16 Being in love

Começar do início

When I enter everyone in the room stops their conversation and looks at me. I just try to avoid their gaze and take my usual seat which is rather far away considering the absence of my other siblings. Stephanie is here sitting by Tim,  Father at the head of the table. I sit two seats away from Cassandra who is across from Tim. Normally Dick and Barbra would fill those seats but Dick is still in Bludhaven and I'm not sure where Barbra is.  Alfred comes and sets the food down causing the chatter to rise up again. I can't help but let my mind wander as I eat the vegetarian food Alfred specially prepared for me. My mind wandered to the events of last night. I kept silently kicking myself for not stepping in, for no saving her. I know Clark and Father are looking for her but they won't let me help them. I need to help find her I have to. 

After finishing my food I go down to the Batcave to search for some of Jokers men that may be hiding around. When I find them I add them to my list that I will visit tonight. 


I try to contain my laughter. Ace and I had long forgotten our fourth game of hangman. We were now telling funny childhood stories. I learned that he was very hot-headed as a kid. He was also one of those kids who tied a bed sheet around his neck and jumped off the roof because he thought he was Superman. I told him the story of how I first discovered my powers at school and how embarrassing it was. He agreed that was one of the worst ways of finding out you have superpowers. We had been talking for a long time now and no one had come to check on us yet. Ace told me that we were in an abandoned prison in the far side of Gotham hence the prison cells we were stuck in. I had been avoiding the more personal aspects of my life and never said my last name. He didn't either. The more I talked to Ace the more I trusted him and realized that he didn't ask for the life he had. His crazy father showed up at his foster parents' house and murdered them. He told me about how Joker blames it on someone else and said that if he became Joker Jr. he could avenge the deaths of his Foster Parents. Now if he misbehaves or acts out against him he gets locked up like right now. The reason he was in here was that he tried to get Joker to let me go. He didn't want joker to hurt me like he did his parents. I felt bad that I was the reason he was stuck here, but he reassured me by saying that if he wasn't in here he would be out with Joker terrorizing other innocent people.

 I have to admit I am starting to develop a crush on Ace. He is very handsome his dark brown hair is always messily flopping around his face. The cute way he hides his green eyes behind the tuffs of hair when he gets embarrassed makes my heart ache. I don't know if it is just because Damian was being a jerk before I. Ace and Damian are very different and very similar at the same time.

"So what about you and Robin?" Ace says nervously not making direct eye contact.

"What about him?"I ask

"Well its just you guys are always with each other but you haven't mentioned him at all so I don't know if hed your boyfriend or something..."

"No, he isn't my boyfriend. I used to like him but he made it painfully obvious that he wasn't interested." 

"Oh, well his loss I think you are awesome."

"Thanks..."I say not really believing him because that is what everyone says in this kind of situation.

"No, I'm serious. If I you liked me I would never let you go because you're one of those girls that are worth keeping onto, worth fighting for. So if he can't see that well then he isnt worth wating for." His light green eyes sparkle as he talks. His words bringing a faint blush to my cheeks. "But umm fist I would ask to take you on a date to like the carnival or something."He was blushing now and I just giggled and got closer to the bars.

"Well if you did, I would certainly say yes."


I told Father that didn't want to go on patrol tonight. After he had left with Tim I snuck into the carve and changed into my suit. I finished downloading the names of Jokers workers into my communicator and took the R-cycle out of the cave. I interrogated three of Jokers men until one of them told me that I had to go to Jokers righthand man in crime alley. I am on my way to his location now. I stop in front of an old building and the suspect is supposedly on the roof he is a sniper looking out for any vigilantes such as myself. I grapple up to the roof and take him on from behind kinking his gun off the roof. He charges at me and I swiftly counter his attack. I leave a strong kick on his abdomen which sends him flying into the wall. Holding him up by his neck I shout, "Where is Joker keepingSupergirl!"

He laughs before answering, "Why should I tell you."

"If you don't, I will break every bone in your body."

He laughs again making me scowl, "Sure thing boy wonder How about I give a call to Daddy bats hmm."

I let go of him and in one swift motion, I twist his hand successful napping his wrist. He lets out a piercing scream. "That is just your wrist you still have 27 bones' left in our hand."

"Robin Stop!" 

Dick. I let go of the thug and see Nightwing standing now far away with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "What are you doing here."

"Batman called me he was worried about you he knew you would try something like this." Nightwing was pacing toward me with a look of disappointment making me turn away. When he is close enough he lays his hand on my shoulder and his look of disappointment turns to understand. "Damian I understand you want to find her but this isn't the way to do things and you know it. I sigh and move away to go sit on the edge of the building overlooking the city. I'm sure the man I was previously interrogating had run off and now Dick and I are alone.

"Dick she is out there somewhere probably alone and afraid, I have to find her."

Dick sat next to me our feet dangling off the building. "No you don't Damian Bruce and Clark will find her it's not your responsibility."

"What do you mean? Of course it is, she is my friend and I like her I can't stand being away from her for this long Grayson. When I am around her I get so nervous each time I feel like I am going to throw up but it also just feels so right because when I am not with her my chest it-it akes to be by her side again. And ever since I kissed her it is the only thing that I want to do like ever and each time I just want it to be longer but-"

"Wait, you kissed her!"

"Yes I kissed her Grayson, but I don't even know why I just got the urge to for some reason out of the blue and so I did and she kissed me back so it happened a couple more times but I don't know what that means I don't know what I am supposed to tell her."

"Damian it's obvious what you are feeling."

"What do you mean tell me."

"Damian it's called being in love."


Richard to the rescue to open up Damian's eyes on his feeling. How do you guys feel about Ace and Lara's relationship? Damian messed up and Lara is allowed to move on. Hope you like this chapter I hope you got a notification I uploaded the last chapter on the day of Wattpad's update so I think a lot of the notifications didn't go through because almost no one read that one so if you haven't make sure to read the chapter 15. I have no school this week so next update Wednesday!

Superman's daughter ( Damian Wayne love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora