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namjoon woke up to warm all over his body like there were millions of sheets on him, he loved how warm he felt, but then ended up being confused as to why he felt so warm. namjoon slowly opened his eyes only to be met by yoongi's beautiful face. he then felt someone move behind him then started to feel pressure on his body. namjoon then took the chance to look around and when he did he saw all of his lovers laying on top around him, squishing him as well. yoongi was obviously to his left. jimin was to his right. to jimins right was seokjin. to yoongi's left was hoseok. and lastly laying on top of namjoon we're jungkook and taehyung. namjoon smiled to himself as he brought his hands up to jungkook and taehyung hair and slowly started massaging it as he hasn't felt the softness in a while. namjoon then started pouting as he thought about yesterday. how he made his first love, yoongi, cry. tears then started slipping out as he remembered all of the things yoongi had said. he remembered everything since the beginning. since he fell in love him him.

namjoon turned to face yoongi and took in at how beautiful he was and how lucky namjoon was to have him. to have all of them. namjoon the softly brought up his hands and started to massage yoongi's hair loving the feeling. he then dragged his hands to yoongi's cheeks and brought yoongi's lips and his own together. he closed his eyes missing the taste of yoongi's lips. namjoon wanted to kiss yoongi forever. namjoon then felt yoongi kiss back. namjoon then pulled away a couple seconds after as he needed to breathe, if not he would die. but he would die kissing yoongi which is what he wanted at this point.

as soon as namjoon opened his eyes he was met with yoongi's eyes. they looked into each other's eyes for about a minute until namjoon broke the silence by speaking.

"y-yoongi i'm sorry. i'm sorry for all of the p-pain i have put you through. the pain i've put all of you guys  through. it was stupid of me to cut myself. it was stupid of me to leave. i shouldn't have done it. it was stupid stupid of me to say that i didn't love you guys when the only people i love are you guys. and i'm so stupid for trusting a stranger." namjoon finshed  more tears streaming down his face. yoongi was quick to wipe the tears away as he hated seeing namjoon or anyone he loved cry.

"baby listen to me. your not stupid first of all and there is nothing to be sorry about. your left because you felt scared and lonely baby. you said you didn't love us because you were mad and weren't thinking at the moment. but don't ever thing that it's your fault baby. because it's not." yoongi said as a few tears fell down his face. "all that really matter is for you to know how much i love you, namjoon."

"i love you more though." (Suicidalthiccc 😉💘) namjoon giggles then pulled yoongi in for yet another kiss. when namjoon says he missed yoongi's lips, he meant it.

"hey! what about out kisses." namjoon and yoongi pulled away as they heard taehyung's whiny voice. namjoon turned and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. taehyung, jungkook, hoseok, jimin, and seokjin were pouting looking at namjoon with puppy dog eyes.

"oh come here you fools." namjoon said as he grabbed each and everyone one of them a kiss on the lips before they all attacked namjoon with a group hug and a bunch of kisses all over his body. namjoon giggles then he felt himself start to slip into little space. namjoon was still a little scared to go into little space but he knew that his hyungs would take good care of him, so this time namjoon didn't fight it. jungkook then suddenly started tickling namjoon which made namjoon start laughing harder and scream out.

"k-kookie s-stop! it tickles!" namjoon said with his baby voice as he was now in little space. everyone stopped what they were doing when they hear namjoons voice. namjoon suddenly got scared as he thought they didn't want him in little space. namjoon whimpered as they still didn't say anything and there was total silence in the room.

"baby, are you in little space ?" yoongi asked the younger male.

namjoon pouted as he though yoongi was asking that in a rude way. "n-no." namjoon said as he didn't want them to know anymore.

"don't lie to m baby." yoongi said as he gave namjoon a warning look.

"y-yes, i am." namjoon said then quickly hid his face behind his hands.

"it's good to have you back baby." yoongi said then was attacked by kisses again and namjoon just giggled.

i'm so happy to be back.

namjoon thought as he closed his eyes and took in all the love and attention his lovers were giving him.


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