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donghyuck was weird. people were scared of him and his friends. it wasn't the way they dressed which was nothing short of fem goth, which meant skirts, platform boots, and eyeliner on a daily, but the way they acted. it wasn't that weird more off putting and unusual in the town they lives in where everyone pretty much dressed the same. and mark understood that it was great they stood out, did their own thing even if no one understood it, even though people called them names behind their backs. it was good not only for the school community, their glares and painted nails like a silent fuck you to all the pricks, but truthfully they made it look so easy. and though all that was true mark was among those who were scared of them. he didn't like to be stereotypical and join the crowd of kids who were put on edge by the group but he was and he had good reason. the thing was that they were always looking at mark. specifically donghyuck. if they were in the same vicinity, if he could feel the pricing sensation on his back, he knew it was donghyuck burning holes into his skull. he never understood why and would have gone to ask him about it by now if he was not terrified of him.

he didn't have but two classes with donghyuck but somehow the boy was everywhere. mark saw him once at the grocery store, once at the mall, once at the gas station, and of course the halls and lunchroom at school. his friends snarkily told him donghyuck probably had a creepy crush on him and was stalking him, which didn't make mark's slight fear of the latter any better. people saw them frequenting the local 'witch shop' way too many times to be normal. some said they bet the group spent their time summoning spirits. others said they bet they sacrificed baby animals to satan. others claimed to have been cursed by them (though that was definitely just a rumor because they didn't interact unless forced).

in national issues, the first class mark had with donghyuck, mark sat in the middle of the room on the right seat. donghyuck sat behind him in the far back corner nearest the window. he hated the way his skin crawled for the whole forty minutes he was forced to sit in that class. he wished he had the courage to march over and ask donghyuck what his deal was and if he would kindly keep his eyes to himself. his seat partner was always absent and that made mark feel even more vulnerable. mark's friends never tired of informing him of the goth boy's stares and every day and when he got home his adoptive parents, jiwon and hanbin (whom he called as such often because there was almost zero concept of honorifics in that house) teasingly asked him if the creepy boy was still crushing on him.

"mister lee are you paying attention?" mark's head snapped up, raising slightly from it's rest on his hand, "we're going over the next debate assignment and it would behoove you to listen instead of fantasizing about your girlfriend or your dinner tonight." mr. xu, brutal as ever. the class as usual found his 'light banter' funny and while mark mumbled an 'i don't have a girlfriend' they all drowned his words in their laughter. he was sure though, that donghyuck wasn't laughing and would probably be the only one to notice his ears burning up. mr. xu continued talking, informing them of the next research they had to do. mark looked back just for a moment as he felt the need to squirm in his seat. donghyuck was staring at him with his dark, black lined eyes. mark blinked, donghyuck didn't, and donghyuck kept staring at him until he turned back around and even after that.

"oh god are you kidding me?" mark groaned, stepping foot into the kitchen. he threw his bag on an island seat, "i just want a snack i didn't need to see you two making a snack out of each other." his parents laughed, parting from each other's lips but not from each other because hanbin wrapped himself around jiwon's neck and rested against his shoulder. no matter what mark said he always thought his parents were the cutest couple ever. they were young and playful, and incredibly sweet. sometimes he really forgot they had raised him since he was one and thought of them like his older brothers.

"how was school?" hanbin asked as mark moved to the fridge. mark let out a long sigh.

"freaky boy do more staring?" jiwon teased.

"yes actually," mark replied, sending the taller of his dads a pointed look, "seriously he's got it out for me or something."

"or maybe he just wants to give you a kiss and hold your hand." hanbin suggested, not being any more help. mark closed the refrigerator after getting out yogurt and walked to the other side of the kitchen to get a spoon.

"i doubt it," he snorted, "what's for dinner?" he asked as he sat at the island.

"you're a pig," hanbin scowled, "curry chicken."

"you're cooking?!" mark exclaimed. it was always a good day when hanbin cooked. he was a wonderful cook but was often too tired or was just plain lazy and didn't bother.

"mhm," hanbin hummed, "you know that huge publisher who was thinking about buying jiwon's book?" mark nodded, "well, they closed the deal." he was beaming and jiwon looked embarrassed but had a smile on his ducked face.

"oh my god!" mark yelled, "that's amazing dad!" he threw his arms around jiwon who laughed and hugged him back. they were well off, having enough money from hanbin's job and previous books jiwon sold to be able to support them. but this would be great for them and give them so much more money so they could be comfortable and hanbin could stop working overtime.

"i thought i a celebration was in order."

"it definitely is." mark nodded vigorously, picking up his yogurt and bag to go to his room.

"and where are you going?" hanbin asked.

"homework." mark said around a mouthful of food. his dads let him go and he sighed happily when reaching his room. it was the beginning of spring, only a little bit of snow left on the ground and he loved that the sun was going to be staying out longer from now on. he sat down at his desk like every other night and got out his laptop. a little desktop notification popped up, google classroom assigned by mr. xu. then mark remembered his debate assignment and he still didn't know what it was about. 

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