arohi's swollen lips and dazed eyes he resisted the urge to tell Maria that he'll call Jai back.   Slowly Arohi came out of her trance, gasping as she realized her kameez was around her hips now.  Quickly turning around she pulled it up.  Arjun stared at her back and then handing her a towel he opened and then shut the bathroom door behind him. 

As Arohi rushed into her bedroom and locked the door she was still breathing heavily.  She couldn't believe what she had almost done, and with whom and most of all how much she had wanted to continue.  She had never thought that just touching and kissing could make a person want another person so desperately.  And Arjun, oh god Arjun could make her want him too easily.  Thank god that urgent call had come in for Arjun orselse she very much doubted they would have stopped.  What had been so urgent she thought as she stripped out of her wet clothes.  Blushing as she remembered Arjun's hands on her body.  Pushing away her errant thoughts she concentrated on changing.  Checking up on Sweetoo she saw he was fast asleep.  Yes, how typically male of him!  Make a mess and then go take a nap..someone  else will take care of it!  But her Sweetoo did look so cute in  his sleep she thought to herself.  Just another reason she couldn't let Arjun take him away from her.  Arjun...god more blushes. she thought as she turned crimson.   Staring at herself in the mirror she ackowlegded the fact that she had never felt this way before.  Well she had pretty much zero experience in that department but even with Vicky she had never felt that kind of attraction.  It was so odd, and she hadn't really given it much importance before.  But with Arjun she was drawn to him physcially.  He did that to her...the few times they'd kissed she'd melted into him.  Maybe it would have been that way with anyone she thought to herself.  But somehow she doubted that.  The odd part was that they fought so much.  Never agreed on anything.  Half the time she doubted he even liked her.  Yet in this area they reacted so differently.  Thinking about it was just confusing her more.  No she needed to just push this incident out of her mind.

Arjun walked into his house the next morning.  Tired and irritated.  It had been a rough night.  The community center had burned down.  Fire department was still investigating but they thought it had to do with some faulty electrical wires.  He should be happy but as he had driven through the throngs of people standing outside the centre in the rain, so many of them young children, he'd for the first time... felt guilt.  And he blamed Arohi for it!  Seeing the kids faces he did think about what would they do now that that the center was gone.  He hated wasting his time with those kinds of thoughts, but Arohi's face kept flashing infront of his face.  "What about the children?!"  Arjun shook his head in anger.  Enough! he told himself.  Arohi was completely screwing with his head.  And what happened in his bathroom yesterday evening didn't help things either.  He'd wanted her!  He didn't think he'd ever wanted any other woman as intensely as he had wanted Arohi last night.  And that he acted on it, Mr. Self control losing control was what bothered him the most.  He should know better.  The one time they slept together and she would start getting ideas about happily ever afters!  He didn't want a happily ever after with anyone.  He was still relying on the fact that one day she would leave this marriage.  But that sure as hell wouldn't happen if they made love.  No he needed to curb this attraction he was developing for her.  These soft feelings about community centers and helping the children, that was not him.  He donated plenty of money to various charities.  He did his part.  He didn't need Arohi making him feel guilty too.  

As Arjun got to the top of the stairs, Arohi walked out of her bedroom.  A blush creeping up her neck, when she saw him. "Did you just get home?" she asked  "Yeah, there was a problem with the centre project." he replied.  "What kind of problem?"  "More arrests?" she asked.  Arjun shook his head no.  "Actually I might as well tell you."  "There was a fire and the centre was burned to the ground."  "Fire department is investigating the cause of the fire and then we'll know more."  Arohi gasped.  "How could this have happened?" she asked in shock.  "We think it has something to do with faulty wiring." he replied, raking a hand through his hair.  Arohi frowned.  "Those poor kids have no shot now!" she said bristling.  Arjun's eyes narrowed at her tone.  "You must be happy now!' she added. "Your path is clear to go ahead and build your luxury high rises!"  "What do you care how it effects the community!"  "I wouldn't be surprised if faulty wiring was just a cover up!" she bit out.  Arjun had heard enough.  Grabbing her arm he pulled her into her room.  His house had become a three ring circus as of late.  His staff hearing and seeing enough drama between him and Arohi to feed the gossip mill for weeks.  He didn't need them to hear any more.  Letting go of her as he shut the the door behind him, he turned furious eyes at her.  "Pretty big accusations you're making there Arohi!" he said in voice dripping with anger.  "Before you start making up Bull sh*t you should maybe get your facts straight!"  "Opening up his bag he pulled out a thick file, shoving it at her.  "Open that!"  "You'll find page after page of problems with that building!"  "SERIOUS problems that you know nothing about!"  "I've been listening to you go on and on about the community and the centre being such an integral part of it."  "That fire could have killed or seriously injured so many people!"  Arohi slowly opened the file, her eyes scanning over words like mold, roof leakage, fire hazard, rodent infestation, asbestos, the list went on.  "Since you believe so much in the value of this community centre shouldn't you have done your research and tried to atleast first see what you were working so hard to protect."  "You've been here what a few months, you know nothing but what a select few have told you about that centre."  "Wasn't it your job to find out more before you started protesting about something you knew nothing about!" he asked angrily.  His eyes flashing.  "I..." Arohi began.  But he cut her off. "I don't need to lower myself to manipulative back handed ways to further my projects!"  "I wanted that centre demolished and believe me that's exactly what would have happened!"  "The fire would never have been my method and the fact that you think it would have been just shows you know sh*t about me!" he bit out.  "Which really doesn't matter at the end of the day and most days I wouldn't give a sh*t what you or anyone else thought. " "But today I have had just about enough of your holier then thou attitude."  "You think I'm a jerk, and that I've got attitude and am cold hearted."  "I'm all that and a lot more!" he said coldly.  "But I'm not a bast**d that would risk innocent people's lives, innocent children's lives,  just to make a profit!"  "So no Arohi I didn't have the centre set on fire."  With that he turned, wrenching the door open and stalked out of her room.  Leaving a shocked Arohi behind. 

Arohi felt horrible all morning as she paced her room.  She wanted to apologize but as his angry face flashed infront of her eyes she cringed.  He was so furious.  She had been stupid to jump down his throat for no reason.  He was right, she didn't know the facts.  She didn't know there were serious problems with the centre.  She doubted very much if even Tia or Samir knew the centre had so many problems.  Arohi had just seen what she wanted to see.  She let other peoples opinions cloud her judgment.  Maybe a part it was that she was new, and wanted to be a part of something.  Saving the centre was that for her.  She was forced to admit that she'd changed since she'd moved here.  The old Arohi would have thought things through.  Asked more questions.  This Arohi was trying too hard to stay afloat, trying to hard to fit in somewhere.  She'd been wrong for accusing Arjun.  Standing up she made her way determinedly to Arjun's door.  Her heart beating a mile a minute.  But as she paused outside his room all she saw was Maria in there tidying up.  "Where's Arjun?" Arohi asked.  "Arjun sir showered, had something to eat and went back to the office".  Arohi frowned.  She'd have to wait until tomorrow then since she was going out with Lara and her friends tonight.  Thankfully she'd canceled shopping plans with Lara for earlier in the day.  The way she was feeling she was in no mood for shopping and truth be told in no mood for clubbing either.  But she didn't think Lara would take that well.  Sighing she picked up Sweetoo cuddling him to her.

"Hi Arohi!" Lara exclaimed later that evening as Arohi walked into Lara's house.  "Hi Lara." Arohi said with a smile following her into the house.  "I'm so glad you decided to come over early so we can ready together."  "It'll be more fun that way." Lara said leading her up the stairs.  "Can I get you something to drink?"  "Maybe some wine?" Lara asked.  "No, I'm fine." Arohi replied looking around.  "Jai's not home?" she asked.  "No, he's with Arjun at the office too."  "Too bad about the community centre fire huh?"  "The guys have to deal with a lot of unnecessary red tape because of it." Lara said shaking her head.  "Jai had called saying it'll probably be another all nighter." Lara added.  Arohi felt guilt wash over her and tears prick her eyes.  She felt so angry at herself for the things she said earlier.  She wasn't that person.  She wasn't a person who judged people and said hateful mean things.  And it bothered her that she'd become one.  "Lara, do you mind if I skip tonight I..." Arohi began.  Lara gasped.  "No Arohi!"  "You can't back out."  "I've told everyone you'll be there and seriously Arohi I would like for us to be friends."  "I really like you and our husbands are great friends not to mention business partners."  "It would be nice if we got to know eachother better too." she said.  Arohi gave her a fleeting smile.  "Ofcourse, I want that too." she said.  She couldn't back out now, she thought miserably as she pulled out a knee length blue dress to change into.  "That's pretty." Lara said "but I think I might have something that would look just amazing on you."  Arohi smiled and shook her head.  "No, that's okay."  "I should be fine in this." she said.  "Arohi, please, you would be doing me a favour."  "I bought it but I could never wear it."  "You have to have an amazing curvy body for it."  "A body like yours."  "You'd be doing me a favour by taking it." Lara said pulling out a thigh length black chiffon halter dress with tiny crystals all along the top of the dress.   "Try it on." Lara urged as Arohi stared at it doubtfully.  Arohi sighed and went to do as Lara said.

"WOW!" Lara said with a laugh.  "You look hot!" she said happily.  Arohi stared at herself self consciously in the mirror.  The dress was sooo tight!  It fit her like a second skin.  But the way the chiffon gathered together and the crystal sparkled made the dress look so feminine yet sexy too.  "You have to wear this." Lara said with a smile as she saw Arohi hesitate.  "No buts!"  'Now go and do your make up." she added rushing into the bathroom to change herself.  Arohi gave herself one more glance.  It was definitely different from what she usually wore but not really a bad different.  Just different.  And Lara was so sweet to offer it to her.  It was just one night, she could wear it for one night.  Later on as the two of them walked into the club together Arohi self consciously pulled her dress down.  "Don't do that." "Believe me, you look beautiful." Lara said with a smile.   Arohi had no idea how many heads turned to look at the beautiful girl who's just walked into the club.  Unbeknownst to her, guys and girls were having second and third looks at the girl that dressed like a vixen but exuded the innocence of a sweet angel.  "There's my sister." Lara said.  Lara had warned her just like Arjun that Tania may show up.  Arohi had nodded but she wasn't afraid of Tania or what she would say because she knew now that everything out of her mouth stemmed from jealousy and anger.  She wanted Arjun and she felt Arohi was a threat.  She was wrong and as long as Arohi didn't give Tania the power to hurt her...she wouldn't be able to.   Lara introduced Arohi to her sister  Maya and  her friends.  Most were friendly but a few finding out that she was Arjun's wife had given her hauty looks.  "They're just jealous." Lara had assured her.  Jealous? Arohi thought to herself.  Jealous of what exactly?  Of a husband who didn't even like her.  If only they knew.   The night progressed and as Tania walked in, Arohi winced. She might not be afraid of her but she didn't want to deal with her nonsense either. "Let's get a drink." Lara said.  Arohi nodded.  She might just need a drink to get through tonight.  "Two vodka sodas" Lara said.  Arohi gulped.  "Vodka/soda might be too strong." she began.  "Too strong for little Mrs. Singhania." a voice drawled from behind her.  Arohi turned around slowly.  "Hi Tania,." she said.  "I can't believe Arjun let the wifey come out to play all by herself tonight." Tania said meanly.  "And that's quite the dress you're wearing tonight."  But sorry to say it doesn't suit you at all."  "Salwar, Kameezes are more your style."  Arjun only likes to see his girlfriend in outfits like this."  "His wife, not so much."  she continued evily. "Tania, get lost!" Lara said handing Arohi her drink.  "Lara, I'm trying to just educate the Missus.  "We wouldn't Arjun to get angry would we?"  "I have a feeling that if wifey had to feel Arjun's wrath she might just go running in the other direction." Lara said with an evil smile.  Arohi forced herself not to say anything.  Don't give her the satisfaction, she said over and over again as she gulped back her drink and then suddenly turning around and ordered another.  Lara stared at her in surprise.  "I liked it." Arohi said in answer to her questioning gaze.

As the night progressed and Tania pushed some more at Arohi's buttons, Arohi got more and more drunk.  So drunk in fact that she no longer cared how Tania was taunting her.  At Tania's last attempt to put her down, Arohi turned around, grabbing her by the wrist.  "Do you know that you're an obsessive, psycho BI**H!" she'd snapped.  "Who needs to back off and stop chasing another woman's husband."  "A husband that feels nothing but distaste and anger when he thinks of you."  Tania stared back at Arohi in shock.  Opening her mouth to say something Arohi pushed at her chest.  "STOP talking!"  "I don't want to hear your whiny voice anymore!" she said picking up her drink and gulping it back.  Turning to an astonished Lara, Arohi said "Let's go dance!"   Lara laughed, feeling pretty drunk herself as she let Arohi drag her to the dance floor.

"Jai, come and take your drunk wife home!" "And tell Arjun he can come and get his too!' said Maya into the phone.  Jai frowned and glanced at his watch.  Him and Arjun were just about to leave for their respective homes.  "It's 3:00."  "They haven't left the club yet." he asked.  "Left?!" her and Arohi have no plans of leaving!"  "I want to go home and these two drunk wives of yours are showing no signs of moving!" said an annoyed Maya.   Jai frowned.  "Where are you girls?"  "Getting down the info he promised to be there soon.   "What happened?" Arjun asked.  "Our drunk wives happened." Jai replied.  Arjun's eyes widened. "What?" he asked.  "Arohi and Lara are at Bar None, drunk and refusing to leave."  "We need to go and get them." Jai said heading to the door.  Arjun's eyes flashed with anger as he grabbed his jacket and followed Jai out.

"As Jai and Arjun walked through the dark, loud club, looking around for their wives. Arjun swore.  The place was packed and there were drunk individuals every where, stumbling and falling all over the place.  His gaze shifted to a greasy looking guy getting a little too close to a girl who was drunk but still trying to push the guy away.  The thought of Arohi being touched by some individual like that made Arjun's blood boil.  "Get away from her!" Arjun said in a cold, hard voice, looking down at the guy.  The guy quickly scurried away.  As Arjun turned towards the girl her friend ran up to take her away.  "I see them!' Jai said pushing past some more people.   Arjun followed along his gaze settling on Maya.  "Where are they?" he snapped.  Maya pointed towards the stage.  Arjun's gaze shifted and then his eyes widened.  And he could not believe what he was seeing.

O malang hua
Dil ye mera
Hai mast malang hua
Dil ye mera
Ishq fikar da chadde palla
Mauj karda ho ke jhalla jeeve'
Ishq mein dil na
Hoyea fakeeri
Maange sab ki
Khair sukayya, jeeve..
Gira deeware'
Laga lalkare'
Ishq di masti de
Vich sone de jaage'.yeah'
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage've..
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage'
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage've..
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage'
O malang hua
Dil ye mera
Hai mast malang hua
Dil ye mera
O malang hua
Dil ye mera
Hai mast malang hua
Dil ye mera
Ladla dil ko har bashar
Ishq tha changa hai hashar
Karle kud se hi pyaar bandhe aa'
Hey jahan ki tujhko kabar
Kud se hai par tu bekabe
Lela apni jee saare bandhe aa
Gira deeware'
Laga lalkare..
Ishq di masti de
Vich sone de jaage'.ye'yeah'
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage've.. (Ho dhunki laage ve)
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage' (Ho dhunki laage ve)
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage've..
Dhunki dhunki dhunki laage'
(Dhunki:Mere Brother ki Dulhan)

Arohi and Lara were on the stage dancing, a crowd around them as they moved to the music.  Arjun's eyes fixed on Arohi.  What the hell is she wearing he thought furiously and looking to her right he saw a guy dancing much to close to her. His teeth clenched he made his way over to stand infront of the stage, his arms folded across his chest.  His eyes angry as he waited for her to notice him.  "DHUNKI DHUNKI DHUNKI LAAGE! she sang laughing and dancing when her eyes shifted to Arjun.  "Arjun!" she screamed suddenly catching Arjun by surprise as she threw herself as him.  Arjun caught her against him.  Steadying her but not releasing her.  "What are you doing here?" she asked titling her head to the side and looking up at him.  Arjun stared down at her beautiful innocent face.  What was it about this girl that made him want to kill her one moment and protect her the next.  "I'm here to take you home." he replied.  "Let's go." he said, already turning around, his hand tightly gripping her arm.  "I don't want to go." she said with a hiccup as he dragged her along.  "Too friggin bad!" he snapped as he kept dragging her along.  Arohi looked behind her and saw Jai with his arm around Lara as they walked behind them.  Arohi tried to struggle out of Arjun's grasp but that was near impossible.  As they made it to the exit Arohi finally managed to get her arm back.  "NO!" she snapped as she turned around and quickly took a few steps and went down a hallway.  Arjun swore.  He'd barely slept in the last two nights and the last thing he wanted to be doing right now was chasing his wife in some nightclub!  Stalking after her he caught her just as she opened a door and walked out.  It was a small balcony.  Arjun closed the door behind them.  "What the hell is wrong with you?"  "Let's go home!" he snapped grabbing her hand.  "No, not until you forgive me!" she said with a pout.  Arjun stared at her like she'd lost her mind.  "Forgive you for what?" he asked.  "For, for...for what I said this morning." she said with a hiccup.  "Fine, I forgive you."  "Now let's go!" he said turning around.  "NO!" she snapped.  Arjun was furious now.  "Arohi stop behaving like a psych ward patient and let's go, or so help me god I will forcibly carry you out of this place!" he said angrily.  Arohi shook her head.  Her big brown eyes staring at him.  "I'm sorry for what I said."  "You're right, I didn't know the facts."  "I was wrong." she said with a small hiccup as tears glistened in her eyes.  Arjun stared at her and felt his resolve weaken..hell completely crumble.  What was he going to do with her, he thought to himself.  "It's fine Arohi, I forgive you." he said softly, loosening his hold on her hand.  Arohi sniffed and then hiccuped.  Then lifting her long hair off the nape of her neck in an innocent gesture she said "It's so hot."  Arjun's gaze traveled the length of her short dress down her long legs to her high healed shoes.  She looked gorgeous.  And he knew she had no idea that she had the ability to bring  grown men to their knees with just one innocent smile.  And the thought of how many men must have seen her looking like this, and that their thoughts must have been similar to the ones he was having about his wife made him ridiculously angry.  He told himself it was because no matter what... she was his wife.   He didn't want anyone lusting over his wife.   "Can we go now?" Arjun asked a little abruptly.  Arohi nodded and then taking a step she stumbled.  Arjun's arms catching her before she fell.  "Sorry." she said a little slurred as his eyes shifted to her full lips.  Remembering how good they had felt against his.  Arjun studied her for a few more moments and then finally said "Let's go." 

They met Jai and Lara outside of the club.  Lara leaning against Jai.  "I'm sleepy." she mumbled.  "I bet you are and I bet you two are going to have killer hang overs tomorrow." he added.  Arjun felt Arohi tug his hand.  "I'm sleepy too." she slurred and then yawned.  Arjun raised an eyebrow and the next thing he knew, Arohi was leaning into him half asleep.  "This is way past my bed time." she mumbled.  "Why did you keep me out so late?" she added hiccuping.  Arjun's mumbling about impossible women was all Arohi heard before she felt herself being lifted and placed into the car.  "Good night Arj..." she didn't finish her sentence as she fell asleep.  Arjun after saying bye to Jai and Lara, got into his car and stared at a sleeping, angelic Arohi.  Drinking in her beauty and her softness.  His orderly life had basically been thrown into  chaos since Arohi had entered his life.  But the weird thing was that day by day he wasn't minding the chaos as much. Chaos had it's advantages too, he thought with a rueful smile as he remembered back to the shower incident from the night before.   Chaos definitely had it's advantages.

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