Chapter 2 - New Smell

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Chapter 2

Ezekiel didn't know what exactly called him off the beaten path that night....but on instinct he had followed the soft breeze of the night. Now he stood and watched the mortal below him from the tree branches high above the intruders oblivious head.

So close that he could smell nothing but thick coppery blood.

It drenched the air, it bleed across Ezekiel's senses, tickling the beast inside of him. It growled dangerously coming awake in moments as if jolted from its rest.

So strange.  It was a curious scent, blood....and something else, laced along with it. It overpowered the smell of pine that had always been a part of his Clans forests.

The smell of a mortal was alien to him in and of it self.

Ezekiel had never actually met one in person before. Of course he had been told all kinds of things, much of which he had quickly tossed right back out of his brain before it could take root.

Many Shifter's not only wanted to stay away from mortals, but a lot of them feared their sapiens partners. His people seemed to mistrust their weapons, and their influence, but many Shifter just disliked their massive numbers.

Unlike any of the seven Shifter Clans around the world, it was well know that mortals rarely suffered from things like infertility. In fact Ezekiel had even heard it told that the mortals had so many children that many of them were discarded by their parents or sold into slavery or wiped out of the womb completely.

But this blood, it almost smarted as Ezekiel inhaled it. It was was new.

He took another inhale. A deep rumble bubbled up into the darkness. The beast within him was disturbed by the smell and yet compelled to pull it in.

It was like pepper was being drug deep into his nose, but beneath the strange pinch, there was something, warm? Something...intriguing. Ezekiel knew that he needed to run this stranger off for good.

That he needed to chase the Mortal off Clan Lands and go back to patrolling the woods the same as he had every night, but instead Ezekiel found himself stuck in the trees, clocking the unwitting mortal with his senses.

In the back of his mind, he heard the anxious growls of his companion, his Shifter.

The beast inside, the big cat was more than disturbed by the mortals presence and sharp scent.

The claws of its consciousness dug at Ezekiel mind, his soul. Begging, asking and insistent to be released. It wanted to investigate, to hunt, to get closer, and Ezekiel wanted it too.

He soothed the companion inside of his chest, calming its energy, but still, the air filled with the warm pop of the Shift. Small aspect of his inner beast blead through, merging with his mortal form, mixing them.

Ezekiel soft blue eyes, and black pupils, contracted sharply, slitting into the eyes of a beast....a cat.

And Ezekiel knew that his irises would be shinning now, an iridescent bright blue light would now be lent to his gaze by the Shifter inside, that turned his soft blue gaze into twin globes of light.

The blue in them was far to pail to be called sky blue. To him it was more like the hot flash of lightning in a storm. While his nails began to lengthen. Growing by inches. Which was an unpleasant tug, following the energy he released until his nails were sharp claws, more than capable of ripping a man limb from limb.

His teeth also grew and, much like his nails, this was accompanied by an unpleasant tugging sensation as his mortal canines, extended into fangs worthy of any hunter.

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