Chapter 13

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Two wolves stared me down, eyes wild and swirling with hunger. The fur dark, dirty and matted with blood. The rouges stalked closer as I pulled Logan behind me.

"Mommy. I'm scared." Logan said softly. I turned my head but didn't look at him. His eyes where wide and held unshed tears.

"Run." I said. Logan took off behind the tree and into the pack house. They looked at him and tilted about to run after him.

"Nun uh. You leave him outta this." I said standing my ground the two of them shook their heads and growled not liking how I talked to them. In the distance and wolf of my pack cried out in pain. I shrunk back in pain. I could feel it, I could feel them die. Tears blurred my vision and the two wolves took their chance jumping at me teeth bared.

(10 hours earlier)

The sun broke as me and Jon where out running. See the doctor said I had to start excersing to get my muscle build back to normal. So at 4 am Jon thought it was a great idea to wake me up to go running, he got punched. But he still pulled me out of bed, outside, dressed in my running clothes.  Panting heavily as I ran down the gravel path. Jon was ahead of me by like, a block. Asshole. But every now and then he turned to make sure I was still there tho I know he could hear my heavy breathing. Sigh out of the corner of my eye is saw a McDonalds.  Grinning I looked to see Jon still ahead and took a sharp turn running to the McDonalds. Slowing down to a walk pace I opened the door and stepped in the cool air hitting me, sighing in relief I went to the register and ordered a bowl of oatmeal and coffee. Sitting all I could think about was food I didn't even notice an angry Jon walk in. Until I looked up to see the veins bulging out of his neck. Opps.

"What the hell Eve?!?" He whisper screamed at me. Shrugging I looked down at my bowl.

"Sorry I just haven't eaten any fast food in so long I just thought..." I said trailing off not wanting to talk about it. Jon sighed an slumped down in the chair across from me.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't even think about it." He said clasping my hand. The was laying on the table. Tears stung my eyes as I forcefully wiped my cheeks.

"Me too, I wasn't thinking.". I said looking up at him. He gave me a pained smile, sighing he put his head in the table.

"Lets just go home after this. The boys will be up soon and I'm sure Logan will be really upset without you there." He said smiling. I narrowed my eyes. How dare he.

"Why are you so against him liking me so much?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"Im only teasing." He said light-heartedly. He clasped his hand around mine as the sparks started up my arm warming my skin. I missed this.... I missed him.

Soon enough we where home and as soon as I was through the door here comes Logan. He almosted knocked me over barreling into me so fast, right after him was Rose with a frantic look in her eye and as soon as she saw us it was replaced by a look of relief. Logan's  face was streaked with tears and his eyes red and puffy. He continued to cry while clutching my leg. I gave a look to Jon and he nodded pulling Rose out of the room with him. Leaning over I pulled Logan's grip from my leg but as soon as his finger left the fabric of my joggers the wrapped around my neck. I pulled him up and set him on my hip walking to the livingroom. Sitting in angled him so he sat in front of me only lap.

"What's wrong Log?" I said trying to look him in the eyes. He hiccuped and his blue eyes darted up to meet mine.

"When I went to school I felt out of place cuz this isn't my pack. I tried to help but he went and played with the other kids. But I didn't mind as long as I get to come home to see you. So when I woke up and you weren't here I thought something happened to you and daddy. I was scared."  He said softly. I wiped away a stray tear. 

"I'm sorry I scared you baby." I said pulling him to my chest as he began to cry again. After awhile he had calmed down and I set him down for a nap along with Marc upstairs. Sitting on the couch my eyes grew heavy and I was about to fall asleep but before I drifted into a dark abyss I felt warm lips on my forehead, tingles included.




My eyes peeled open to the sounds of alarms going off. I was in my bed and it showed me it was about 12 at night. Sitting up I realized these weren't  my alarm alarms. These were the warning system alarms. Getting out of bed I almost tripped on the blankets as I ran to the boys bedroom. Marc sat there wide eyed but Logan was gone. Grabbing Marc I headed down the stairs and out of the house. Rose came running towards me.

"I was coming to get you. We're under attack." She said grabbing my arm. I ripped it out of her grasp and all but shoved Marc in her arms take him to shelter Logan's still out there.

"But Mommy." Marc whined. I grabbed his head and kissed his fore head and then shoved Rose in  the direction of the pack house.

"Go! Now!" I shouted and turned running the other direction. I threw the door open to the house and started my search. I checked every room and under every piece of furniture but he wasn't there. Grunting I ran out the back and into the forest. Jon thought it was a good idea to show them an old tree house and Logan always liked to go out there.  Coming to a stop I grabbed the rope latter and climes up. I pushed the hatch open. Turning I saw Logan crowded in the corner. Tears falling from his eyes.

"Come here baby, Mommy's gotcha." I said softly putting out one hand. He crawled towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. Climbing down was difficult to say the least but I did it. I started towards the pack house but I heard a twig snap. Turning I felt as if I was being watched I pulled on Logan's arms and wrenched him off me setting him on the ground. He immediately grabbed my leg and hid behind me.
Two wolves slowly made there way out of the bushes. Their fur matted and torn it gave me pride knowing one of My pack members did that. But then I realised that there was two werewolves against one angel who had no clue how to use its power and a werewolf pup. Great.



The two wolves stared me down, eyes wild and swirling with hunger. Their fur dark, dirty and matted with blood. The rouges stalked closer as I pulled Logan behind me.

"Mommy. I'm scared." Logan said softly. I turned my head but didn't look at him. His eyes where wide and held unshed tears.

"Run." I said. Logan took off behind the tree and into the pack house. They looked at him and tilted about to run after him.

"Nun uh. You leave him outta this." I said standing my ground the two of them shook their heads and growled not liking how I talked to them. In the distance and wolf of my pack cried out in pain. I shrunk back in pain. I could feel it, I could feel them die. Tears blurred my vision and the two wolves took their chance jumping at me teeth bared.

Authors Note

Sorry for the long wait! I have been thinking and thinking and the first book its ginna change... a lot so sorry for all who have already read it, it will be changed and most of what's there will no longer be there come soon so sorry to all and hope you enjoy the chapter.... I know I did😈.





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