I'll Make This Feel Like Home

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-You sure he will take this well? - Niall asked as he and Louis walked upstairs.

-Why not? I think he will love it.

-I bet he is gonna be mad at you, Lou. - Niall said, patting Louis' shoulder.

-Come on, man. He doesn't have any reasons to be mad. - Louis tried to convince Niall and most of all himself. 

     They entered the room, where Liam was watching "Pink Panther" on his daddy's laptop. Louis walked closer to the bed and bent down near him. 

-Liam? Can we talk, baby?

     No answer. 


     No answer.

     Louis looked at Niall, silently asking for some help. Niall just walked closer and whispered in his ear.

-Wait until the main theme is over. You don't think he would listen to you when Pink Panther is playing, do you? 

     Louis just rolled his eyes, but subconsciously started humming the beloved tune. Dudum dudum dudu dudu dudum dudum duduuuuum. 

     When it finally ended, Louis paused the video, getting a long whine from the boy, and tried again.

-Li, can we talk?

    Liam just looked at him, waiting impatiently, just wanting to continue the cartoon. 

-Look. Please don't react too badly on this, but ... um... how do I say this? We are moving away to a new house. It is bigger, has a huge garden, a pool, and you are also going to have your own room. We will start packing today and will move there by the end of the week. - Louis explained to him, waiting for cries and pleas. 

     But instead of that, Liam just stared at him with wide eyes, not believing what he just heard. Before he could ask him any questions, Louis interrupted.

-It is real, Liam. I am not kidding. And it's not like a lot of stuff is going to change. I know you will miss some people, but this should be done. 

     Liam just looked at him angrily, jumped off his bed, grabbed Niall's hand and stomped out of the room. Louis dropped himself on the bed, thinking "Like father, like son. Now how am I going to get this overdramatic mushball to talk to me again?" while grinning to himself. Liam had no idea how adorable he looked when he was angry. 

     After some time he walked downstairs to find Liam cuddled into his uncles on the couch. Harry, Niall, and Zayn looked surprised and confused but didn't mind Liam's affection. 

-Hi, boys! (Meet Leeroooy, the choreographer :D )

     He sat down, causing Liam to groan and crawl from Harry's lap to Niall and to Zayn. Just as far from Louis as possible, still not looking at him. 

-Leyuuuuuum, stoop ignoring meee! - Louis basically whined and kneeled in front of Zayn. 

     Without saying anything, Liam stormed upstairs again, struggling on the steps only a couple of times. He hid under his blanket and stuffies, feeling betrayed. He may be a toddler, but Louis could at least ask him before buying a new house. 

     He couldn't care less about the house itself. He loved it, but he actually liked the idea of being in new places. Also, he would have his own room. He was too small to have any close friends. But leaving the house meant leaving his uncles. He could never do that. He couldn't live without his Uncle Hazzy's cookies and jokes, Uncle Ni's voice and hugs, and Uncle Zaynie's kisses on his head and stories. The thought of saying goodbye to all of these brought silent tears to his eyes and he cuddled deeper into his tiger. 

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