Chapter 16

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~Eve's POV~
I was finally let out of the damn hospital after a whole week. A whole week of my life wasted. Anyways I'm so done with hospitals because those ghosts creep me out. But the boys are in the back seat of the car singing while Jon's bobbing his head. We really do look perfect. But were not. Were broken, lost, sad and confused. But we love, care, and appreciate each other. No one has been through what we have and that connects us. Deeply.

"Babe." I feel a tap my shoulder and I turn to Jon. "We're home." He stated. I smiled and threw the door open ready for the familiar smells and warmth. We helped the boys out of the back. I opened the door and bee lined for the couch. I have only been happier once in my entire life to be home.

Jon told me what had happened with Andrew.  To say I was livid was an understatement. How dare he come after Marc, after me. The audacity this man has.

"Who the hell does he think he is?!?!" I shouted I shot up from my spot on the couch and started to pace. This man is atrocious. My whole body began to shake with anger.

"Eve. Babe. Calm down your eyes are starting to glow." Jon said approaching me slowly his hands out in defence. Glowing. What the hell does he mean glowing.

"Huh?" My head snapping to meat his gaze. His eyes were wide and confused.

"Eve, babe. Your eyes are glowing." Jon looked so lost and I could see the tiniest bit of fear as well. I ran to the bathroom and swung open the door. Staring back at me was these bright violet eyes. Strange and alluring. They were breathtaking. Jon stood behind me just staring at my reflection with me. After about 30 seconds the glowing died down and it was just a normal violet color again. Well as normal violet you can get.

Jon walked me out of the bathroom as I was shaking to bad to consider walking back to the living room alone. What's wrong with me? Is this part of my angelic powers or something else?

"There is nothing wrong with you Evangeline. And I mean that." Guess I said that out loud. Oops. "But this could be part of your Angelic powers. As you and your brother are the only angelic off spring our kind has ever really encountered." Jon stated, deep in thought. While I was gone he grew up. He wasn't the same teenage rebel. He sold his Mustang for an SUV. He stopped wearing all black and leather jackets and started wearing business attire. Which he of course looked like a four course meal in if I do say so myself. He grew up. We both did.

I had a son. I was tortured both physically and mentally. I fought for freedom everyday. We both grew while being apart. It was sad honestly. I wish I would have been there to see Jon handling over his keys for the SUV, or that Jon was there for Marc's birth. That was taken from us. We missed out on so much of each others lives because of Andrew. I didn't hate him, well at least not as much as I should. I pitied him. How could you stand yourself after everything hes done. Does he even care? We'll never know. But Jon and I, we can do this. Make up for lost time, re-bond. I believe in us.

"Babe." Jon said waving his hand in front of my face. I looked at him and smiled sheepishly. I tend to zone out a lot I guess.

"Sorry what did you say." Jon glared at me childishly for a couple seconds then rolled his eyes.

"I said we should go talk to the elders. They must know something. Anything about your kind." He stated nodding. I smiled as the boys came running in. Marc crawled up Jon while Logan crawled into my lap. Jon smirked at me. "Mommas' boy." He said chuckling. I playfully glared back. Little shit.

"Stop making fun of my precious boy." I said squishing Logan into my chest. Jon started howling with laughter. Marc followed along not understanding what was so funny. Jon finally stopped and walked over, leaning down, he pecked me on the lips.

"This is why I love you." He stated smirking and walked out leaving me and the boys bewildered.

~Unkown POV~

Andrew stormed out of the hospital fuming. Watching from a far I couldn't hear exactly what he was saying but it probably wasn't pretty. I smirked. He shouldn't worry. I'm going to clean up his little mess that he let slip away. Love. Uck. What a fickle thing. And werewolves weak in the knees for their mates. They could be useful if most didn't have good morals and mates. But back to her.

Evangeline Striker. What an unusual name, but she was pretty strange herself. Half angle, half human. A nephlium. Rare and powerful creatures. If My siblings knew I was here they'd kill me where I stand but what they don't know wont hurt them. Plus once I kill her I can blame it all on her hot headed mate. Lucky me she has two hot headed mates.

That Jonathan one is a true idiot. That day Evangeline freaked out about the window being open, yelling and screaming at her stupid mate. Well let's just say she wasn't completely wrong about someone being in there. That someone was me, obviously, I truly was going to off her then and there, but I've decided to play with my food before I devoir it.

And the other one... Andrew. Evil consumes his soul. Its easier to pin on him but Jonathan killing Evangeline just sounds like a better story. Don't you agree?


My dear. Sweet. Evangeline.

You have no idea what's coming for you.

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