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writing on my laptop creates the illusion that im studying hhehhhe

also sorry not sorry for all the cliffhangers they're kinda my shit as u can see because i end every chapter with one lol


'is that aksel?' diesel asked.

the voices were getting louder as we turned the corner to get to our room.

the second voice was alex, i knew that for a fact. i started to feel slightly anxious as his voice got nearer. diesel was completely silent. so was i. all i could hear was my heart beating in my chest and alex's voice.

we turned the corner to get to our room.

'alex?' i said upon seeing him.

he turned around and i could see that he was with aksel. when did aksel get here?

doesn't matter anyway. aksel's eyes widened as he watched every single move alex made. i'm assuming alex told him what happened. all i can do is hope he doesn't think im a cheater.

'what do you want?' he spat at me, crossing his arms, keeping his distance.

there was a cold look in his eyes that scared me slightly. i could no longer predict him, and he wasn't seeing me like he usually does. he's seeing me as something i'm not. i can't tell what he's thinking anymore.

'alex listen -' i started.

'oh come on, y/n. don't give me bullshit excuses. don't try to make me feel bad for you and try to say you did it to "save" us, don't tell me you love me and i didn't see what i think i did. don't try to convince me that you're anything more than a cheating bitch.' my eyes started watering.

this wasn't alex.

he sighed and balled his fists at either side of his bodies.

'i wouldn't be surprised if you were fucking him the whole time we were together.' he spat at me.

i couldn't help the tears from streaming down my face.

'were?' i asked, getting out only one word before my body started shaking.

'yeah, y/n. as if i'd stay with you now. what is wrong with you?' he spat again, digging the knife deeper as he took a step back.

i took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes, my sight blurry and my heart broken.

'if that's what you really want, alex, you can have that.' i turned around, taking the room key from diesel and going into the room. the last thing i hear before the door closes, as i sit down on the side of the bed, placing my head in my hands was diesel's voice.

'alex what the fuck? '

and the door closed.


'alex what the fuck? ' i said, starting towards him.

'why would you do that?!' i yelled at him.

'what, is she fucking you, now, too? is that why you've got a room together.' he said to me. nothing was getting through to him.

'you know what, alex? you know nothing. whatever you think you know, you have no idea.' i said, deciding to keep calm because i'm not going to waste my time arguing with him.

y/n probably needs me to be there with her right now.

'you've jumped to conclusions without asking her anything. you've really got no fucking clue, and you haven't even acknowledged that you weren't watching the whole thing.' i gestured to aksel, 'he's probably got you brainwashed too.'

aksel shook his head.

'alex, i told you something wasn't right.' aksel said in response.

'so you're siding with the slut, too? call yourself a friend.'

'alex just shut the fuck up and listen to people for once!' i looked down, rubbing my temples between my thumb and forefinger, 'you literally just shattered the heart of a girl who was proud to call herself yours. she was fucking in love with you, and you're out here saying shit like that? you may think there is something wrong with us and her, but the real problem is you. i'd recommend you think about the situation before you make anything worse for anybody else.'

i looked up and noticed his face had softened.

'hey, diesel? can i stay in your guys' room tonight?' alex looked him and i did a once over him. he knows something not right and he knows alex fucked up.

'aksel...' alex started.

'listen man, you're one of my best friends but you really fucked up. i don't know what's going on either but i'm gonna try to get to the bottom of it like you should have.'

i let aksel into our room and i stayed in the hallway, watching alex.

'diesel, what happened?' he asked me. i wanted to show him mercy and tell him, but he really needs to think about it himself and ask someone else.

'you should have asked that before. don't come near myself or y/n for a little while. ask somebody else. maybe not kwite though, i don't think that would be good for anyone.'

i saw a single tear roll down his cheek as i turned to open my room door.

'goodnight, alex.' i said, and closed the door behind me.


what have i done?

i walk into the room aksel and i were supposed to share.

what happened when i wasn't watching?

all these thoughts were rushing through my head until i realised;

i might have just lost the love of my life.

i sit down on the edge of the bed, head in my hands, watching tears roll off of my nose and cheeks and hitting the ground, dotting the carpet with tiny puddles.

and it's all my own fault.

little secrets - quackityhqΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα