Chapter 46 - Flame

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Alone I blanketed the Darkness, and Alone I held it at bay


Brandon sat still for a long time after he left. His body, his mind felt colder without another soul in the room to interact with.

And he let himself fall into a sitting unconscious for an untold amount of time.

The fatigue carried away everything even the feeling of Ezekiels earlier presence. He felt hollow and by god he loved it. The silence gave him peace and it helped him gather back his crumbling will.

He soon managed to stop shaking long enough to realize something.
It was finally coming back.

It was growing inside.

This was the longest he had ever managed to evade them and block the power, but he could feel the flow racing across his insides.

Filling up that hollow place inside, taking hold of his soul once more.

Like a flame or a flower it blossomed inside of him, it took away his pain, and his fatigue until all that he could feel anymore was the buzz of the power.

An energy that was him and had always been a part of was a beacon that betrayed his presence at every turn. The thing growing inside..... Always brought the hounds of hell down on him, but he was far too weak to just pick up and run this time.

He needed time to rest. Time to figure out his next move.

He had to delay the light inside for just a little while longer.

And Brandon knew that the only way to slow down its gradual return...was to increase the pain until the power was burn out.


Quickly Brandon threw of his robe and unhitched the towel from around his hips. Swallowing as the cold air blew threw his slim frame. With a small whimper as his stitches pulled he slipped on the baggy sweats that Glen had left him for the night leaving off the shirt she had also left him to sleep in.

"Shit! It's really coming back...." he said to himself. "I can feel it growing, healing me. This cut will be closed up by tomorrow if I don't do something and there's no way I'll be able to explain that."

Brandon looked down at his side and groaned already he could see the hot red inflammation around the stiches fading away as if by magic.

Brandon bit his lip then, realizing that he couldn't afford to hesitate. This wasn't something that the Shifters would ignore or understand. It wasn't something anyone ever needed to see again.

Brandon leaned to the side, and reached over to the bedside table. Straining slightly he picked up the tray of food, spilling the contest of the bowl over onto the bread. Taking a deep breath he lifted himself up and disappeared into the bathroom once more.

Sitting the tray on the edge of the counter Brandon leaned over and snatched the new tooth brush Glen had left him out of the cup. He quickly put the handle of the toothbrush into his mouth and bit down on it to hold it there. The glimpses of himself that Brandon caught in the mirror disturbed him. His movements were more than erratic, he looked terrified.

What can I do?

Brandon thought to himself, even as he began to hatch an idea of exactly what he was going to have to do to keep the power at bay for a few more days.

He shivered as more and more of the power unfurled within him, he could feel it spilling over inside of his soul, leaking out of him into the air around his skin.

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