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It's been 2 weeks since the whole Yoongi incident and ever since that day Namjoon has been going to the studio staying there until he was sure his hyungs were all asleep


Once again Namjoon is getting ready to leave to the studio, his new routine.

It is currently 8:00 am, this is the time Namjoon has normally been waking up cause his hyung don't wake up till 9:30.

Once Namjoon was done getting dressed, brushing his teeth then his hair, he headed down stairs to lastly put his shoes on.

He placed his shoes on quickly once he got down stairs.

"Namjoon where are you going this early in the morning?" Namjoon was startled as he heard Jin hyungs voice come from the kitchen.

"Oh, um, i-im, just heading to the studio so I can come home early." Namjoon said as he refused to make eye contact with Jin, the pest events playing them selves over in his head.

"Namjoon, these past 2 weeks you have been going to the studio non stop and you haven't even informed us about it until yesterday when you left again, for the whole day. Just take a break."

"B-but I came up with a really good idea and I need to write it down before I forget."

"Fine, but you better be home at exactly 2:00 no later than that, you got it ?" Jin said as he pointed his finger at Namjoon.

For some reason Namjoon started feeling bratty all of a sudden.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Namjoon said as he started opening the door.

"Hey! You don't talk to your hyungs like that, and mostly no-" Jin was cut off by Namjoon walking out and slamming the door.


It was 2:25 yet Namjoon was still at the studio not giving a fuck about what Jin said.

Namjoon got frustrated and slowly slipped into to little space.

"Jin no care fow m-me, or t-the o-others!" Namjoon screamed out as he pushed his papers of off his desk.

Just 5 minutes after having a fit and messing up his studio, his phone started ringing. That pulled Namjoon out of little space, without bothering to see the caller ID Namjoon just answered.

"Namjoon what the fuck, its 2:30, and I told you to be home at 2:00 exactly!" Jin screamed out in frustration.

"Hyung i-im so-" Namjoon was cut of by Jin screaming again.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear you and your excuses, just come home! now!" Jin screamed out then hung up the phone.

Namjoon decided to just go home before he got in more trouble with Jin. With anxiety stirring up in his chest he leaves the studio.


Namjoon was right outside of the door, just staring at it, not wanting to go inside, afraid of what might happen. Namjoon just maned up and went inside.

"Jimin, is that Namjoon ?" Jin asked Jimin from the kitchen.

"Yes!" Jimin yelled back a response.

"Namjoon get in here, now!" Jin screamed out the anger evident in his voice.

Namjoon slowly started walking into the kitchen and as soon as he was inside Jin started yelling more.


Namjoon started crying, sobbing. Jimin came and tried to hug Namjoon, only to be pushed away by Namjoon. This made Jimin start crying.

"REALLY NAMJOON NOW YOU MAKE JIMIN CRY ? REALLY ?!" Jin said as he called Hoseok so he could take Jimin.

Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung came in, confusion written all over their faces. Hoseok was quick to pick up Jimin, and this broke Namjoon's heart.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that you guys have deal with me! I already know that i'm an ugly, worthless piece of shit that can't show you guys my love! I try! I really try to! b-but , I just c-can't! but ill l-leave you guys a-alone, I won't bother you guys anymore, ill just stay in my room forever, and ill never come out just to cause more trouble! I-i-im sorry." Namjoon finished with his rant and with that he ran up stairs.

He got in his room not bothering to close the door, the feeling of little space arose inside of him, quickly realizing it he attempts to fight off the feeling.

Yoongi ran upstairs after Namjoon slowly going in to his room, concern all over his expresion, seeing Namjoon sitting in a corner looking like an afraid child. Yoongi closed the door after he went in and locked it.

"Namjoon are you okay ?" Yoongi asked as he got closer to Namjoon.

"Y-yeah i'm fine." Namjoon said as he peaked out his head.

"No your not Namjoon, and its okay not to be fine." Yoongi said softly as he got closer to Namjoon.

"Stop Namjoon right now is not the time to slip." Namjoon said to himself as he started fighting not to go into little space.

"Wait what ? slip into what ?" Yoongi asked confused.

"No! I don't want to feel like this anymore! Aah! Stop!" Namjoon screamed out in pain still fighting it, clutching at his head. "I don't want to go into little space right now!" Namjoon screamed out.

"Wait wh-" Yoongi stopped mid sentence putting the pieces together. "Omg Namjoon, your a little ?" Yoongi asked the younger in shock. 


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