'All that's certain is that we die. How we die is up to us,' Pike finished; 'Who will speak for Iris Jones?'

Miller's boyfriend, Bryan Eng, stood and made his way to the front; turning to face them all.

'Iris was strong, good with a knife. She saved my life,' He spoke slowly; 'I'm just sorry I couldn't do the same for her.'

He placed a knife down on the table already full of trinkets of the dead, before he made his way back to his seat.

'We will miss Iris. May we meet again,' Pike nodded.

'May we meet again,' The rest of the room repeated.

'Who will speak for Gina Martin?'

Byrd's eyes fell to Bellamy when he stood slowly, looking like a innocent little boy. She'd never seen the look cross his face, it was weird to see him like that.

'Gina was real,' He stated with an underlying tone that was screaming for help; 'She always saw the light, even here. She deserved better. May we meet again.'

He placed the book in his hand on the table, slowly walking back to his seat. Byrd smiled softly toward Lincoln as he walked in, two guards striding in after him and over to Pike. The mutters started, everyone watching Pike stride over to Kane and Abby.

He muttered a little two loudly; 'Grounders are here, an army three hundred strong camped less than a mile from here.'

'We know,' Abby nodded.


'Indra radioed,' Kane explained.

'You gave a Grounder one of our radios?'

'Sir, are we under attack?' A guard asked, causing all of farm station to stand.

'No. We are not under attack,' Kane stood; 'The Commander sent a peacekeeping force to ensure that we can defend against any further attacks from the Ice Nation.'

'Peacekeeping force?' Pike exclaimed; 'Even you can't be that naive, Marcus.'

'Watch your tongue,' Abby hissed as she stood too; 'You're talking to the next chancellor... We're all grieving. This has been hard on all of us, but we can't let anger drive our policy.'

'Anger is our policy.'

A chorus of agreement came in reply, Byrd pushing herself up to stand; itching for a fight.

'Now, if they're here to defend us, as you say, then tell them to go home,' Pike stepped up onto a chair; 'We can defend ourselves.'

'You, you don't belong here,' A man pointed toward Lincoln.

'He's one of them,' Another shouted.

'You weren't here the last time someone tried to get one of my friends killed,' Byrd drawled; 'But I'm happy to do a rerun if you don't piss off.'

The adults looked at her, the ones closest to her moving a step back. Lincoln looked around like a cornered animal, his eyes wide.

'My boy is dead!' The man who had pointed him out yelled.

He launched a rock into the air, nailing Lincoln in the side of the head. He staggered to the side, blood quickly slipping from his skin. Bellamy raced forward as Byrd did, the girl shoving her way through the crowd that moved forward; heading toward the man who'd hurt her close friend. It didn't take her long to find him, stalking forward with an evil grin on her face as she held a small knife in her hand.

She ducked under the punch her threw, grabbing the other fist that came her way; twisting his arm across his front as she pressed her knife to his throat. A loud whistle sounded in the air, everyone stopping their fighting to turn to look at Pike. She pressed her knife harder to the man's neck, his choked out gurgle sounding through the silence.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now