corbyn | cute

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I wake up to all the guys making noise and yelling stupid stuff downstairs. I sigh and look over to see i'm alone. I get up and walk downstairs and just stand in the doorway looking at them. They were running around yelling and laughing, they saw me and stopped "hi" they all said "you guys need to shut up it's annoying" "sorry" they said and walked away.

Corbyn came over and hugged me and kissed my head "sorry baby I didn't think you could here it" "it's fine". I hugged him back "corbyn" "what?" "you smell so good" he laughed and kissed my cheek. I pulled back "stop I know i'm weird" he put his hand on my face and kissed me.

Corbyn and I have been dating for quite a while, long distance wasn't working for us so I moved in a few months ago and we're both very happy.

I go back up and get ready, I put on a simple outfit and went down. I grabbed my car key and walked behind the couch, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek "going to the store I'll be back soon" he turned his head and kissed me "love you" "love you too bye" I said and left.

I got back about an hour later, I parked and got out, I saw the front door open and Corbyn ran out "hi?" I said "hey" he said and kissed me, he pulled back and grabbed the bags and ran back in. I laughed and walked in, he touched my waist and kissed me as I walked in, I pulled back "What's going on?" I ask as I close the door "I wanna take you somewhere" he said taking my hand "sure?".

He grabbed his car key and we walked out to his car. He started driving "where are you taking me?" I asked "you'll see" he said taking my hand, I smiled and let him drive me to wherever he was taking me.

About 15 minutes later, he parked infront of a parc and we got out. He took my hand and quickly walked over "Corbyn calm down" "no cmon we gotta be quick" I chuckled and followed him.

We got to a little cliff over a pond with a bench, I looked up and saw a beautiful vue "woah" I said. The sun was setting, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed him "you're so cute thank you for bringing me here" he turned me to face him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" I said and kissed him.

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