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did donghyuck care that people called him a witch? did he care that he got stared at every time he wore a dress, heels, or a skirt? or when he covered his lips in black lipstick? did he care that people called him a satanist? did he care that for some reason people thought he had a crush on mark lee? all answers were a resounding no except for the last question to which donghyuck would say yes, he definitely cared about that one. he didn't appreciate people making up lies about his love life especially because it was nonexistent and something he frankly didn't have time for. he wished he could just tell everyone he was trying to look out for the boy, keep him safe. but who would believe that? no one. they would laugh and tauntingly ask if his witchy powers were warding off all the bad spirits around mark, and they would laugh even more when he replied with a yes.

"this is getting ridiculous," jaemin groaned, "he isn't doing anything and somehow i get the feeling he isn't going to be doing anything for a while."

"that doesn't mean we're allowed to just leave him," renjun said curtly, "we have orders from the high coven to protect him, you know this."

"doesn't mean i like it."

"has anyone thought of, oh i don't know, casting a reversal spell?" jisung asked, obviously bored, "his parents' spell is bound to be weakened by now."

"if that was an option," donghyuck started lowly, "don't you think we would have already done that?!" he snapped. jisung rolled his eyes and went back to inspecting his hair in the reflection of his lunch fork. donghyuck continued, "and, as i recall, i was the one given orders to watch mark. you're all here as backup because you have to be at school anyway so stop complaining."

"just because we're here as backup doesn't make this any less torturous for us hyuckie." jaemin hummed, focusing more on making his silverware spin in circles on the table.

"cut that out," renjun hissed, slapping his hand over jaemin's cutlery, "if someone sees you we are all dead." jaemin pouted and resorted to playing with his stretchy black choker instead. donghyuck glanced over at mark a few tables away, chatting with his friends. he still hadn't caught on fire or caused a flood in the cafeteria. maybe mark would create an earthquake or a thunderstorm. something always happened when witches first got their powers, something that could be really bad if gotten out of hand. it was like that so witches knew that they were finally ready. magic had a mind of its own and when it wanted to show itself to the witch it inhabited, that was its way of telling the witch it was grown enough to handle it. it felt weird too, like an adrenaline rush that filled your whole being with the physical embodiment of darkness. it was an amazing feeling that witches adored until they died. they could feel the magic flowing in them, like there was something living under their skin and sharing their body but it was always welcome.

"can we go somewhere else?" jaemin asked, his voice an annoying whine.

"why?" donghyuck asked, still watching mark.

"i have math due and i don't want to do it. i need to be able to charm my pen." donghyuck gave him a look that read 'i can't believe you really just asked me that'.

"i mean at least he asked before just doing it." renjun pointed out ever so helpfully.

"i'm going to the bathroom to fix my makeup." jisung announced, standing up with his bag.

"great!" jaemin exclaimed, "i'm going with." the pair left and donghyuck looked to the clock, twenty more slow minutes to go. and then another two hours until he could go home.

'home' was really the town's witch shop. of course that wasn't what he called it because that wasn't the name that kun chose but people clearly had no respect. the building was very narrow, fitting in between a candy shop and a hardware store. it was bigger on the inside thanks to very simple enlarging and concealing spells, and it was where donghyuck lived. on the second floor that was invisible from the outside were donghyuck, jisung, renjun and jaemin's rooms. above them on the third floor were all the adults in the coven. though many lead normal lives, they sometimes chose to continue living in the coven because it was free and inviting. others stayed because they worked in the coven as teachers.

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