Chapter 4

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"Tania!' Arjun said between clenched teeth. "What are you doing here?" Tania gave Arjun a pout and replied "Arjun, I missed you." "And how can there be a party in your honor and I not be there," she answered giving Arohi an evil smile. And the next thing Arohi knew, her "husband." was grabbing "Tania's" arm and dragging her away, as Arohi stood alone watching.  Arohi continued to stare after them almost in shock.  "I'm so sorry about Tania." Lara said as she hurried over to her.  "I didn't know she'd show up here today."  "And I think she's been drinking, hence the extra rude behavior."  Lara added hesitantly.  Arohi didn't miss the pitying glances coming from people in close vicinity of her.  "Who is Tania?" Arohi asked.  "Lara shifted uncomfortably and seemed to be looking around for someone to come to her rescue so she wouldn't have to answer the question.  "Well, you... she..." Lara began after clearing her throat.  "Is she his girlfriend?" Arohi asked feeling her heart clench.  Lara stared back at her horrified.  "Not anymore she isn't!" she replied quickly.  Arohi frowned and then nodded.  This was not a conversation that she should be having with Lara.  This was a conversation for...HIM.  Arohi could feel tears pricking her eyes, she was horrified to be in this situation.  HE had a girlfriend and his wife at the same party.  Arohi could feel her face burning up.  She wished the earth would open up and swallow her whole.  Judging from the way people had been looking at her, everyone knew about HIM and Tania.  Everyone but Arohi.  And then he storms off with Tania, leaving Arohi to face the embarrassment by herself.  Fine they weren't a real husband and wife but she didn't expect him to keep a girlfriend on the side.  As she forced herself to walk not run to the bathroom, the words "He told you from the beginning he wasn't changing his life in any way." rang in her head.  Locking the bathroom door and leaning against it , Arohi took deep breaths slowly forcing the lump in her throat to go away.  "You will not cry Arohi Ahluwalia!" she said and then wincing added "Singhania!'  She was going to go out there, paste a smile on her face and pretend that everything was okay.  Pretend that her husband wasn't off somewhere with his girlfriend!  He couldn't even be a little discreet she thought to herself.  Who has both their wife and girlfriend at the same party?!  How cheap!  Arohi said to herself as she straightened her sari and then unlocked the door, stepping out.  Her plan was to leave this party as soon as possible.  With or without him. 

Arjun could not believe Tania had shown up at the party.  Of all the stupid impulsive things she has done this one took the cake.  His ex girlfriend crashing a dinner in honor of him and his wife.  And he hadn't missed the looks they received from everyone around them.  He didn't care what people thought,  but Arohi was still his wife, even if it was in name only.  She didn't deserve that. Turning back to Tania, who as soon as him and her had stepped out onto the patio had thrown her arms around him, was now sitting on the edge of Jay's heated swimming pool.  Her feet dangling in, her dress hiked up even further.  "You're drunk."  "I'm going to call  you a cab." Arjun began.  "NO!"  Tania said slowly getting up.  "I am not going anywhere."  "I can't belive you married that that little mouse over me."  "I just proposed to you two months ago Arjun and you had said no."  "Why Arjun?" Tania now asked tearfully putting her arms around him and leaning her head against his chest.  Arjun pulled away immediately.  "Tania, we have been over all this before."  "Why I married Arohi is none of your business."  "You and I have been over for awhile."  Arjun said tonelessly.  "You came here on purpose to cause a scene and Tania you know I don't like that kind of stuff."  Arjun said angrily.  Tania frowned.  "I don't care what you like Arjun!'  "I already told daddy and he was very upset with you."  "He's threatening to pull out as a client of your company." Tania threatened.  Arjun's eyes turned cold as steel.  "I don't care what your "daddy" decides to do."  Arjun knew very well her "daddy" wasn't going anywhere.  He had become a very rich man because of Arjun, he wasn't about to risk that just because of his daughter's stubbornness.  Tania frowned and then her smile turned all sexy and sultry as she moved and looped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against him.  "Don't you miss us Arjun?"  "Don't you miss all the fun we used to have?" she said in a soft sexy voice.  "We were so good together."  "Don't you want that back?" she asked.  "Nothing has to change between us." she said tracing a fingertip down his cheek.  "I won't tell if you don't..." she added with a devilish smile.  Arjun watched her with disgust and just as he made a move to push her away he heard.  "I'm tired."  "I want to go home."  "I can see you're busy so I'll just take a cab."  Arjun pulled away from Tania and looked at Arohi who had already turned around and was walking away.  "For the love of god!" Arjun growled.  "You are taking a cab home." he said turning to Tania.  "Jay will make sure of that."  and with that he stalked away leaving a wailing Tania behind. 

Arjun caught up with Arohi as she was slipping out the front door.  Grabbing her arm he swung her around to face him.  "Wait a minute!' he demanded.  Arohi was shaking, she was so angry.  "NO!" she snapped as she struggled for him to let her arm go.  But it was no use, Arjun was much stronger.  Finally stopping her struggles she stared at him with big eyes glistening with tears.  "I know you don't think much of this marriage or me but I would never have done what you just did to me in there." she said in a broken voice.  Arjun's lips tightened into a thin line.  "I didn't do anything to you!" he began and turned as he heard the front door open.  "I am so sorry about Tania." Jay said looking first at Arohi and then Arjun.  Arohi pulled out of Arjun's loosened grip.  "Thank you so much for dinner." Arohi said as graciously as one could with tears streaming down their face.  "Please thank Lara too."  "It was lovely meeting you both."  With a forced smile Arohi turned on her heal and practically ran down the stairs.  Arjun swore under his breath.  "This is exactly why I never wanted to get married!" he said furiously as he turned and went after Arohi. 

She was at the end of the driveway when he caught up with her again.  "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.  "Home." she replied walking purposefully.  "How?'  "Are you walking?" he asked.  Arohi ignored him.  "Arohi, I am dead serious here, turn around and walk back to my car."  "You're not going anywhere alone at this time of night!" Arohi took a few more steps and winced.  Her feet were already starting to hurt because of her high heels.  She was mad but she wasn't an idiot.  "Fine!' she said, turning back around and starting to walk towards his parked car.  Arjun's eyes widened.  Just like that, she agreed, he thought to himself.  But not kicking a gift horse in the mouth, he took long strides making it to the car before her, and opening her door for her.  Arohi quickly sat down and turned her face towards the window.  Arjun got in and putting the car into drive pulled out a little too fast for Arohi's liking.  She turned to give him a glare but stopped when she saw he was staring straight ahead.

Arjun didn't like to explain his actions to anyone.  He did what he wanted and lived his life the way he saw fit, both professionally and personally.  But now, maybe for the first time he had this needling feeling that maybe he should explain himself to Arohi.  And he hated this feeling.  She should just trust him he thought to himself which sounded ludicrous even to him.  She didn't know him, why would she trust that he wasn't keeping a girl friend on the side while being married to her?  Maybe because he was a lot a of things, but he wasn't a cheater.  His wife and him might have no relationship but he wasn't about to cheat on her.  He had full faith in her to give up on this sham of a marriage and walk out on him.  He fully believed that she would do that one day very soon and then they could go back to their normal lives.  And she could leave for a variety of reasons.. but him cheating on her... .would not be one of those reasons.  An image of Tania draped over him popped into his head and he winced thinking what a picture they must have made.  And Arohi had walked into that.  Tania always did have perfect timing he thought to himself with a frown.  Tania was Mr. Abhi Kapoor's one and only child.  She was motherless so her father had done a great job of making her a spoiled little rich girl.  When he'd met Tania a year ago she had instantly started pursuing him.  And he admitted, he didn't resist.  She was sexy, and hot.  So why not?!  But like every woman eventually does, she stared wanting more from the relationship.  More then Arjun was willing to give.  And that was when things started to go sour.  He had made his intentions clear, he was not interested in anything serious.  But she was not ready to come to terms with that.  Two months ago had been the final straw.  They had been out for dinner and she proposed to him.  And in true Tania style it was a very loud "look at me." proposal.  Violins, an orchestra while she stood up and proposed to him in front of the whole restaurant. . Arjun had wanted to murder her.  He had given her one look and she had quickly told the violist to stop playing, and then he had got up told the astonished waiter to put the dinner on his tab and left without a word.  He had broken it off with her the next day, but Tania being Tania was a persistent one. She just wouldn't back off and then begging and pleading she had again weaseled herself back into his life a few weeks later. 

Arohi's anger had lost some of it's steam.  Now she'd moved on to wallowing in self pity.  What had become of her life she thought to herself.  One brother leaves her basically at the alter, and the other brother marries her and then keeps a girlfriend on the side.  How embarrassing and RUDE!  The anger was coming back to the surface as she turned back around to glare at him.  This time he glanced her way and caught the glare.  Raising his brows in reaction.  "Tania and I are not together."  "We used to date but that's over." Arjun began.  "It didn't look over." Arohi interrupted.  "It's over!" Arjun snapped.  "She's having a hard time understanding that,...but I'll handle it."  "I saw how you were handling things." Arohi mumbled.  "You saw what you wanted to see!" he said fiercely.  "I'm telling you right now and I will not be repeating myself...I will not cheat on you."  "I don't have a girlfriend!"  "End of discussion!"  With that he turned his attention back to the road.  Arohi was fuming.  End of discussion!  There had been no discussion!  It was as usual, him telling, and her listening.  As they pulled into their driveway Arohi got out of the car quickly.  If she had to be in his company for even one more second, she was going to end up strangling him.  Arjun watched as Arohi practically ran into the house.  He took a few steps to go after her and then stopped.  NO, why should he?  He'd told her how things were and now she needed to come to terms with them.

Arohi walked into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.  She was so sick and tired of the Singhania men reeking havoc in her life.  As she took off her earrings and unpinned her pallu she just felt herself getting more and more angry.   End of discussion,..this was not the end of any discussion!  Stomping to the door she threw it open and  walked quickly to his door.  Her anger guiding her.  Banging on his door she prepared her argument.  Exactly everything she was going to say to him and what he could do with his domineering attitude.  But as the door opened and she came face to face, or rather face to chest with HIM she lost her whole train of thought.  Her eyes widened as she felt blood rush to her face.  Did you need something Arohi?" Arjun asked.  Arohi speak!  Arohi speak! said her internal voice.   She cleared her throat willing herself to look away from Arjun's perfect bare chest.  It was so broad and hard. And then her gaze drifted lower.  Those didn't look like 6 pack abs, those looked closer to 8.  Not that she'd counted or anything!  "Arohi!" she heard, making her quickly look up at his face.  "Did you need soemthing?" he repeated impatiently.  Arohi's anger returned.  "Yes, infact I did!" she said marching into his room.  Arjun stared after her and then shut the door behind him.  Turning around he folded his arms across his chest and waited for her to continue.  Arohi stared at him.  Shirtless, wearing just his trousers.  Must he stand infront of her half naked she thought to herself.  "I, I just came to say that I'm not some sort of door mat that you can walk all over!" "I may be your wife in name only but atleast when we're in public we can make an effort of not making fools of one another."  Arjun's eyes bore into her as he waited for her to continue.  "I don't like to be pitied, and that's basically what happened at the party tonight."  "What you and your girlfriend do in private is your business, but in the future I.."  Arohi didn't even see him move until he was right infront of her glaring down at her.  Arohi gulped.  "I've told you she's not my girlfriend anymore!"  "Why are you harping on this?"  Arohi glared up at him.  "I'm not harping!"  "I've noticed that if someone doesn't agree with you, or do exactly as you've commanded, then they're harping or being difficult!" "Well I have news for you Mr. Singhania I am not scared of you!"  Arohi felt herself blush, because as she made that big announcement her voice quivered.  Way to go Arohi, she thought to herself.  Arjun's eyes widened and then  went dark with anger.  Grabbing her arm he pulled her fully against him.  "You sound scared!" he said menacingly. "I am not!" Arohi replied quickly.  "I am so sick and tired of your all mighty attitude."  "You bring your wife to the same party as your girlfriend...HOW CHEAP!" She practically shouted struggling to get out of his grasp.  "And then you don't even deem it necessary to maybe apologize for your behavior!"  Before she knew it Arjun was moving her back a few steps until she hit a wall with a soft thud.  "Arjun Singhania doesn't apologize for anything!" he said glaring at her.  Arohi stared back at him in shock.  "You never apologize..what are you...GOD?"  Arjun's eyes flashed in anger.  He moved closer to her, making Arohi very aware of his body against hers.  "I'll just say it one more time, just one more...I do not have a girlfriend...but I do have a wife and believe me that's turning out to be trouble enough."  "I don't think I could handle a girlfriend as well."  "I don't care if you believe me or not, but in the future I will not be having this discussion with you again!"  "Understood!?" he asked.  Arohi gritted her teeth and stared into his eyes.  "NO!" she replied pushing at his chest.  But the second her fingertips touched him Arohi felt heat rush through her.  Arjun hadn't missed Arohi's reaction to him, or his sudden intake of breath.  And being this close he could feel all her lovely curves pressing against him.  He knew she hadn't noticed yet, but her pallu was half way down her arm now, giving him a very nice view.  Arohi watched as Arjun's eyes changed from dark with anger to something else entirely.  "Let go of me Ar..." she began and then stopped.  Arjun stared down at her.  "What's my name Arohi?" he suddenly asked.  Arohi gulped.  She was having problems remembering her own name, and now she was supposed to remember his too.  Arohi pretended not to hear him.  "Please move!"  "I'm tired, I want to go to bed."  she insisted.  "You can go to bed after you tell me what my name is?" Arohi glared at him.  "Have you forgotten your own name that you need me to tell you?!" she asked irritably.  Arjun pressed closer, making Arohi gasp.  "You don't ever say my name."  "I noticed that recently."  he said.  "I say your name all the time!" Arohi began.  "No, no you don't."  "Today at the party you started to but couldn't seem to get it out of your mouth."  "And now again."  "What's up with that?" he asked.  Arohi stubbornly stared across the room, the only safe place to look.  "I could make you say my name Arohi." she suddenly heard him say in a husky voice.  Arohi's eyes quickly met his.  "You want me to show you how?" he asked in the same mesmerizing voice.  Arohi nodded involuntarily. 

Arjun stared at her soft lips and bent down closer until he was a breath away.   Arohi gulped.  What was he doing????  And then for some reason he  quickly pulled away and stepped back.  Arohi paused for a second, completely confused.  "You should go!" he said in his usual gruff voice, but she noticed his eyes skim over her again and become dark with an intensity she wasn't familiar with.  She looked down at herself and gasped.  Her pallu was now hanging off of her and on the ground.  Quickly pulling it back up she felt a blush making it's way up her neck.  She rushed past him and quickly opened the door practically running out.  Leaving a angry and confused Arjun behind.  Angry at almost kissing his own wife and confused at wanting to kiss his own wife!

Arohi did her best to avoid Arjun over the next few days and was mostly successful.  He was busy at work and she was busy preparing for her new job!  She had received the phone call the day after the party that they had decided early and she had been the best candidate.  They even asked her if she could start the following week.  Arohi was all too willing to comply.  She needed to keep herself busy.  Idle people had way too much time to think, and since that night in HIS room she had thought too many times of him being so close to her.  And even though now she was sure she was mistaken  at the time it seemed like he was going to kiss her.  Only to herself would she admit she had wanted him to.  It was just in the moment, and she'd never had a proper kiss before.  Vicky's couple of kisses had been boyish soft pecks really.  But she knew a kiss from HIM would be completely different.   Arohi sighed.  Her thoughts were wandering again.  It was ridiculous to be thinking about this.  She didn't even like him, yet she was  thinking of kissing him.  It's just curiosity she told herself.  She'd feel it towards any good looking guy and unfortunately her husband was a little too good looking.  

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