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a/n updating from my laptop again don't kill me

non proofread also ily


Kwite likes me?

I never thought he would, in all honesty. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I'm with alex, but he doesn't know that. I wonder if alex knows. Maybe, but I won't say anything in case kwite doesn't want me to. I laid down in bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I looked at diesel, still asleep, and went to sleep as well.

-timeskip 2 morning thanks 2 my science teacher-

I woke up to diesel shaking the life out of me, saying that we were gonna be late for breakfast. I rolled out of bed and continued to lay on the floor. He came and picked me up and told me to get ready to go downstairs.

I checked the time.

It was only 8am.

I rolled my eyes at him.

'good morning to you, too, diesel.'

'im going to the gym on ground floor, take a shower while im gone.' he advised. So I did.

I thought about alex as I washed my hair, and the whole kwite situation. Hopefully kwite didn't take my response the wrong way. I said it so that I wouldn't hurt his feelings, but so I wouldn't be unfaithful to my boyfriend. I don't know how alex would react if he knew, in all honesty.

I hopped out of the shower and checked if diesel was back yet. He wasn't, so I took the opportunity to find a cute outfit. I pulled out a yellow turtleneck sweater and short overalls, as well as long white socks, black hi-tops and a yellow hairpiece. (clip, bow, scrunchie, you decide :)) I got changed, and as I walked out of the ensuite, diesel ran into me.

'you done in there?' he asked

'yeah, go shower, sweaty.' he laughed, and walked past me, closing the bathroom door.

I pulled out my makeup and started to do a basic look, base, concealer, eyebrows, mascara etc. I looked in the mirror one last time to check how I looked, and diesel walked out of the bathroom as soon as I'd put it down.

'you ready to go down?' he asked.

'yeah, everyone else is probably already downstairs so we should go.' I told him.

We grabbed our phones and room keys and headed downstairs to meet the others. As we walked out of the elevator, we noticed there was nobody from our group there yet. We decided to sit at our reserved table and wait for them before starting breakfast. I called alex, but he didn't pick up. So, I called kwite.

'hey gorgeous, what's up?' he said when he picked up my call.

I cringed a little bit. Maybe he didn't get the message that we're just friends.

'just wondering when you and alex are gonna be down, diesel and I are already here.'

'well alex is just in the shower,' theres why he didn't pick up, 'and I can come down now if you want. Im pretty ready.'

'yeah no worries, just come down soon.' I finished, then hung up.


I felt bad for lying to y/n. alex was in the shower when I left the room around 20 minutes ago, but surely he's not anymore. I was in brandon's room, trying to organise how we can get y/n and I together.

'so, how about a game of truth or dare later, and I can dare her to kiss you.'

'but we don't actually know if she likes me or not.' I interrupted.

'she didn't say she didn't. even if she doesn't, as far as we know, she's single, so she doesn't have a reason to not kiss you.'

He had a point. And for as long as I'd known y/n, she was a massive daredevil. I don't know why she wouldn't kiss me.

'so theres our plan.' brandon finished.

'okay great, let's go downstairs now.' I pushed him and jack out of the door and into the elevator, eager to see y/n.


I'm just going to act like last night never happened. I'm going to say hi to him, hug him and treat him like I always do, so he gets the message that nothing has changed and nothing will. I don't want to hurt him, but I don't want him to feel weird either, so this is a good temporary solution.

Diesel nudged me out of my thoughts and pointed to brandon, jack and kwite coming out of the elevator. I started to slightly panic, but calmed myself down. Kwite sat next to me, and jack and brandon sat opposite me and diesel. Kwite stretched and placed his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in to lean on him. I was pretty tired, so I didn't fight it, and after all, I was acting like everything was normal. This was normal. We all started making jokes and laughing about dumb shit while we waited for the others to come down, as they slowly did. First, ani and henry came down, followed by niall and hyojin, and finally, alex.


I don't know where kwite went while I was in the shower, I assume downstairs. I knew I'd missed a call from y/n but I feel too bad to call her back. I'd be downstairs soon anyway. I came out of the elevator, and I felt better since showering and getting ready, I'd calmed down. I scanned the breakfast area for my group and spotted them as brandon waved at me. I smiled, but it soon faltered as I saw y/n leaning her head on kwite's shoulder, his arm around her, both of them smiling and laughing.

Without me.

I know that they're just close friends, but I can't help but be paranoid that something happened between them last night. But y/n wouldn't do that, right? Either way, I walked up to the table and stood opposite kwite, as it was the last empty chair of 10. What an amazing coincidence. Everyone started to get up and go get breakfast, y/n got off of kwite and came up to me.

'hey.' she said, and smiled.

'hi.' I said bluntly, without looking her in the eye. I know I had no reason to be mad at her and act like this, but I couldn't stop myself.

Her smiled faltered, but she quickly picked it back up and tried to continue the conversation.

'how did you sleep?' she asked. I loved how regardless of how blunt people could be, she'd still be kind to them until she decides there's something wrong.

'great.' I said, continuing to avoid looking directly at her. As dumb as it sounds, I wanted to be mad about it. Not at her, but I wanted to be mad, and if I looked at her I knew I wouldn't be able to do it. I can't stay mad at her for long, especially if it's something that isn't her fault.

'are you okay, alex?' she asked. She knew something was up.

'fine.' I said, turning away. I caught a glimpse of her face as I walked off, and I saw the pain in her eyes. She had no idea what was going on. Neither did I, if I'm being honest, but there was something, and I couldn't deal with it.


I don't know why he was acting like that. He only tends to act like that when he's angry or anxious, but at least when he's anxious he talks to me about it because I can help him. I can't think of anything for him to be mad about, though. I could tell I looked upset, but he wouldn't know that because he couldn't even look at me. I'll try again with him later.

'you alright, y/n?' henry came up to me. 'you haven't gotten anything to eat, and you have this look on your face kind of like a kicked puppy.' he said.

'I'll be fine,' I put on a smile, 'just hungry.'

'well,' he started, reaching his arm out. I linked mine with it, 'let's get something to eat.' he beamed.

We walked off to the buffet, sharing a plate of god knows what because we didn't want a lot, but we wanted to try a lot. This made everyone have to shuffle seats, and I wasn't next to kwite anymore or across from jack. I was between henry and niall, and across from diesel. We continued to laugh, and I looked over at alex to see that he had lightened up a bit too. Good, I'm glad he feels a bit better than before. I'll let him lighten up more before I try again, or I'll let him come to me.

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