Chapter 56 - The Great Loss

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Brandon stopped Erin with a soft question.

"Wait. Sacred Laws?" He questioned her, then he shared a look with Ezekiel. "What Laws are those exactly? And what Wars are we talking about?"

"Well they are the doctrine....or the codes by which all Shifter society function." Erin glossed over, not seeing the blank look on Brandon's face. "The Sacred Laws were created soon after The Great Loss and it is known throughout all seven of the Shifter Clans that these Laws were written by the Dragon Lords."

"Whoa....wait!" Brandon cut in his mind buzzing with fresh questions suddenly. "Dragons...?" he asked her, not believing that he had heard her right. "There are Dragon Shifters?"

"What do you mean?" Erin giggled at him uncertainly. She looked at Ezekiel then back at Brandon, her hazel eyes clouding with confusion and surprise and skepticism. "Of course there are Dragons Brandon....." She laughed again, but this time the sound choked off as she turned her head and squinted at the blank expression on Brandon face.

He truly had no idea what she was talking about.

Brandon knew that he should have down played his obvious ignorance on the matters that they were discussing, but he honestly wouldn't have known where to begin and he didn't have the strength to force himself to act like anything but a confused, lost, and uninformed person.

Maybe because that was what he really was?

Brandon didn't know much more about the world then what his last two years of running had taught him and beyond learning how to buy food or work computers he still didn't know a lot about the world around him. He knew even less about history or politic or laws.

"Come on mortal you must know of the Dragons...." Erin shook her head and gestured with her hands. She pointed a finger up to the heavens. "They and the ancient leaders of Man came together longa ago. And because of what they did, all that you see here and all around you is possible!"

Brandon shrugged and glanced about the kitchen, trying and failing to get what the leopardess was trying to tell him. "What do I see here? What did they make possible?" Brandon asked her trying not to feel foolish as Erin shared a disbelieving look with Ezekiel, who for the first time during their conversation had moved closer and was giving Brandon a strange look of his own.

"Peace!" Erin bit off, she fanned her long arms around her, making an all-encompassing sign. "Everything, all of man and Shifters would be gone if it wasn't for what the Dragons and the Ancient Kings of Man did. They Dragons themselves have ruled on high for millennia's. They wrote the Sacred Laws in blood and fire....Working together, with the Kings of Men they...." Erin stopped and shook her head at herself. "Oh, you must have head all of this growing up....right?"

Brandon simply shrugged. Erin scoffed and opened her mouth to say something more.

"Erin wait." Ezekiel suddenly interjected. With a hand on his chin Ezekiel tilted his head at Brandon and asked him directly. "Brandon you're not playing with us are you? You really have no idea what she's talking about....This isn't a game?" he said it not so much as a question, but as more of an answer to Erin's prodding and disbelief.

Brandon looked at him. He should have found Ezekiel's simple assertion annoying, but he didn't. He actually liked that Ezekiel took his ignorance at face value. Brandon shook his head. "No..." he answered.

"But that's not possible! What about the wars, and the Great Loss!? How can you not know this stuff?" she positively growled. Showing Brandon a new side of herself.

"Sorry, no clue." Brandon could only shrug. And feeling no obligation to elaborate on his ignorance any further he tossed his hand up at Erin. "So why don't you educate me a little miss history buff. Explain to me what the Sacred Laws are again."

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