Best Uncle Nomination

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-Louiiiiiis, can we wake him?

-No, Niall! Let him sleep.

-But I wanna cuddle him already,-Niall answered in the whiniest voice possible.

-Me too! Let's wake him up, then we will let him sleep again- Harry joined in.

Before Louis could argue, Zayn immediately answered,

-Nobody is waking him! He is a baby, not a doll. He needs to sleep. And stay quiet. Lou, let's babyproof the house while he is sleeping. Harry, you make dinner, and Niall, please go buy some baby food. 

Niall and Harry just nodded obediently, while Louis had a satisfied smile on his face. He knew he was not alone in this, but he didn't expect Zayn to be as protective as him. 

Both of them quickly finished their task and sneaked into Louis' room. Zayn felt like he won an Oscar, cause he was the one Louis trusted the most. Not that he hoped that Niall and Harry would make mistakes (well, just a little bit) but he aimed to become the best uncle ever, much better than the other two. He was even jealous of Louis, as he would give up everything to be in the father's place. 

-Look at him. He is so tiny! Can you imagine what a handsome boy he will turn into when he grows up?- Louis whispered. He never saw a creature this peaceful and innocent. He never thought he would become so careful and responsible in one day. Just yesterday, Louis was the energetic, loud, and carefree young man. But now, he was ready to take this boy under his wing and never let him go. 

-Yeah, that's for sure. But I don't want him to grow up fast. But I also can't wait to teach him to ride a bike.-Zayn said with a laugh. Laugh. Something that was rare for him. Guess that was the effect Liam had. He turned this tough and cold man into a warm, happy uncle. 

-The fans are gonna get wild when they find out about him. I bet they'll love him more than us.

-Who wouldn't?

-Yes! I have a feeling, he is going to receive a lot of love from them. But, we also need to be extra careful, and never let him out of sight. Even when he grows older.

-Lou, he is stuck with us for a lifetime, and we are never going to leave him alone, no matter what.- Zayn assured him with a smile. 

They both continued staring at the sleeping boy, who started moving a little. A few minutes later he woke up and looked at the other two with his big brown eyes, trying to figure out what these two big figures are. He didn't get an answer, but he felt comfortable and safe, especially when Louis picked him up and Zayn caressed his cheeks. 

Soon, Louis and Zayn walked downstairs with Liam. Dinner was ready, and Niall came back with some baby food. They all sat around the table with Liam in Louis' lap. 

-Awww, look who is awake!-Niall cooed. 

He bent down near the baby and played with Liam's tiny fingers.

-Hey, sleepy head! I am your uncle Ni. We are gonna have so much fun together, you know. Then, when you grow up a little, I will teach you how to play the guitar. And, hey! Maybe you will join us and become the fifth member. 

-My turn! My turn,- Harry bent down beside Niall and caressed the baby's feet.

-I am your uncle Hazza. I will always be here and when you grow up and learn to play the guitar with this leprechaun, I will teach you how to cook and bake, so we will always have tasty snacks for movie nights. 

Louis was looking at the child with teary eyes. He was so happy to have his best friends with him. Liam was surely going to be showered with love and care. He had the most amazing uncles and one overprotective dad that wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that would try to hurt his son. 

After the dinner and a long lazy evening later, Zayn took Liam to Louis' room. The other lads have cuddled the baby one after the other the whole evening, and Zayn wanted some alone time with his nephew. Louis was more than happy to let him have his moment. Zayn sat down on the rocking chair with Liam who was looking at him expectantly. 

-And I am your uncle Zayn. I may not have cute nicknames like your other uncles, but you can call me whatever you want. Well, first you'll have to learn how to talk, won't you?, - He laughed and his heart melted when Liam reacted with a small smile, loving Zayn's voice, and held Zayn's finger with his tiny fists. 

-I promise you I will be the best uncle. I won't let anyone ever hurt you, even if it is a friend or family. Liam James, from today, my purpose, the reason I live, is to make sure you are always safe and happy. You are already the most beloved person in this house, and all you have to promise is to always be a good boy I know you are.  

With that Zayn kissed the half-sleeping boy's temple and continued to rock them back and forth. 

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