Chapter 33 - I will Listen

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The water was soothing to his skin and Glen proved to be every bit the caring Healer that her sons professed her to be. She stood in bathroom with him in a shower that was just a little on the unconventional side. The shower was half the size of the bathroom.

Tile covered the walls and floor, and a pole built into the roof, allowed an off white shower curtain, to slide around the area. Blocking Brandon and Glen in as a two headed nozzle shot water down standing beside him. A slightly tilted floor allowed most of the water to rush down a large drain in the middle of the floor. Glen soaped up his legs and back since he didn't have the strength or the mobility to reach them. For modesty's sake she allowed him to take care of everything else, softly instructing him not to get soap or water on his bandaged side while his washed.

Then she poured water down his back and chest to remove the suds.

She was so gentle and professional about it all. And Brandon was so tired from the small exercise that he found it hard to feel too embarrassed by it all. She rinsed him two more times and finally when she reached out and turned the nob on the shower off he couldn't take it anymore. He had to know.

"Why." He said to her his voice bouncing all around the porcelain shower as the droplets from the shower head and his body slapped into the floor below. "Why haven't you asked me about this?" he asked her. Using his hands he motioned to his entire body. "From the moment you undressed just ignored it."

Glen surprised him by letting out a small laugh. "Sweetheart, if I asked you any questions would you actually even answer them?" she said to him.

Brandon didn't even have to think about it. "No." he told her truthfully, which was ironic he knew.

Glen smiled at him sadly, and silently wrapped a fresh towel around his hips, covering his nakedness. Slowly she took his arm and bicep and guided him out of the bathroom. And even though he tried to hold his own weight up, he was pathetically weak, compared to her. There was more strength in her small body then he could have believed possible. Enough to support him all the way to the bed in the room beyond, without breaking a single sweat or stumbling. As she sat him on the bed she shrugged.

"I won't pry. I'm not a busy body or a worry wart Guardian like my husband or my sons." Glen told him, as she walked away from him and pulled open a door Brandon hadn't notice was in the room. As she pulled it open Brandon got a glimpse of fresh white lines and towels crammed along the three shelves inside of the pantry she had uncovered.

"What's a Guardian?" Brandon felt himself completed to ask. He wanted to compile as much information as he could. He understood so little about everything. All he had was the information that he had gleaned from books....he had a chance here to learn more about these Shifters.

Glen nodded. "Guardians are like the law in this Territory. They protect the village, lend their strength to gathering materials, and Settle disputes among the Clans men. Mostly they patrol our borders and keep the Clan running smoothly in any way that they can. It is an ancient custom in our Clan and in some other Shifter Clans. My Husband sends them out and they spend a lot of time trying to fix problems and prevent crimes in the area, so they are all a bit overzealous about...everything."

"So that's why your husband hates me? Is me being here a problem that needs fixing?" Brandon asked her even though he already sort of knew the answer.

"Yes and no. Glen told him softly, returning from the closet with a fresh pair of clothes for him. "Either way, it's not my job to go around solving mysteries all day. "
"Oh" Brandon said as he watched her sit the garments next to him on the bed. A fresh white shirt that stretched down past his elbows and thick grey sweat pants and no underwear.

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