Chapter 4

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~Jons POV~

"Alpha! Rouges!" A warrior, named Kevin yelled. I looked at Cal, and me and him turned to Kevin.

"Where?" Cal called out stern.

"Coming down the drive! They were in a car so there sent was masked a little bit we smelt something strange." He said quickly. I gave him a stern nod and motioned for him to continue.

"We smelt Andrew." He said softly. My blood boiled and my heart began to ach.

"Let's go! No one move tell I say! Got it?!?" I yelled to my head warriors, they nodded and we headed out. Cal on my right and my father on the left and Anthony on our tails.

"What do you think he's doing here again?" He asked. Yes it's true it wasn't the first time, no the first time I really wanted to snap his neck.

*Flash Back*

I sat there sitting on the porch with Eve's picture in my hand. It had been 8 months! Eight excruciating months without my eve. I cried myself to sleep most night dream what was happing to her. A shadow loomed over me.

"Dad I am not in the mood for one of your speechs please just leave me alone." I spoke soft,probably sounded heart broken but I didn't care, I was, I was totally lost and alone, my one true love stolen.

"Aww brother, you were always one for dramatics." The cold voice I hated so much rang out. I snapped my head up to be met with cold Ice blue ones, no soul behind them. An evil smirk plastered on his ugly face.

"What do you want, monster?" I sneered at him. He gave me a fake hurt look resting his hand one his chest. Because below it was no heart, just a cold and empty hole.

"Aren't you glad to see me, brother?" He said evily the smirk residing to its place on his face.

"Not really Andrew." I snapped at him. Now I was standing inches away from his face.

"See I came here to tell you some news about our dear sweet Evangiline." He said in an inocent voice. In a second I had him on the ground my hand on his throat.

"Continue." I said through my gritted teeth. He was passing me off and soon enough I'd punch the damn smirk of his disgusting face.

"See dear dear Eve, she's had a child." I swallowed hard. A child? As in a baby? As in my child?

I smiled in my head at the thought of a little me or a little Eve running around. I stared at him. His smirk grown wider, and that was not a good sign.

"Oh yes, a healthy little boy, but don't worry, he should be arriving soon." He said bitterly. I growled at him. My son! What has he done to him?!?

"Where will he be arriving soon?" I growled at him. His eyes began to twinkle with mere amusement.

"Oh you know, a landfill, were the mutt belongs." He said then let out a reched laugh. Then poof, disappeared. I stood up on my knees a prossessed. My son, the next Alpha, dead. Eve must be heart broken. I'll kill him, he ruined my family, hurt my mate, and this pack. He'll burn in hell for this.

*End of Flash Back*

That day I swore I'd kill him, for me, my mate, my son, and this pack. I stepped out of the fresh hold as my pack opened a path for us. They all stood there, waiting. For about five minutes we stood there before the dark tinted window SUV pulled up.

We got in our fighting stance when the back doors opened. And two little boys jumped out. One had brown hair and crystal blue eyes while the other had blond hair and gold eyes. For a moment the two boys just stared at the pack, and me before the driver door of the SUV swung open.

Two small feet appeared but I couldn't smell them because the wind was blowing in the other direction. They stepped around the door and I saw her. My Eve. She hadn't changed much.

She had wider hips most likely because of bearing my deceased child. Her beautiful wavy brown hair reached her butt. Her violite eyes were darker but still had that spark of life in them. I couldn't move. And to tell you the truth I didn't think I was breathing ether.

"Eve?" I huffed as I took a step forward. Was it really my eve. Her eyes welled with tears. She ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Eve." I whispered as she stood again. I couldn't believe it. I leaned down and smashed her lips into mine. The sparks erupted in my stomach sending my heart into over drive.

The pack cheered as we broke from the kiss. I smiled but she turned from me.

"Boys, come here!" She yelled as the two boys came up cowering. I watched them carefully.

"This is Jon you-" She began was cut off by the blonde.

"Daddy!" He yelled as he ran to me. I was confused to say the least and the look of my pack members faces told me they were to but on instinct I picked him up and sat him on my hip. He smiled brightly at me.

"Jon this is your son, Marcus." She said as I looked at her. Her words pulled my heart strings as my wolf howled in glee. The pack link was going crazy.

I stared at my son tears in my eyes. But wouldn't cry, nope not in front of my pack. She then turned to the boy cowering behind her.

"And this is my son Logan." She stated. My heart snapped. It has to be Andrews son. She picked him up and sat him on her hip. The pack and I stared at her gobsmacked.

"No I didn't give birth to him," Oh thank the Moon Goddess. "I found him. Andrew had captured him and tortured him, I took him on. Please Jon can I keep him?" She asked like a child.

I chuckled and nodded. She was a baby, but she was my baby, and damn did I miss her. We did a family hug thing. Me and my wolf finally felt....



Authors Note

Heyo! So poor jon. I almost cried, maybe that's because I am hormonal but who else thought this was sad?

As Always




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