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hello, I don't usually post my opinion or stuff that's on my mind here but I thought this was important since it does have to do fan fictions and obsessing over celebrities.

Fan Fictions are Fictions. Please keep that in mind, they're not real scenarios that would actually happen irl, relationships don't work like that. It's not all just fluff.

I know that it might seem obvious but a lot of young teens/kids read these and get a false idea of what relationships are. Do not expect a real boy/girlfriend to act like a boy/girlfriend might act in a story.

Also smuts, some smuts on here are literally crazy (not all of them but a lot). There's no consent, it's very agressive, extremely kinky, or even incest...that's not how sex is or how you should expect it to be. They personally make me so uncomfortable.

It's completely fine to read them if you'd like just please keep in mind they're not realistic and fan fictions are not the place you should learn about sex or intimacy.

Something else I wanted to say is:
stans...omg calm down. I see some m&g videos where girls are just plain rude thinking that they can do anything just cus "they know the guys" and they "love them so much".
I'm sure they don't mean for it to be rude but like give them space.

They're humans like all of us yes, you can obviously do what you want i'm not here to tell you you're not allowed to freak out over them but i'm just saying you can support them without being a complete fangirl.

Yes it might feel like we know them but we don't, we know the image they portray on social media or during shows but we don't know them like their friends and family do and we will never know them like that.

Would you rather have a conversation with a screaming girl just repeating their love for you or someone who's calm and someone who's able to have a normal conversation...

of course that's just my opinion, you do what you want.

I support the guys a lot and follow them but I don't obsess over them whenever they post something, that ish is toxic. I am excited when they post song or perform on a big thing, like Jimmy Kimmel for example but I don't fangirl over them.

Gosh that was a lot haha, I would love to hear if you have something to say about this, have a good day.

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