Chapter 10 - This Is Bad

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Chapter 10 - This is Bad

Realizing that it was almost three am Ezekiel allowed her the necessary time to emerge from her sleep before he spoke.

"Ezekiel?" His mother gorged, raising her head, curls tumbling over her shoulder she pulled herself up on to her seat and stretched leisurely. Bright green eyes glowed in the dim lights. Slit like a big cat they contacted sharply as her eyes opened, and as she opened her small mouth to yawn, tiny fangs flashed in the candle light. Reminding Ezekiel that for all Shifters, sleep allowed the beast much closer to the surface then was possibly safe.

"Ezekiel? What time is it? Is something wrong?' his mother hissed softly, drawing her arms up into the air to crack her back, closing her eyes and rubbing them she slouched on the bed. When she opened her eyes again they were suddenly no different than a mortals, no glowing green or slits. And when she once more was overcome with a yawn Ezekiel didn't glimpse any Leopard fangs before she had smothered her mouth with a hand.

"It's just a few hours before dawn. Sorry to wake you, something serious came up." Ezekiel yawned then chuckled as he pulled back. "I need you to come see this."

"Hmm. What is it? " Glen mused, she put out her hand toward him. Ezekiel took it and helped her slide across the mattress and steep down to the carpet. "Something must be wrong if you have to come and get me so early Ezekiel." His mother mused dropping his hand as she turned and walked over towards her bedside table.

With a practiced flick of her hand she lit a candle. Flame illuminated the room even more and took the shadows from between them. With a slight frown Glen took in Ezekiels damp appearance, with sharp narrowed eyes that zeroed in on his blood spattered throat, and hands. With a carless flick of her wrist his other tossed down the matches and crossed over to him faster than he could put his hands out to forestall her.

"Oh sweet heart." His mother sighed, putting her hand to his throat and following the blood back to the hole in his upper chest that had mostly clotted over and had mostly healed over in the last fifteen minutes. "Did you get snagged by another moose again!?" His mother fretted, she pulled him down by his shoulder and Ezekiel let her.

He refrained from telling her the truth just yet. He let her position him to her height, then once his chest wound was more level to the light she pulled down the hem of his clothes gingerly and winced at the blood leaking lazily from a deep incision in his upper shoulder, trailing into his lower collarbone.

"Mom..." Ezekiel began, but stopped as his mother growled at him in irritation.

"Honestly Ezekiel you should have come gotten me sooner....Hmm...I think it needs a few stitches to stall the blood flow, but by the morning it should be fully healed without any attention from me." Glen ignored him and poked the edges of the cut with her finger then released him.

Ezekiel straitened and winced as his shirt pulled at the blood that had dried over the wound.
"Strange wound to leave if it was a moose...." Glen mused looking at him. "That puncture is oddly precise Ezekiel. Are you sure it was a moose that hit you?"

"Mom...I never said it was a moose. But there is something I need you to see before..." Ezekiel tried to say only for his mother to startle him with a strangled hiss. Suddenly round green eyes began to glow, canines peeking out as they grew longer, she snatched up Ezekiels hands and sniffed at them.

"Mortal!?" Glen shook her head looking at his shoulder, her green eyes going from just glowing to slit and narrow like a cats in seconds. "Did mortals attack you!?" Glen growled so hard and so beastly that the hairs on Ezekiels arms rose at the pure protective aggression he could read there.

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