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a/n sorry i didn't upload when i was supposed to i have exams at the moment and im kinda stressed but im here to bring u more alex content that ur apparently into so thats always fun. anywho hope u enjoy the update sorry i kinda fell off for a bit. introducing someone new in this chapter so i hope thats fine with you guys but at the end of the day they're here to stay :P

on my laptop again so non-proofread as always :)


my phone buzzed again, breaking me from my imminent rage. i once again hoped it was y/n, but i don't think that would be the best for me. i dont know who i want it to be.  i picked it up, turning the phone over in my hands, seeing the name pop up across the screen along with the name.


what did aksel want at this time? it would be around 6am for him right now. 

'hello?' i sniffled slightly.

'woah, hey dude are you alright? what's up?' great, now he knows im an absolute mess right now.

'i mean not really,' i took a deep breath and paused. 'what do you need?' 

'well i was about to say i just landed in cali for vidcon.'

'did you actually?' i responded.

maybe aksel could make me feel better if i could get to him.

'yeah im at the airport and i knew you were here so i was gonna come and stay with you guys.'

'yeah, sure! i'll leave my room, because i need to anyway and i'll crash with you on another level or something, yeah?'

'okay... do i need to know why you need to leave your room? or should i not bother asking.'

'i'll come to the airport now and i'll explain everything on the way to the hotel. give me 20 minutes.' 

i hung up the phone and sighed, wiping my cheeks as i ordered an uber to the airport. i think aksel might be able to help me ignore my feelings and maybe even get over her.

and to believe i wanted to talk to her only minutes ago. i don't even want to see her, let alone speak to her. as upset as i am, i can't let her get to me. she's just a cheater. that's all she'll ever be.


'why didn't you guys tell us?'diesel asked, completely in disbelief at the story of mine and alex's relationship. 

'to be completely honest, i don't really know. i think it had something to do with not wanting a lot of attention from his fans if it got out, or maybe to avoid getting made fun of. i don't know. ask him one day, if we get through this.'

'i don't think he'll get over you that easily, and once you tell him what actually happened he'll be fine with you. i'm just worried for kwite.'

'fuck kwite! can you believe my best friend pulled that shit on me? diesel what the fuck was everyone thinking?!' i asked, tears welling in my eyes again. 

'listen, all i know is that kwite is head over heels in love with you, and everyone was just trying to help a brother out. then again, because you hesitated they really shouldn't have tried it.'

'honestly, i get where they're coming from and i'd want that for him too if it was anybody else but its just so fucking stupid of them. did you see exactly who it was? i don't wanna blame people who didn't do anything.'

'if i'm being completely honest, which i am, it was brandon and niall.'

why didnt i guess that?

'okay.' i said, resting my head back on top of my knees and letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

'i know he's going to be mad at me, and i really don't want to face him, but,'

'but?' diesel pressed.

'but i love him, im quite possibly in love with him, and to lose him over someone else's fuck up mixed with my inability to confront someone would be stupid, and i really need to do this.'

'but we don't know where he is...' diesel started, before his face lit up.

'wait, did you say that you're in love with alex?'

i smiled a little to myself.

'yeah, i guess i did.'

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