Fumiko covered her face in embarrassment. She then laid on her side and groaned. She then pushed her knees up to her chin, curling into a fetal position. "I don't know if I do! I really hope not! I'm supposed to be in love with Sugaya-Kun only! I even started to see Karma-Kun as my boyfriend in my dreams instead of Sugaya-Kun!" she squeaked.

"Like the dream where he offers you an umbrella because it rained and you left yours at home?" the athletic girl asked.

"Yes," Fumiko's voice cracked in embarrassment.

"Or the one where you two go on a beach date?"


"When you scrapped your knee and he heals it with a kiss?"


"When you nurse him back to health because he had a cold?"


"Oh my god. This is bad. Like really bad," Hinata inhaled the air through her teeth.

Fumiko then screamed while she kicked her legs back and forth.

"Hey girls, is everything okay in here?" Benjiro asked, opening the bedroom door.

"Daddy, I'm fine. It's just that time of the month," she lied.

"Are you two talking about boys?" he asked in a nosy way.

"Daddy please!" she yelled, her face and hands now beet red.

"Okay honey," he pouted before closing the door back up.

Hinata then grabbed her ankle gently. This caused Fumiko to calm down steadily. She then looked up to see her friend smiling firmly yet calmly. The pink-haired doe then sat up and sighed.

"How about I paint the rest of your nails and we talk about something else? Please. I swear if I think about Karma-Kun one last time, I'm going to vomit," she said, grabbing the nail polish and Hinata's bare hand.

"I don't mind," her friend replied.


Friday morning arrived and the students of 3E were preparing in class before they headed off to Kyoto. Some students were already in groups, chattering, while others were trying to choose which one to be in.

Fumiko's chocolate orbs scanned around the classroom to find Sugaya's group. She decided that, in order to clear Karma off from her mind, she would just hang out with Sugaya and his group until the trip was over on Sunday. She then spotted him talking to Nakamura and Chiba. Smiling and slightly blushing, she walked up broadly towards him. "Hey, Sugaya-Kun!" she said, tapping on his shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh hey, Miko! Want to join our group?" he asked, with Nakamura waving in the background.

"Sure! Just let me-" the pink-haired lass began before being cutted off by Hinata.

"Actually, she has the wrong group number. She's supposed to be in group four, not two," she interrupted, grabbing Fumiko's shoulders tightly.

"Huh?! Wait! Where do you think you're taking me?!" she whispered to her friend, who was dragging her away from the group.

"I have a much better suggestion that you're going to like!" the former whispered. Hinata then placed Fumiko in front of Nagisa, Sugino, and Kayano. They stared at her blankly.

"Miko here is going to be joining your group for the trip!" she grinned.

"Where is she even getting at?" Fumiko thought to herself, confused.

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