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sike here's the new chapter bois

roll out - NON PROOFREAD

i finished getting ready before i grabbed onto my boys and dragged them out of the room and onto the elevator. niall has already texted me that everyone was downstairs so i practically skipped out of the elevator when we hit the ground floor.

it was almost as if nothing had ever happened.

i ran up to henry and ani and gave them both massive hugs, aksel and diesel walking slowly behind me, laughing at my sudden burst of childishness. we sat down for the buffet breakfast, and i positioned myself in between my boys. i lay my head on aksel's shoulder, laughing at a joke he cracked as i caught sight of alex in my peripheral.

i glanced at him, noticed he was staring at me and aksel, tears welling in his eyes. i assume they're out of fury at me because that's all he can apparently feel for the time being.

i'll let him be mad for as long as he needs, but he can't expect me to wait for him.

that should be me. y/n shouldn't be leaning on his shoulder, laughing at his dumb jokes. she should be with me.

what the fuck have i done?

i phased out of reality and into my thoughts, continuing to stare at the pair i so desperately despised, before snapping back in and noticing her looking at me.

her face softens slightly as she notices the tears in my eyes.

- does she know they haven't really left since last night?

her eyebrows scrunch together in the middle slightly, and i can tell she's thinking about something. her face hardens again, before turning back to aksel to continue where they'd left off.

god, she hates me. i can only hope i can get her alone at some point tonight and ask about what happened. i'll keep my distance at disney because i want her to be in a good mood for it. maybe i could ask someone else while we're there.

the one thing i was looking forward to doing with her, i cant.

i don't even hate her anymore, my judgment has been clouded and i don't think she's the one in the wrong. after all that shit i said about her i doubt she even wants to speak to me again.

the least i can do is try, though. aksel might tell me what's going on, he wasn't there but he obviously knows something i don't.

i bury my face into my hands, looking down at the table i'm seated at, watching some lone tears fall onto the glossy oak. i've fucked up so bad and i barely know how to fix it.

i turned back to aksel, apologising for my sudden spacing but returned to the conversation effortlessly.

i couldn't help but think to myself how cute aksel looked sometimes.

i smiled. pretty dang cute for a bald headed bitch.

'what are you smiling about?' he asked me, grinning as well.

'could ask you the same, aksually.'

'ha-ha very funny. wanna take a walk before the uber gets here? we have 30 minutes.'

i smile wider. 'sure.'

he sits up out of his seat and takes my hand to help me out of mine too.

'where you two headed off to?' diesel said.

i turned around to answer his question and noticed that alex had looked up from the table, and saw how his eyes focused on my hand in aksel's. i pulled away from aksel in discomfort.

- why was i doing this?

i saw a tear run down his cheek in the split second before he wiped it away.

- even after all he said, i still care about him. i want to comfort him and make sure he's okay, he's never cried like this around me before, let alone a group of people.

i doubt anyone would confront him about it so i decided i would do it later. i don't wanna ruin my day with diesel and aksel with alex being a dickhead.

- why can't i just hate him and move on? after all he said about me to me and to others, why do i still want to be the only one there for him?

because i love him, and he loves me, and there's nothing i want to believe more than that he acted out of anger, said those things out of confusion and frustration.

why does everything have to be so difficult?

for the second time in five minutes, i snapped out of my slight daze to aksel lightly shaking my shoulders and diesel flicking my arm.

'sorry, we were just gonna go for a walk.' i answered, finally.

'well the uber is gonna be here in about 5 minutes, you don't really have time.'

'i thought we had 30?' aksel put in.

'app was buffering.' diesel responded, and i heard aksel sigh quietly. maybe he wanted to talk to me about something?

'all good!' i said to diesel and we sat back down. everyone was enveloped in their own conversations, beside alex, whose presence made me feel awful for myself but even worse for him. i cant help but feel like it was my fault regardless of the fact that i know it wasn't.

i took the opportunity of everyone being distracted to ask aksel what he wanted to talk about.

'was there a reason you wanted to go for a walk?' i asked. he raised an eyebrow, not completely understanding the question.

'like was there something you needed to talk to me about?' i clarified.

'should we talk about it here? it's about alex.'

i felt my face drop even though i didn't mean for it to. he must have noticed because he placed a hand on my shoulder and started rubbing circles with his thumb, calming me.

'i just wanted to tell you that i think you should talk to him - only when you're ready of course - and in the meantime either myself or someone else can tell him what is happening and what happened that night. just so that when you guys do talk, it's all cleared out of the way and it can just be about how you both reacted and where you guys will be in your relationship.'

my heart melted at his gesture. he was putting a lot of effort into making me happy and he seemed to know exactly how to do it.

'aksel, you amazing human being.' i leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly. 'that would be perfect.'

i saw a light blush dust his cheeks as he said
'i really think you could make it work. he'd be dumb to let you go, and if you really wanted to, you could both come out of this with a better understanding of each other and be stronger as a couple.'

i hugged him for a short while, and when i pulled away i kept my hands on his shoulders, holding eye contact as we smiled at each other. i felt like i had a really amazing bond with aksel, similar to the one i have with diesel.

'you're better at this relationship than either me or alex could ever be.'

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