Tears of an Angel: Part 2

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After an hour of Zayn's tortures, Liam was finally asleep. Zayn brushed his tears, not wanting to see proofs of Liam's sadness anymore. He stayed with his beloved child for a while, making sure he was alright. When he was convinced enough, he kissed Liam's curly head lovingly, mumbling an 'Uncle Zaynie loves you, baby boy' and leaving the room.

     Liam was feeling horrible. He was feeling guilty, because as certain someone said his daddy was feeling lonely. He had to take care of that. His head was already pounding from the long day, as he never felt that awful before.

     But then, he got the best idea ever...

He woke up in the middle of the night in search of Zayn, the only person, who could help him. He took his stuffed tiger, Jaime (Hear me Roar 🐯🦁) afraid to face the darkness of the night alone. Before leaving the room, he walked closer to Louis' bed. Louis looked horrible. He looked so tired that his body was squeezed tightly into the bed and was completely still. His appearance doubled Liam's feeling of guilt, and he decided to start his plan as soon as possible.

Liam walked to Zayn's room to find it empty. Maybe he was with his other uncles? But there was nobody except the owners in the rooms. There was nobody in the bathroom either.

He carefully walked downstairs, not seeing anything except a few light lines on the edges of the steps. Thank God, he managed to walk down the stairs completely safely, and entered a newer level of darkness. Silence reigned in the house,alongside with the black shadows. The kitchen was empty. The living room was empty. The bathroom was empty.

Liam even thought about checking the garden, even though he wasn't allowed to leave the house, even during the day, let alone in the middle of the night. But before he reached the front door, he heard scratching sounds that were clearly audible in the silence of the night.

Liam followed the frightening sounds and found a little light coming from the narrow distance between the door and the wall. The door that lead to the place Liam was never allowed to enter.

The basement door.

Liam held Jaime even tighter and pushed the wooden door. It cracked in a nerve-wrecking slow motion.

-Niall! I told you to leave me the fu.. - Zayn growled angrily, turning around with a sharp knife in one hand and an object that the boy couldn't identify in the other.


Zayn quickly hid the objects in a drawer near the old table and quickly ran to the small child. Liam was standing still, clutching on his tiger. He was frightened of the room but he would never be afraid of his loving uncle Zaynie.

Zayn picked him up and walked out of the basement. Liam managed to notice an object, of the size of an adult's head, covered in a black cloth. No matter how much the basement felt like a nightmare, he was in his uncle's arms, who would always protect him.

Zayn entered his room and sat Liam on the soft bad. He stood in front of him.

-So what happened, Li? Why are you up at this hour?

-I want you help, uncle Zaynie. - he answered sweetly.

-Help with what? - Zayn asked in a concerned voice. What could the kid need at such a late hour?

Instead of answering the question, Liam jumped off the bed and ran to his and his dad's room with Jaime in his arms, leaving Zayn totally confused.

Zayn's confusion grew even bigger, when Liam ran back to the room with a box, full of pencils, oil colors, brushes, and a bunch of papers.

After successfully explaining what he wanted, they both started working on Liam's plan. Zayn was happy to see Liam in his usual cheerful mood again. And if this plan was the reason, then he can let him stay awake for one night.

"Let's just hope, Liam will not ask anything about the basement" with this thought, Zayn continued helping his nephew, not wanting to sleep, anyways.

This one turned out really creepy 😂
Any guesses what Zayn was doing in the basement?




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