Chapter 8 - Die Now, Die Later

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Chapter Eight - Die Now, Die Later

"Fine, if this is to be the path you've chosen, then I do not see any of us persuading you to turn least not with resorting to violence...." Walter suddenly rumbled. His burning yellow eyes piercing the misty darkness. The large shadowed figure of his largest sibling stoic and unyielding in the pale light of the moon.

"I will help escort the intruder to the house with you Ezekiel. But when we get there Im not leaving mom alone with this stranger. Got it?" As the Eldest his words held a lot of power over the other brothers.

With no other recourse all Ezekiel could do was nod. Then Ezekiel looked at his other brothers and quirked an eye brow at them.

"He's gonna kill you for this!" Lander snorted predictably. "You know that right? He's gonna kill ALL of you." Lander hissed. A wave of soft warm air cascade on the wind, as Landers burning green eyes and nails suddenly all disappeared from sight.

"And you know what? Frankly I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Lander sneered in evil glee. "It's been ages since I've seen the old man rip a Shifter to little bloody bits. I'm not helping, but I am tagging along for the ride." his brother grinned, flashing the teeth that unlike his claws hadn't had the chance to shrink back to a mortal's length and remained sharp white fangs.

"Shut up Lander, before I leave you stuck behind like that till morning." Nate growled at his older brother, sounding more like a dog then a man. Then he smiled and said to Ezekiel supportively.

"I can't say that I'm conferrable with this, but Ill trust you Ezekiel. You're the one who encountered the stranger, so I understand you feeling responsible for him, but one foul move...." Nate said with a dark look at the mortal. "If he hurts you again, or mom, or any of our Clan? Ill rip this mortal's heart out of his chest and eat it along with a few of his other organs for shits and giggles. Ok? Great. Then let's go this guys life." Nate said with a smile as he patted Ezekiel arm.

It was a soft smirk, no anger was hidden in it. And his words were just as simple. They didn't ask for anything in return. Not even understanding.

Ezekiel returned that smile out of habit, because that is what he most often saw his Wolfish sibling doing. Smiling.

Ezekiel knew his third brother the best and the least.

Since Nate was closest in age to Ezekiel he often took things in stride or with an air of pure nonchalance that could be irritating...or even disturbing at times. Carefree and playful were the main points of his third siblings personality but just beneath that open enthusiastic nature, was a well of mystery that Ezekiel just couldn't fathom.

Maybe it was because Nate wasn't actually related to any of them by blood? He had been adopted into the family many years ago and was loved no differently because of it by his siblings. But still he was a wolf and they were all Leopards.

Ezekiel turned and offered Walter his thanks next, while Nate suddenly waved his left hand out towards Lander.

Different colored eyes flashed bright white like snow for only a moment before Lander suddenly crashed to the forest floor, his limbs free of whatever power had been superimposed over them. Ezekiel watched Lander snarl, and put his arms over the back of his head with a soft moan. His discomfort was understandable. Ezekiel knew that his entire body would be sore after Nate's hold wore off completely.

It seemed so...routine and normal to witness these things. But Ezekiel knew that the things that his siblings could do were amazing, but somehow over their years he had grown accustomed to their family's power.

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